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Michael Howard: Grandfather might have been illegal immigrant

di | 14.02.2005 06:48

Mr Howard's father, Bernard Hecht, who came here in the 1930s, falsified details about his parents when he applied for British citizenship in 1947.

WELL, 'ere's a turn-up fer the books, as Cockneys might say. A nice young boy, son of a Jewish immgrant, comes into the world as Mordechai Hecht, and rises to the Conservative Party leadership as Michael Howard.

Mr Howard put it about, not once but on several occasions, that his blessed grandmother had met her end in Auschwitz, which seems to have become an increasingly fashionable way of having died; while his aunt and uncle had miraculously eluded Heinrich Himmler's "gas chambers". His aunt escaped them not once, but three times, even as the gas had begun to "hiss" into the chamber, or "because the gas had run out"; etcetera.

NOW, oh, calamity, researchers appear to have discovered that his grandmother, like her husband, died in Romania, not Auschwitz at all. Tho' note that this brave newspaper puts it the other way round -- she died in Auschwitz, and his father lied (for no visible reason) in saying she had died in Romania.

Because surely Mr Howard did not just decide to profit from the genuine suffering of others? -- To join the multitudes who have found it so profitable to dine out on the Holocaust,

Public opinion polls in the UK have revealed that the overwhelming majority of the British electorate (67 percent at the last count) have stated that they will never vote for a Zionist prime minister of England.

Time may of course change all that. But that factor, the latent anti-Semitism of the English, need no longer concern is: what matters now is if one liar, Tony Blair, is to be succeeded by another. That seems increasingly unlikely. .

The Tory leader's grandmother died in Auschwitz but at the time his grandfather was living in London.

However his father, who anglicised the family name after settling in Britain, claimed they both died in his native Romania. In an interview with the Daily Mail newspaper, he [Michael Howard] said: "I have speculated on the reason and I suppose one possibility is that my grandfather might have entered Britain unlawfully."

The Conservative leader, whose new hardline policies on immigration have attracted criticism, says the reason his father gave incorrect information will remain a mystery.

The revelation follows his announcement of proposals that would see MPs set a limit on immigrants who would be selected through an Australian-style points system.

He said:"As for my grandfather, there might have been some irregularities about his status." Mr Howard decided to reveal the mystery after investigative journalist Michael Crick began looking into his family background the paper reports.



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15.02.2005 14:08

what is the point of this story? it keeps michael howard and the tories in the press when they are an irrelevance to everyone except the labour party which needs to have an enemy to justify its own existence. the enemy of both these parties is the anti-capitalist movement for global justice - and that is why it is never in the press. do a search of bbc news and see how many hits you get for G8 and anti-capitalist groups like dissent! none. bye bye tories, bye bye new labour.

- -


15.02.2005 15:26

"his blessed grandmother had met her end in Auschwitz, which seems to have become an increasingly fashionable way of having died"

I don't think I have ever read a more offensive sentance. If I was jewish I would be even more offended. Why is it now considered acceptable on Indymedia to be offensive to jews ?


Sick of this

15.02.2005 17:17

Surely it's becoming more fashionable to tell the Jews to stop fucking whining?

There are plenty of other victimized groups out there.

Sad that they just don't have the loud-mouthed bullying clout that we Jews have.

Daniel (yes.. a JEW)

Strokes Beard

15.02.2005 19:24

"Daniel (yes.. a JEW)" - - - yeah right course you are

I don't think so


16.04.2005 10:24

This article serves one purpose and one purpose only - to highlight Michael Howard's Jewish background and link him intimately with Zionism. The two ideologies do not automatically go hand in hand - and Mr Howard has not expressed undying support for Israel and has even expressed support for the UN two state solution in an interview with the Muslim News. As such, a Howard premiership does not automatically mean a Zionist premiership.

This automatic assumption by the writer that a Jew is Zionist is either a result of a very poor understanding of the Jewish community or even worse, anti-semitism at its worst.

In addition, the comments about the Holocaust carry a level of poison that if directed at say, a Black man whose ancestors had been brutally enslaved etc, would lead to a severe reprimand.

For too long, certain figures on the left have complained that they get called anti-semites for simply criticising Israel. Well this is an example of why, because there are figures on the left who are disguising their vitriolic xenophobia and anti-semitism under the veil of legitimate criticism of Israel.

Jack Richards