Graffiti from around Oxford, pt. 9
aex | 06.02.2005 15:13 | Culture | Education | Social Struggles | Oxford
part 1:
part 2:
part 3:
part 4:
part 5:
part 6:
part 7:
part 8:
part 2:
part 3:
part 4:
part 5:
part 6:
part 7:
part 8:
Hide the following 32 comments
Praise !
06.02.2005 21:27
Tags vs real stuff
07.02.2005 09:52
The Bush napalm one is good though, and the Square-Eyes too.
This IS real authentic stuff.
07.02.2005 13:41
dump the egotistical ones please
07.02.2005 21:45
piss artist
08.02.2005 00:06
Art is overrated
08.02.2005 11:27
I'm not just having a go at glitch because much of the tagging is the same. Sorry but straight tagging style graffiti is as sophisticated and appealing as a wretched dog cocking it's leg on a fence. It's purely to do with promoting one's self for no worthwhile and certainly not any political reason. Me me me! Look! I've been here! Who gives a f*$% that a dog or person with an overdeveloped ego decides to mark some territory off as their's? The graffiti with the Abu Ghraib prison images are great, spot on. Some of the others with tiny political messages like "Free Tibet" that appear to have been added almost as an afterthought seem more than a little shallow to me.
Basically what I'm saying is that there's too much dross already on Indymedia without it being added to by a load of apolitical art. Art on it's own is overrated and should be off topic. There is so much wrong with this world due to political reasons that needs putting right first before we should indulge ourselves in art. Do you want me to make my point by sending up my holiday photos and see how relevant you think they are?
piss artist
politics shmolitics...
08.02.2005 15:29
however, i snap what i see, and i post what i snap. i dont like people telling me i should only post "political" graffiti. for me, graffiti IS political, in its very nature. to do that would be basically posting ones i like and omitting ones i dislike - a popularity contest.
i doubt all these people claiming only like "political" graffiti would be to chuffed if they saw a piece that said "go fox hunting!" or "ban refugees".
not to metion, these posts are helping to represent an under-represented and opressed art form. surley any art form that is repressed by the powers that be is automatically "political". any way, i could ramble on...
im pleased that its generated a bit of controvosy, and as long as im allowed to post these pics i will. enjoy!!
Heavenly stuff
08.02.2005 21:52
Crazy !
09.02.2005 20:52
Oh please!
09.02.2005 23:40
Your statement that because graffiti is illegal further politicises it is also rather absurd. I hope you'll agree that the hateful billboard adverts dreamed up by overpaid, coke snorting advertising execs are hardly good art. So consider this:
Lambeth council itself has been felling billboards that never had planning permission. By your definition, does this mean that the lying car ads that were felled on one side of the road were somehow better and more political than the legitimate identical ones on the other side of the road? Why not?
How dare I say that art is over rated? Well quite easily. There, I just said it again and the sky hasn't fallen in. Don't get so uptight and precious. If just a fraction of the energy and grants that went into promoting bad art were directed into sorting out some of the problems of this imperfect world, then far far more people would be smiling. I won't be posting my holiday photos. I never claimed they're particularly good and besides, the volunteer Indymedia administrators have enough to do without having to hide deliberately off topic postings.
piss artist
Eerie similarity
10.02.2005 04:40
That's because Wholebine and Vicki are both really Roger Moreton,
Here in New Zealand, we like to amuse ourselves by emailing Roger viruses, and listening to him plead with us to stop.
Sorted out that little problem yet, Roger?
There was a survey !
10.02.2005 09:34
I didn't think Piss Artist would actually want us to see his much hiped holdiday snaps ! Good art isn't as easy as he thinks.
I don't know anyone in New Zealand. This Peewee sounds like a troll. What's he on about? Sending anybody viruses is wrong, anyway. His comments should be censored.
Diagnosis on Roger's little problem
10.02.2005 13:32
Dr. Benway
Kiwi lapwing really ?
10.02.2005 17:01
Not evil.
10.02.2005 18:10
I met you once, and friends of mine who know you have confirmed that you behave exactly in real life as you appear in print: only happy when you're belittling someone, or making their lives unpleasant.
This might account for the very small number of friends you have. Now that you're getting on a bit, don't you think it might be time to change your strategy?
Dr. Benway
From Roger Moreton
10.02.2005 21:22
Nor should I be depicted as an art-obsessive, particularly when it comes to modern art. It’s true that I have done three short courses on History of Art, but they were on Classical influences, the Northern Renaissance, and American Art (from the earliest colonists). The stuff daubed on our walls and photographed by the likes of aex has no connexion whatever with Art in this sense (except possibly some of the loonier modern American creations,which never impressed me).
I have never knowingly met Dr Benway, but am gratified that he doesn’t think I am evil. It is extraordinary the libel that Indymedia is prepared to publish when it gets its collective knife into somebody, but at least I am in good company (e.g. Andrew Smith).
It does seem to me that it would be most improper (indeed the idea is repellent) to determine and publish the identity of any contributer to what is passed off as an anonymous forum, but of course they do whatever they like.
I foolishly made contributions to Indymedia when it started, using my own name and giving my real email address. It is very noticeable that no-one else does this, and I have paid the price. It is true that I have been sent viruses from New Zealand. I realised a long time ago that Indymedia is not really as claimed a forum for local people in Oxford to express their views whatever they may be. One must subscribe to a very narrow range of viewpoints (and even be the right age, as Dr Benway suggests), or risk being ridiculed and of course censored. I am very much opposed to this censorship of comments, which resembles nothing more than fascism. I don’t expect this comment, made in self-defence though it is, to remain on the website for long.
Roger Moreton
11.02.2005 13:24
Basically structured interviews were used to speak to about 30 people who walked past the murals on Cowley Road for a project done for Oxford Brookes university anthropology course. Now it was done at a certain time, at a certain place(which would have affected the findings somewhat), but the findings were as you point out. I think responses might have been different in the middle of town or in North Oxford for example though. And yes, the council disliked it (but took it in their stride - not wanting to lose their jobs)....and yes the most memorable comments did come from someone who actually cleaned the graffiti off and really did seem a bit ignorant of the irony of him hating the graffiti artists.
It was fun to do this project, would have been even better if we could have built it into something more substantial.
paul k feyerabend
Old tosser speaks again
11.02.2005 15:50
Roger Moreton
Vicki the middle class Brian Sewell wannabe
11.02.2005 16:26
Most art is seriousley overrated. And if you are so concerned about art hitting the streets and presumably implying that it is a real creative outlet for the working classes then you are way off the mark supporting the proposition that the men that have to clean the crappy tags off the walls are thick. they actually are working class and not just art school ponces.
and by the way a well written virus directed at a worthwhile target is art of a high nature and grand purpose. Unlike the midless tags that deface the walls of many of the countries already run down areas and add to the feeling of neglect and deprivation that sadly far too many people in this affluent country find themsleves living in.
clean up the tags and let the interesting thoughtful pollitical graffiti thrive.
Nice old Danger
11.02.2005 17:16
Against Method
11.02.2005 18:50
...but in the absense of a more comprehensive study it does no harm to repeat these findings.
if you want to make a research proposal that is beyond all criticism, I invite you to put the money up, put together a research model (probably using huge sample sizes and a combination of methods), and go ahead and commission it. Because you are clearly not an unbiased participant on this subject, you would not be a suitable researcher for such a project - and would have to hire someone to do this for you. And even if you were, it would be possible to call it 'flawed', as did Blair et al when they were comprehensively shown that 100,000 people had died due to their aggression in Iraq. C'est la vie when it comes to qualitative methods I suppose. (see the Lancet for this study)
god i'm being boring...need beer. keep on spraying.
paul k feyerabend
14.02.2005 10:20
Why shouldn't i agree with you? I have no idea who you are. As far as visuses are concerned i actually think that they are for the most part a pointless waste of everybodies time and more often than not generated by small minded school boys with a need to be noticed, much like the majority of art. However, if art in the present day can be considered to be almost anything, unmade beds, little plastic figures, and tags then viruses should also qualify. I personally think that the majority are annoying and pointless much like most art and tagging.
i have never sent nor knowingly passed on a virus, nor have i exhibited a tent or a decapitated shark - nor will I.
14.02.2005 10:46
This is the best of the meaningful Oxford graffiti, with a clear message to passers-by (but very little aesthetic visual appeal). It is on the corner of Henley Street and Hurst Street.
It’s strange how paul k feyerabend seems to feel a macho need to have a go at Rogerox, when the two of them are basically in agreement. They both know that the 30 was a small sample all collected at one spot, and that the work done by students in the Cowley Road one afternooon 4 years ago cannot remotely be called a reliable scientific survey on attitudes to graffiti. Nor is there any reason to suggest that old people making such a survey would be any more prejudiced than young people !
Does Indymedia dogma demand the exclusion of anti-graffiti opinions as much a possible ?
And how strange
15.02.2005 07:44
Posting as Troll, Vicki, Wholebine, etc. etc., in an attempt to make it look like someone other than you would be whining endlessly about nothing at all. I see stuff up here from you that's been posted as late as 2am sometimes.
Don't you get embarrassed, looking like such a complete saddo in public?
Let's all be totally honest about our identities from now on.
16.02.2005 00:20
Anyway, why is, say, this Vicki “whining endlessly about nothing at all” more than, say, Piss Artist or anyone else ? Vicki in fact seems to be mainly repeating what she has learned here from other people.
Nice try, Roger.
16.02.2005 09:24
I'm not Father Dick Burn, either:
You, however, frequently post using multiple names on the same page, and refer to them in the third person in a vain attempt at portraying your unstable ravings as views held by more than one person in the entire city. It's your idea of low cunning, apparently.
Why do you suppose that your flamebait spam gets flushed all the time, but when other people post criticism of an article, it doesn't?
I'm pleased to see that all this has been left up though, as it was high time you were allowed to make yourself look like a complete twat in public.
Must dash now.
Poor attempt, Dick
16.02.2005 11:54
It's a plot, Roger!
16.02.2005 19:03
Frequently removing things!
David Bowie
No, it's worse than that!
16.02.2005 19:08
Sending you viruses from New Zealand!
I recommend you head over to Dick Barton's house right NOW, and pick a fight with him about it!
Daniel Boone
Calling all artists
30.03.2005 18:27
Oxford Goblin
29.09.2005 23:33
The goblin head.
I've taken pictures of what I've been calling "The Oxford Goblin" whenever I run into it.
It just caught my eye.
There used to be one under a bridge in the St. Ebbs area and there has been the red one on Cowley Road for ages.
So, any ideas on who is doing it?
Charles Daniels
31.12.2005 20:00
production with mems evail and veks and neak round the corner
no beef