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watcher | 05.02.2005 17:38

The civil rights organisation 'Liberty' are backing the use of phone-tapping as criminal evidence, in exchange for the Home Secretary withdrawing Burmese-style plans for house-arrest. There have been no voices of dissent.

For Liberty to support a proposal like this surely means that they've been suckered. Allowing phone-tapping as evidence will only give the authorities the power to extend it. The point is not that the resulting evidence will allow us to jail more criminals or terrorists - even the most minor of criminals knows how to speak in code. The point is that we have a Home Secretary who's prepared to enforce totalitarian rules. He may withdraw one of his more extreme proposals temporarily, so that the people can voluntarily give up part of our protection against such regimes, but how long before he brings it back again?



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06.02.2005 12:18

pity there wasn't any tapping going on when iraq invasion legal advice by falconer was being discussed. could've bagged a netful of terrorists there.

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06.02.2005 14:09

The only reason I can see for the government opposing the use of this evidence, is that they have such comprehensive records that the pretense of living in a democracy would be shattered. Labour clearly don't care about civil liberties, maybe they care more about preserving the secrecy of the state.



06.02.2005 15:09

This MUST be fought. No organisation should have the right to spy on its citizens in any way. The rights of those seeking to plant bombs must be protected. Islamic fundamentalist terrororism must be allowed to flourish otherwise how else will the people of Europe be forced to adopt Islam as their religion.

End all

sunday papers

06.02.2005 19:00

>>This MUST be fought. No organisation should have the right to spy on its citizens in any way. The rights of those seeking to plant bombs must be protected. Islamic fundamentalist terrororism must be allowed to flourish otherwise how else will the people of Europe be forced to adopt Islam as their religion.

sunday express readers in particular have some real problems. stop bombing islamic / arab countries, installing puppet governments, ripping off their natural resources, feeding 2 sides with weapons in conflict zones (this created the taliban > al qaida), stereotyping immigrants to this country with racist, islamophobic, sometimes zionist inspired propaganda and you might find these people less likely to terrorise anyone. as i said, if government policy making had been 'tapped' or fully disclosed in the run up to the iraq war, and of course in previous years, we would be able to see our own part in +creating+ the terrorist threat which so concerns you. but no, headlong into disaster you wish to plunge continuing current reactionary hysteria. no solutions there mate.

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and another thing

06.02.2005 19:47

whether liberty is right to support this issue or no, they perform some excellent work. 24 quid a year to become a member, 8 quid concessions. and they need supporters:

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06.02.2005 20:13

always playing catch up you people. are you saying there aren't any links to zionism? al qaida's demands - never mentionesd in the uk press - are israeli withdrawl from occupied palestinian territories, US withdrawl from saudi arabia and withdrawl from iraq. you're just the usual ragtag band of emotionalist nationalists who've been pushing the world to war for the last century. your time's up.

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Jack the RIPA

06.02.2005 22:32

Jack Straw was home secretary when this current New Labour goverment /
bunch of lying Neo-Con shits introduced the Regulation of Investigatory
Powers Act. Jack's RIPA allows UK Home secretaries to issue RIPA notices on
individuals and organisations.

Political activsts, are you refused legal representation? Are you suddenly
dropped by solicitors who refuse to have any contact with you? Imagine if the
State could guarantee that an individual would not and could not get legal
representation. This happens.

I suspect what's happening is that solicitors are being issued with RIPA
disclosure requests with the accompanying threat of 5 years imprisonment
for tipping-off.

Under RIPA, UK Home Secretaries, can enforce disclosure requests on UK ISPs
(Internet Service Providers) so that ALL their traffic is disclosed. This can
be done without a warrant. Does anyone seriously consider that all Bristish
ISPs have not been issued with these orders?

All traffic from all UK ISPs is an ideal feed into the Echelon world-wide
system of surveillence which the UK is a part of. Does anyone seriously
consider that all British ISPs have not been issued with these orders?

The "tipping-off" offence in Jack Straw's RIPA ensures that politicians are
not held to account, are not held responsible for their actions - just the
way fascist New Labour like it.

With the State's ability to pry into all aspects of individuals' lives it
idifficult to see how they could not have evidence of an "evil-dooer"'s
actions. It is more likely that they are completely innocent and are simply
an evil New Labour ruse to justify it's monumental war lies.

Hold Jack the RIPA and New Labour to account for this fascist piece of
Law. Campaign against Bliar and New Labour.


Liberty don't give a damn

07.02.2005 12:41

"whether liberty is right to support this issue or no, they perform some excellent work"

My friend asked Liberty why they wouldn't do an article about the harrassment that peaceful, legal animal rights protesters in this country get - getting followed, watched, filmed, phones tapped, being constantly arrested for legal activities such as holding a banner by a road or leafletting, etc. He asked them why they never even mention this, never mind try to stop it. They never replied, and so he cancelled his membership.


Zero evidence produced

07.02.2005 22:13

A reason supporting the use of wire taps in court as evidence, is that the authorities would still not be able to produce evidence that terrorist threats are imminent or that those in jail or under house arrest have anything to do with terrorists
Because the evidence doesn't exist, and all the information given out by the police and government is pure and simple lying - PRS

They don't want anything that might bring those accused of terrorist involvement into court, because the whole things a sham
