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Hunting - what the public really think?

qwerty | 17.02.2005 16:48

Just so you know what "the majority of the public" really think...

..if you happen to be planning some dumb anti-toff action on Saturday

Want hunting banned?

4397 Votes Cast



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17.02.2005 17:24

Fox hunting, Who cares. This issue has been used by the blair government to divert attention from much bigger issues such as Iraq. Like the situation in Scotland after they banned it hunting will go on exactly as it did before. The police are not going to enforce it

Smoke and Mirrors

not as before

17.02.2005 18:17

no, as of now it's illegal and as reluctant as our conservative friends in the force may be, i'm sure they will be pulling out all the stops to enforce this particular law. it'd look real bad if they didn't.

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17.02.2005 18:18

What's so "dumb" about an anti-toff action?

And where did you get your stats from? I read today in the Independent that most people are indifferent to the issue. They are no less pro-hunting than they are anti- it.

I think the real issue is not how many PEOPLE want foxes to be left alone, but how many FOXES would prefer not to be hunted.

fantastic mister


17.02.2005 18:40

Yeah you're right. The Chief Constables all agreed stopping hunting is low on their agenda. I expect they'll be a couple of show prosecutions following League Against CruelSports provided evidence to give the impression of action but after a couple of months nobody will care. There are now more foxes being killed in Scotland since the ban was bought in and in England all the publicity was a godsend for hunts, many of them have seen an increase in members and revenue. I suppose it gave a thrill to a few of the Class War types but frankly it has achieved nothing except allowed the government to get the media talking about something else.



17.02.2005 19:12

so sabs with cameras now bring prosecutions because conservative, pro-hunt police keep turning a blind eye. what's the difference?

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17.02.2005 19:20

Yes I agree. Seems to have all been a waste of time. As I understand the law the only illegal bit is the killing with hounds stuff. How are the police going to enforce it? Presumably follow every hunt to see what happens at the end. Bad law for bad reasons. Having said all that I hope to make a film about this issue on saturday. Going to the beaufort hunt to see what transpires. I hope to get views from all involved and show what i see.

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Won't happen

17.02.2005 20:59

"so sabs with cameras now bring prosecutions"

I don't know how. Proving an offence under this law will be near impossible which I presume is why it was framed in the way it was. The comments of various Chief Constables were not because they support hunting but because they of all people recognise a bad law when they see it. Even if the LACS supply detailed film of hunting taking place this will not be sufficient for a prosecution.

As a lawyer I would be more than confident when defending anybody accused of hunting under this bill, I would almost guarantee to see them found not guilty.

Phil (a lawyer)


17.02.2005 21:47

>>I don't know how. Proving an offence under this law will be near impossible ... blah blah blah

countryside alliance propaganda insisting that all will go on regardless. it won't.

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18.02.2005 19:20

Well it has in Scotland, why do you think it will be any different here in England ?

Another Hunter