A quote for Palestine leaflets
j | 09.02.2005 17:04 | Anti-militarism | South Coast | World
This quote shows what kind of f*!$wits control Israel. I suggest it is used in palestine related leaflets and briefings.
When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it’s going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today, with the aid of an insane fundamentalist Islam. The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day. If we don’t kill, we will cease to exist. The only thing that concerns me is how to ensure that the boys and men who are going to have to do the killing will be able to return home to their families and be normal human beings.
—Arnon Sofer, professor of Geography at Haifa University, father of Sharon’s “separation plan,” quoted in The Jerusalem Post weekend supplement, May 21, 2004.
—Arnon Sofer, professor of Geography at Haifa University, father of Sharon’s “separation plan,” quoted in The Jerusalem Post weekend supplement, May 21, 2004.
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09.02.2005 17:45
Preacher Dr. Ahmed Yousuf Abu Halbiah, PA TV, 28 July 2000
The rise of the Palestinian State is a stage after which there will be another stage and that is the state in place of Israel with the elimination of all the Jews within it.”
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, 25 Nov. 1999]
The Palestinian people accepted the Oslo agreements as a first step and not as a permanent settlement, based on the premise that the war and struggle in the land is more efficient than a struggle from a distant land [i.e. Tunisia, where the PLO was based before Oslo -Ed] ... the Palestinian people will continue the revolution until they achieve the goals of the ’65 revolution...”.
[P.A. Minister of Supply Abd El Aziz Shahian, Al Ayyam, 30 May 2000]
[The “’65 Revolution” is the founding of the P.L.O. and the publication of the Palestinian charter that calls for the destruction of Israel via an armed struggle.]
Two sides
Two occupiers?
09.02.2005 20:53
All 3 of your quotes come from here: http://www.pmw.org.il/specrep-31.html
Palestine Media watch is a disinformation agency, run by right wing settler Itamar Marcus, and his team of former Israeli "Intelligence" Officers. He is at the centre of the lies about Palestinian schoolbooks:
http://lawrenceofcyberia.blogs.com/news/2005/01/open_letter_to_.html explores his shitness in some depth.
The fact that you think the charlatan is a credible source is somewhat sad......
09.02.2005 22:18
09.02.2005 23:37
So, anyways, how many Arabs need to say that they don't like Israel, before it becomes an existential threat?
The vote for Mahmoud Abbas is very clearly a vote for a 2 state-solution, by people within Palestine. Its a bit different with the diaspora Palestinians as they appear to have been excluded from any say in resolving the issues that have shaped their lives for the last half century. If they're not allowed a say through the ballot box, then I guess you have to expect that they will have a say in other ways.
The mutterings of the powerful are perceived in a very different way from the mutterings of the powerless.
Now, if your family had been displaced in the Nakba, and much of your existence had happened in refugee camps, can you hand on heart state that you would support the existence of the entity that had caused so much suffering?
10.02.2005 10:08
Until you come to terms with the wish of many Arabs and Muslims to see all Jews dead and the elimination of the state of Israel you will remian part of the problem not the solution.
Get It Yet ?
Oh yes I get it......
10.02.2005 11:56
So, in order for Israel to win the approval of the whole of the Arab world, does it actually have to do something in your view? Or is enough to keep publicly and blatantly destroying Arab lives and homes, and to deny the right of indigenous peoples to return to their historic homeland?
I clearly need to repeat this:
"Now, if your family had been displaced in the Nakba, and much of your existence had happened in refugee camps, can you hand on heart state that you would support the existence of the entity that had caused so much suffering?"
Although my predicition is that you'll ignore the fact that it directly addresses the fact that there are Arabs who dispute the very legitimacy of Israel's existence as a Jewish state in the Middle East.
Instead you'll be frothing about the accuracy of quotes from disinformationists is my guess.
Perhaps you're part of the problem.....
Really ?
10.02.2005 13:25
Laughing at you small mind
10.02.2005 14:33
Laughing at the irony
"you small mind"
10.02.2005 14:40
I'd welcome some of this "overwhelming evidence" of which you boast.
Where exactly is it? All I see are inventions and embroidery......
Here's an idea
10.02.2005 16:12
Not ftp and glad of it
Waste of time
10.02.2005 16:58
He follows a predictible pattern
i) Denial
ii) Ridicule
iii) Demand for "proof"
iv) Describes proof as "Zionist"
v) Degenerates into vague concipracy theory > Mossad > CIA > Bilderburgers etc
Most of us respond in a simple format. We ignore him and don't respond to his Trolling
yer but no but yer but
10.02.2005 17:07
Lets not all forget who the occupier is and who the occupier is and who the occupied people are. and lets not forget who the govts around the world are backing and who they let die everyday. Supposedly Iraq was bombed because it breached 12 UN resolutions and this was a clear sign that it would never comply...........
if its 12 strikes and you're out then what should happen to israel? U do the maths i cant be f#$ked to.
Its strange how a people who have felt suffering from first had like the jews did, can then go on and cause this suffering to another peoples. Without wanting to take anything from the jewish activists who I admire for standing up to this regime, we better face it, most Israelis support what goes on in palestine. Maybe its time we made our voices louder, and clearer about this issue, in order to prevent the extermination of the palestinians.
In Support of palestinians
It's Zionism, not Judaism
10.02.2005 17:11
I see very little "anti-Jewish trash" on Indymedia. But there is a good deal of anti-Zionist criticism. When all other arguments fail, Zionists play the "ant-Jewish" or anti-semitic card in an attempt to silence their critics.
The world wide web ......
10.02.2005 17:24
You'd think, considering the amount of time I spend on the internet, coupled with the fact that I comment on it a fair bit, that I'd have seen this overwhelming evidence somewhere before.
I'm glad that you're not me as well. I hope that you find out who you are soon .... perhaps you're THE Indymedia disinformationist, or maybe there are several of you.
As you (singular or plural) seem too insecure to adopt an identity and stick with it, one never knows..........
10.02.2005 17:27
Jewish and not a Zionist
10.02.2005 17:46
Ah yes, glasses, geeky, no girlfriend. Yes I think we've all got the picture now.
Did the nasty Jewish boy call you a name once and now you spend yoour time posting rubbish about Israeli to get back at him, poor you.
Laughing and Laughing and Laughing
10.02.2005 19:41
Its a little strange to call yourself "Jewish and not a Zionist " and then go on to say that anti-zionists are masking their anti-jewishness. It's almost as if you think the two things are the same.......
No doubt the Jewish anti-zionists are in fact "self-hating", no?
"Ah yes, glasses, geeky, no girlfriend. Yes I think we've all got the picture now."
Ooh make those hetero-sexist assumptions why don't you!!!!!!!! You think you've got the picture?
No glasses. No geek skills. No partner.
"Did the nasty Jewish boy call you a name once and now you spend yoour time posting rubbish about Israeli to get back at him, poor you."
You proud of that one? I wouldn't be if I was you.......
Still, attacking me is a lot easier than coming up with "overwhelming evidence" in support of racial supremacy and slow ethnic cleansing.
Any time you feel ready to provide the "overwhelming evidence", I and others will be ready to take it on board......
10.02.2005 19:51
What's this bigotry about glasses!!!
10.02.2005 20:34
I have glasses, and I have some fairly developed geek skills, involving Half-Life, that I haven't used for quite a few years, admittedly. And I have a gorgeous girlfriend.
So, well done for showing yourself up as the small-minded nasty bigot you are. May you be eternally slapped about by hordes of enraged geeks, wielding their copies of Doom 3.
10.02.2005 21:38
Giggling like a child.....
11.02.2005 08:55
Displaying an over-sensitivity to "anti-semitism", whilst displaying rank, offensive bigotry suggests that you're obsessed with one form of prejudice, whilst you actually indulge in prejudices yourself. It doesn't add up.
Perhaps you're just trying to muddy the water now - you're not even a convincing troll with a convincing argument to put over.
No proof, just screaming and giggling fits .......
11.02.2005 09:50
To quote a bad sci-Fi show "the truth is out there". I'm not sure what's worse, the idea that you know I'm right and simply will not admit it or worse your bigotry and bias has made you so blind to the facts you really believe you are right.
On the up side you have given a dam good laugh to about 30 students here in London, thanks.
tedious & unimaginative
11.02.2005 12:11
... attack the messenger (avoids confronting the message)
... distort the truth, add disinformation (avoids focus on real events, quotes etc)
... in fact I can't even be bothered to list all the various facets of zionist propagander, suffice to say that they never play with a straight bat.
We have to begin to look at the climate that spawns this philosophy and the people that organise and distribute it ... by doing that, we come to the inevitable conclusion that sky ghost politics are the root of it ...
... my sky ghost is bigger than your sky ghost ...
... my sky ghost told me that I don't have to treat you as equal ...
... my sky ghost told me that what is yours is mine ...
Fucking religion (as oppossed to spirituallity) predating on ignorance ... so fuck islam, christianity, judaism and all the other patriarchal god FEARING parasites.
There is no such thing as israeli, palistinian, jew, zionist, muslim etc etc ... its all in [your] mind. Who put it there and why?
If you think your entitled to treat people badly because someone or something tells you its OK and your right to do so - you are mentally ill and are being exploited.
Contact with the suffering and depredation of all people, work towards allieviating this and you are on the road to recovery - add to it with hubris, meaness, exclusivity (& thus exclusion) and self-serving falsehood and you become further mentally ill, with less likelyhood that you will realise that you are a bio-electric-magnetic phenomena with consciouss energy powering you.
For some this is a long hard road, and it has to be said (because it is the truth) that betar and their ilk are on this long path. That is just the mechanical facts of the matter. For those that take the time to analyse both meaning and intention, the rabid zionist bag of tricks is pretty disgusting when put against the backdrop of the universe and the potential for all consciouss beings to experience it.
Or to put it another way - you sad fucks - can't you understand that you display a naked lunch? You cannot fool all the people all the time. Nor can you annilalate those that see through or oppose you.
The universe acts to concentrate intellegent energy and you cannot buck, trick or fool this system.
Power and love to those that use love as power (ftp & hermes - to name but a few).
e-mail: jackslucid@hotmail.com
11.02.2005 14:22
Simply thrashing about, shouting liar, with foam coming out of your mouth, does not a convincing argument make.
random comments, random people
11.02.2005 16:54
quote Abbas!!!! then we'll take you more seriously
the random number generator: rand() is not that random!
But are they just random comments ?
13.02.2005 18:02
In Holland I know that groups of jewish / Israeli students are formed into part time media pluggers.
These people scour the media for articles critical of israel and then get on the phone to the authors and
give them some serious grief.
I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing wasn't going on in the UK, one of the comenters on a recent palastine
story openly stated that he worked for a Jewish newspaper.
As one of the comments on this thread also mentions there is a lot of disinformation floating not just regarding israels activities in Palestine, Mossad is busy in most countries.
The two dudes who were recently booted out of New Zealand seem to have been up to some serious monkey business.
I reckon that even the postings on indymedia are part of the overall campaign which goes right from the worst of the corporate media right down to IMC they are very through and want to cover every news outlet indymedia included. It's becoming very difficult to make the ravings of the despot israeli regime are becoming increasingly hard to cover up even with almost total control of the media is evident and europeans are not swallowing the
the invaders being the victims line any more. Still it's a compliment to IMC that they should feel the need to spin their lies hhere.
maSonic Youth
High opinion
13.02.2005 19:18
I like Indy-Media, it's interesting and informative but the idea that it is of interest to the likes of Mossad is plain nuts !
Not Mossad or anybody else, just a student