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Global Call for U.S. Boycott at World Social Forum

Anti-Fascist | 05.02.2005 19:03

"Pol D'Huyvetter, from the international boycott campaign secretariat in Belgium, declared-'The economic boycott is an effective non-violent tool with which concerned citizens around the world the can vote with their wallets against the aggressive policies of Washington..."

The world needs to unite in opposing the threat posed by the USA to our existance. The U.S. is rapidly de-generating into a fascist dictatorship which wants to rule, rape and destroy our world. And since the yanks are also so obsessed with accumulating astronomical and exponentially increasing amounts of wealth-this is their weakness the citizens of the world can use to stop their madness!


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boycott america

06.02.2005 12:09

oh yeah, go go go. but this isn't a boycott bush, boycott republicans issue. this is a boycott corporate america thing. US corporations support democrats almost the same. crash the empire and all else follows.

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Boycott the Internet, it is connected to the USA!

06.02.2005 19:55

When people browse the internet they often access sites in the USA, in doing this they clearly are undertaking acts of physical support for global capitalism, never mind if they are visiting anti-capitalist web sites such as these which are hosted on the USA:


Yeah.... right....

There are more non-US Indymedia sites located in the USA, and yes the above is supposed to be irony...

Anti-US nationalism seems just as bad as *any* flag waving nationalism to me -- the problem is global capitalism and we need global opposition and solidarity and action to create a better world and this includes working *with* people in the USA...

Try looking at the US Indymedia sites listed on this page, in the cities list in the left hand column -- there is a lot of opposition to what the US government and US corporations are doing from *within* the USA.

The US government is crap, of course, but *all* governments, all states, all nations are as well!

For a world without borders, nations or states!


Anti-US nationalism

06.02.2005 21:56

no, not anti american. that's missing the point. of course there are many americans fighting the same cause, we use their resources, support their resistance and of course free market capitalism is transnational. anti-americanism is, as you suggest, a kind of racism but anti-american corporatism as opposed to anti-global corporatism is a winning strategy. where, in all this mess, is the pivot? washington.

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Other specific war boycotts

07.02.2005 09:16

US criminal
US criminal

Boycott the War!
For Mother Earth is calling for a boycott of US products related to the war in Iraq

Stop the War
Stop the War against Syria before it starts - Boycott the U.S.! Despite the efforts of millions around the world to stop it, the U.S. war against Iraq is imminent. If war comes, and we have deliberately NOT supported this boycott, then the

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The USA must be stopped!

07.02.2005 17:18

This is not a question of nationalism but of human survival! The USA wishes to conquer, control and doninate our world at ANY COST! Example-in addition to the yank's antics in Iraq, this is what they are doing in Haiti:

Soon it will be Iran, Syria, country after country! It is what is in store for the entire world until the world wakes up and pulls the plug on the U.S.!

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