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gerry aams

johno | 07.02.2005 17:18 | Liverpool

sinn fein speaker gerry adams has been refused right to speak in liverpool by the trades council for next mayday celebrations.
the reasons have not been given, but heightened fears over terrorism are likely to be the cause.

the decision by Liverpools trade council to ban sinn fein and spokesman for ireland gerry adams from giving mayday greetings will go down in history.

not for being a brave stance against terrorism, but for bending the knee to british chauvinism and its phoney war hysteria, for the small minded who equate the IRA stuggle for indepence with the british media hacks description of it freedom is an issue taken for granted until its taken away of course.

the historic links with Ireland and lIverpool go back to the last century, the two are interlinked in so many ways and affect each other all the time.

to deny a politicalspeaker from across the water for his political views is crap, only recently david irvine(known killer and unionist politician) was allowed here to speak at Liverpool university, and recently that well known ANC terrorist nelson mandela was speaking against poverty in trafalgar square.

how are we to inform ourselves and make an opinion if free speech is denied, this harks back to thatcher depriving the IRA witht the oxygen of publicity, meaning actors had to lipsynch words for republican speakers on the news.
pik botha once praised the british for her laws in relation to ireland refering top the pta terrorism act(1974) updated and amended by blunkett 2000 ad.

we dont need to streghtenthe state we should be asbout dismantling it
no borders
fredom for all to move
no immigration laws
keep the doors open

letters to liverpool trades council, of protest should be sent and help to reverse this policy giving the irish people freedom that we expect from them when we visit.



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Sad day

09.02.2005 15:19

I agree this is a disgrace. He should be allowed to speak. He is the elected representative of a large constituency who are fighting for liberation.

Upon what possible grounds could they justify not letting him speak? They would, not doubt, reply with some drivel about the IRA killing civilians. I wonder how many of these same trade union bureaucrats gave Blair a standing ovation at conference while bombs fell on Iraq?

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