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Internet action against Blair and the Labour party NOW ~ TAKE PART

anti-war | 11.02.2005 14:37 | Social Struggles | World

Ineternet Action NOW and this weekend to coincide with Labour's Spring Party Conference.

An internet action is taking place NOW and over the weekend against Blair and the Labour party. The action is taking place in the NNTP (usenet) newsgroups uk.politics, scot.politics, wales.politics and scot.politics.

You will need access to an NNTP server to participate - your ISP should have one but try this link news://uk.politics.

NNTP newsgroups are read worldwide by national governments, journalists, etc.

Your participation in this action is actively encouraged.



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Try THIS link

11.02.2005 17:22

Here you get a list of all the UK newsgroups including the politics ones


Try THIS link

11.02.2005 17:22

Here you get a list of all the UK newsgroups including the politics ones


Labour Party spring conference

11.02.2005 17:39

begins today: 11-13 February at the Sage, Gateshead.
new slogan: "Britain, forward not back"

nobody vote for these people.

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re: nobody vote for these people

11.02.2005 21:50

When I was at uni, this bloke Phil introduced me to his girlfriend and she said in her dappy chattering-classes way of speaking "So, who are YOU voting for?" before laughing and smiling and answering for me before I had a chance, "LABOUR??? ;-)" with a sort of conspiratorial look of Oh yes we're all voting labour HERE, he he. Phil then continued "Ya see, what I love about the Labour party is that you feel like you're on the right side, one of the good guys! You're voting FOR single mothers, FOR asylum seekers, FOR an ethical foreign policy".

I was so flabagasted at the sheer stupidity of these people and what they'd fallen for that I was lost for words. What I would have said was "er... well the thing is, if you're FOR all these things then you should be voting AGAINST the New Labour party because New Labour is no friend of single mothers OR asylum seekers and Robin Cook's "ethical foreign policy" is a cruel joke!".

Fucking naive liberals, fucking student Blairites - their hearts were in the right place but what PLANET were they living on.

I guess it's the usual mistake though, of **overestimating the benignness of power**.
