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Council Bailiffs Duped by Protestors

Frodo | 15.02.2005 11:54 | Ecology | Cambridge | London | Oxford

Protestors NOT evicted at Linslade. The protestors retreated under the cover of darkness as a surprise tactic against the Council. The fight goes on....

Bucks Council arrived this morning with the heavy mob at Linslade to murder half a dozen more ancient trees. Hundreds of security and police, some on horses, as well as professional climbing baliffs, accompanied the Council goons to evict protestors from the six treehouses.

However the murderous councillors were left with egg on their faces when it emerged that there was nobody in the trees to evict. The protestors had retreated under the cover of darkness as a surprise tactic against the council, who had already paid for police, balliffs, security and climbers.

Nothing was to be gained by fighting a pitched battle on this day. These trees were doomed but the road is far from built and the battle goes on.

Local protestors were on the verge to show their opposition to the destruction. There were no arrests, but the trees are gone and a bit of us has gone with them.

Unlike the trees we are free to fight another day.

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For you - Horse Sh*t!!

15.02.2005 16:03

You should get lots of Cow/Horse Sh*t from local farms and spread it all over the area they want to clear.

That'll put them off wandering in where they're not wanted!


Road Wrecker

About the scab climbers they brought in

16.02.2005 08:52

Would anyone know if the scab climbers brought in were the same ones they used to bring in from Sheffield during the previous round of protests?

old hand


16.02.2005 22:10

So . . . . .. you ran away and are now trying to present this as a victory !

Ha Ha Ha !