FREE ANARCHIST POLYKARPOS GEORGIADIS, trial:Feb.16, solidarity demo-Athens Feb.7
@ | 05.02.2005 20:08 | Repression
Anarchist Polykarpos Georgiadis was arrested in Thessaloniki last May and has been in prison since then. His trial will take place in the city of Serres on February 16. Today in rainy Athens 300 people participated in the solidarity demonstration called by anarchists.
On February 7, about 300 people participated in the solidarity demonstration called by various anarchist groups and individuals in Athens.
Photos from the demo:
Trial: February 16, 2005 in Serres
On the 16th of April 2004, plain-clothes cops arrest P. Georgiadis in a street in Thessaloniki and take him to the city's police headquarters. After detaining him for hours, the media triumphantly present a police scenario about "a bomber having been arrested red-handed". In the beginning, they present P. Georgiadis as the perpetrator of an unclear number of arsons that have taken place in the city... Finally, they end up accusing him of one "arson attempt" against a car, belonging to a private security company, which was parked in the street where he was arrested.
Denying all charges, he states that as an anarchist he was for long a police target. Even the cops who arrested him admit they knew him because of his anarchist activity. Georgiadis also stresses that passing from the place where he was arrested was part of his daily routine, something that the cops following him knew very well.
His arrest is the result of the desperate and futile effort of the police to solve the case of a series of arsons. Thus, the scenario fabricated contains everything that would help the police restore its prestige: incrimination for any unresolved case and conflicting reports about him having accomplices, so that the cops can claim they have achieved the "neutralization of a whole organization". The latter leads in raids in houses of comrades and friends of Georgiadis. For the same reason, the scenario soon starts to collapse. The jabber about the "accomplices" will be eventually abandoned, along with the attempts to blame Georgiadis for the ...dozens of actions the police was speaking about in the first place. In the end, even for the one accusation remaining, the cops who say they caught him in the moment of action are unable to present the incendiary device that would be supposedly used for the arson. With these fabricated charges, Georgiadis was sent to jail on April 20 and now after ten months of imprisonment in Koridallos he will be brought to trial, on February 16, in the city of Serres.
His persecution is part of the state's attack against society and specifically against those who resist, with any way they choose, the projects for the imposition of the modernized dictatorship of control and repression, exploitation and alienation.
Using as a spearhead the doctrine of security and cultivating an atmosphere of terror-hysteria through the Media, the state intensifies this attack, imposing a State of Emergency (with special terror-courts such as the so-called "second trial of the Revolutionary Popular Struggle" that will begin on the 7th of February, with isolation cells and "anti"terrorists acts, with a police-state in the streets and the expansion of surveillance systems), in order to eliminate and isolate any voice and action of resistance, to intimidate society and extort its submission.
Against state terrorism and the fabrication of social consent, we oppose solidarity, being aware that what the state wants when persecuting one militant is not having to deal with all of us.
Open Assembly of Anarchists-Antiauthoritarians
February 2005
Photos from the demo:


Trial: February 16, 2005 in Serres
On the 16th of April 2004, plain-clothes cops arrest P. Georgiadis in a street in Thessaloniki and take him to the city's police headquarters. After detaining him for hours, the media triumphantly present a police scenario about "a bomber having been arrested red-handed". In the beginning, they present P. Georgiadis as the perpetrator of an unclear number of arsons that have taken place in the city... Finally, they end up accusing him of one "arson attempt" against a car, belonging to a private security company, which was parked in the street where he was arrested.
Denying all charges, he states that as an anarchist he was for long a police target. Even the cops who arrested him admit they knew him because of his anarchist activity. Georgiadis also stresses that passing from the place where he was arrested was part of his daily routine, something that the cops following him knew very well.
His arrest is the result of the desperate and futile effort of the police to solve the case of a series of arsons. Thus, the scenario fabricated contains everything that would help the police restore its prestige: incrimination for any unresolved case and conflicting reports about him having accomplices, so that the cops can claim they have achieved the "neutralization of a whole organization". The latter leads in raids in houses of comrades and friends of Georgiadis. For the same reason, the scenario soon starts to collapse. The jabber about the "accomplices" will be eventually abandoned, along with the attempts to blame Georgiadis for the ...dozens of actions the police was speaking about in the first place. In the end, even for the one accusation remaining, the cops who say they caught him in the moment of action are unable to present the incendiary device that would be supposedly used for the arson. With these fabricated charges, Georgiadis was sent to jail on April 20 and now after ten months of imprisonment in Koridallos he will be brought to trial, on February 16, in the city of Serres.
His persecution is part of the state's attack against society and specifically against those who resist, with any way they choose, the projects for the imposition of the modernized dictatorship of control and repression, exploitation and alienation.
Using as a spearhead the doctrine of security and cultivating an atmosphere of terror-hysteria through the Media, the state intensifies this attack, imposing a State of Emergency (with special terror-courts such as the so-called "second trial of the Revolutionary Popular Struggle" that will begin on the 7th of February, with isolation cells and "anti"terrorists acts, with a police-state in the streets and the expansion of surveillance systems), in order to eliminate and isolate any voice and action of resistance, to intimidate society and extort its submission.
Against state terrorism and the fabrication of social consent, we oppose solidarity, being aware that what the state wants when persecuting one militant is not having to deal with all of us.
Open Assembly of Anarchists-Antiauthoritarians
February 2005
