Your chance to say no to the Olympics in London
Noel Impics | 07.02.2005 18:00 | Ecology | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | London
London is awash with posters advertising the opportunity to Back the Olympic Bid. Noticably absent however has been the opportunity to state your opposition to the bid.
The No London 2012 campaign now has a petition and an online counter you can use to register your opposition to the bid.
You can sign the petition online at, or download a printable pdf version from
To add your no vote to the counter, visit the nolondon2012 homepage and click the "No to the Olympics" graphic on the right of the page.
Let's get a few thousand no votes up before the International Olympic Committee visit!
You can sign the petition online at

To add your no vote to the counter, visit the nolondon2012 homepage and click the "No to the Olympics" graphic on the right of the page.
Let's get a few thousand no votes up before the International Olympic Committee visit!
Noel Impics
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Let Greece be an example
08.02.2005 16:30
1)Cameras were placed in the streets of athens for the first time in Greek History, for so called security purposes now they still remain and have been deemed permanent (though we are in the process as a people of smashing man of them up)
2) were gonna be paying for these olympics for an estimated 20 or so years to come
3)the jobs created by the olympics were from immigrants being paid virtually nothing to work all day-more than 20 died
4) Newer stricter Anti-Terror Bills were passed robbing us of more rights
5) The US army was allowed in the country to protect US intrests (coca cola and all other official sponsors who were in your face for half a year) Athens was one big paradise for Multinational corporations.
6) Everyones doped up in one way or another anyway-look at all the pharmaceutical companies behind countries and athletes
The meaning of the olympics has been dead for many decades, all wars were ended for this event in ancient times yet today at times of wars from one side of the planet to the other, people are being killed by the same countries who partake in this farce. Im not signing this petition even though ive been studying here 4 four yrs because i dont represent the english people, but i think as many as poss should sign this and not allow yourselves to be sucked into this vacuum called Olympic slavery
Greek Anti Olympicarian