Men who batter women are terrorists
Utopia Bold | 13.02.2005 03:57 | Gender | Repression | London | World
Men who batter women are terrorists
Nuclear war begins with the nuclear family
by Utopia Bold
In the U.S. the FBI's definition of terrorism is, "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce the government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives."
Men who batter women use force and violence to "intimidate or coerce" in furtherance of their "social objective" —male supremacy. Since women are a "segment" of "the civilian population," men who batter them are legally "terrorists.
Male-supremacist power institutions like religion and government have developed in every culture. Carol Christ who wrote "Why Women Need the Goddess" said, "In order to change society, the changes would have to be in the best interests of the people controlling the power institutions. If their interests are not served, the changes are repressed."
Scripture is a collection of statements (script) attributed to God and written by men. All the world's major religions are male supremacist, their respective gods "granting" men the right to be the family dictator.
Men's gods are also "terrorists. They also use force and coersion, threatening hell and punishment if one dares to disobey.
Presently, men control religion, finance, the military, the media, education, the global economy, technology and government. Thus, issues which particularly interest and affect women such as domestic violence, the environment, housing, child care, job training, education, family planning, and health care are chronically underfunded —if they're funded at all.
In Webster's Dictionary, "family" comes from the root word meaning "group of servants." A "husband" is the "male head of the household". "Husband" is also a verb meaning, "to use and employ to good purpose and best advantage," as in animal husbandry. "Wife" comes from the root word for "veiled" and also means "the female of a pair of mated animals."
Bill McCartney, founder of the right-wing men's group Promise Keepers, tells men to "tenderly and gently" take their "god-given" position as "head" of the family . But what happens when women don't placidly submit to being "husbanded?"
Wife-beating is a "traditional family value." The "Rule of Thumb" was a law allowing Englishmen to beat their wives with a stick "no thicker than a man's thumb" to make them obey.
According to the US surgeon general, battering is the number one "health" problem of women in America.
Since families are the building blocks of society and most families are male supremacist dictatorships, it follows that societies and governments reflect the "traditional" family's dictatorial "ethic of"might makes right."
Nations are macrocosms of dysfunctional families and war is a macrocosm of domestic violence. The personal is political. All violence is connected. The U.S. 90 percent male government hands over nearly $500 billion a year to the military.
The "big boys" get to buy all the "war toys" they want while schools are underfunded, the homeless shiver in the cold and battered women have no place to go.
More than one in four children in the United States lives below the poverty level and many people dont have enough money to pay rent and buy food. Tens of millions of Americans cant afford health insurance.
Much of this shamefully squandered tax money was taken from women. Thus, women are forced to be "enablers" of dysfunctional nations just as battered women are often forced to be the enablers holding their dysfunctional families together. Many can't leave, since there "isn't enough money" for battered women's shelters and resources.
Early feminist union organizers encouraged women to come out of their homes and participate in "social housekeeping" to "sweep away" oppression and "clean up" society.
As Susan B Anthony said, "failure is impossible!" If war begins at home, so does peace! If you or your children are threatened by a household "terrorist," visit for more information about domestic violence and how to safely leave a dangerous partner.
Nuclear war begins with the nuclear family
by Utopia Bold

In the U.S. the FBI's definition of terrorism is, "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce the government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives."
Men who batter women use force and violence to "intimidate or coerce" in furtherance of their "social objective" —male supremacy. Since women are a "segment" of "the civilian population," men who batter them are legally "terrorists.
Male-supremacist power institutions like religion and government have developed in every culture. Carol Christ who wrote "Why Women Need the Goddess" said, "In order to change society, the changes would have to be in the best interests of the people controlling the power institutions. If their interests are not served, the changes are repressed."
Scripture is a collection of statements (script) attributed to God and written by men. All the world's major religions are male supremacist, their respective gods "granting" men the right to be the family dictator.
Men's gods are also "terrorists. They also use force and coersion, threatening hell and punishment if one dares to disobey.
Presently, men control religion, finance, the military, the media, education, the global economy, technology and government. Thus, issues which particularly interest and affect women such as domestic violence, the environment, housing, child care, job training, education, family planning, and health care are chronically underfunded —if they're funded at all.
In Webster's Dictionary, "family" comes from the root word meaning "group of servants." A "husband" is the "male head of the household". "Husband" is also a verb meaning, "to use and employ to good purpose and best advantage," as in animal husbandry. "Wife" comes from the root word for "veiled" and also means "the female of a pair of mated animals."
Bill McCartney, founder of the right-wing men's group Promise Keepers, tells men to "tenderly and gently" take their "god-given" position as "head" of the family . But what happens when women don't placidly submit to being "husbanded?"
Wife-beating is a "traditional family value." The "Rule of Thumb" was a law allowing Englishmen to beat their wives with a stick "no thicker than a man's thumb" to make them obey.
According to the US surgeon general, battering is the number one "health" problem of women in America.
Since families are the building blocks of society and most families are male supremacist dictatorships, it follows that societies and governments reflect the "traditional" family's dictatorial "ethic of"might makes right."
Nations are macrocosms of dysfunctional families and war is a macrocosm of domestic violence. The personal is political. All violence is connected. The U.S. 90 percent male government hands over nearly $500 billion a year to the military.
The "big boys" get to buy all the "war toys" they want while schools are underfunded, the homeless shiver in the cold and battered women have no place to go.
More than one in four children in the United States lives below the poverty level and many people dont have enough money to pay rent and buy food. Tens of millions of Americans cant afford health insurance.
Much of this shamefully squandered tax money was taken from women. Thus, women are forced to be "enablers" of dysfunctional nations just as battered women are often forced to be the enablers holding their dysfunctional families together. Many can't leave, since there "isn't enough money" for battered women's shelters and resources.
Early feminist union organizers encouraged women to come out of their homes and participate in "social housekeeping" to "sweep away" oppression and "clean up" society.
As Susan B Anthony said, "failure is impossible!" If war begins at home, so does peace! If you or your children are threatened by a household "terrorist," visit

Utopia Bold
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