The Importance of Free Speech
William Thomas Sherman | 05.02.2005 14:51 | Indymedia
Why is Seattle Indy Media censoring? And why don't they come out and discuss this topic? Have THEY become THEM?
It seems to me if they are going to yank articles that those doing so repeatedly identify themselves by name, and give us their reasons for doing so.
It seems to me if they are going to yank articles that those doing so repeatedly identify themselves by name, and give us their reasons for doing so.
Why is it that Seattle Indy Media or someone acting as such continues to censor my articles (at the SIM site)?
I HAVE BEEN and AM a victim of real life human rights abuse and violence, and yet here are these people who are supposed to be fair and unbiased yanking my posts all the time because among my the key points I make is the assertion that spirit people, such as are found in religion and witchcraft, are the ones really responsible for crime and injustice in our world. Now they ridicule such a claim evidently. But where is their argument? They know a priori there are no such people? And even if I am in error on this does it necessarily follow also that I am not a human rights abuse victim as I claim?
Well, for all my saying this I realize any one of you reading this might think I am mistaken. But even if so, what is wrong with some discussion on the subject? Prove me wrong with facts, argument and reason. I do or try to do the same with my opponents arguments. Here at Indy Media apparently if you don't dissent according to their liking, they censor you.
Ask or challenge me about the argument for or against spirit people. Ask or challenge me about my claims of being a victim of human rights abuse these past 12 years. But until you do, what right do you have to censor me? Yet this is exactly what Indy Media or people masquerading as Indy Media have been doing.
Below are some of the articles of mine which have been yanked. Do you feel threatened by people reading these? If so, well for pete's sake give your reasons and let's discuss it as honest and rational people. Don't mock and then censor me like some yahooligan if you can't even come out in the open with a half decent argument. Stop treating free speech and human rights as a joke, or as only the prerogative of those with “club membership.”
An Open Letter to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
A Christian's View of your God.
These very powerful spirit people not only can't offer you heaven, but because they are without the Spirit of Love and Truth, they don't even really know what heaven is -- thunder and shake the foundations of the earth as they (in a given instance) might be able to. What they do know of heaven is based on pictures or representations. Now these pictures may well be based on the true thing. Nonetheless they are still only pictures and so these people's mind's persist in darkness. Yet still they will continue to deceive the credulous into believing they know about, indeed can offer, heaven.
In truth then I tell you, the spirit people who currently reside over the worldly state of things are the most worthless, stinking garbage there ever was -- again despite the belief of others than they offer or represent heaven. Yes it is true they have very pretty girls and some others who you could have little trouble seeing as part of heaven. Even so, the potential heaven here is with the girls and or these others -- and not or ever with them. It's as if they owned a fine painting but were so blind that they could hardly even see it: holding it as a mere trophy without really appreciating its actual worth. That's as much of heaven as these powerful spirit people know, so that in the final analysis it is not the goodness that they offer that makes them so powerful, rather it is their phenomenal ability to both manipulate and intimidate.
In saying this I don't extend this criticism to all powerful spirit people, or even powerful bad spirit people necessarily, but simply the present regime which seems to have such a strangle hold over everything (and I do mean everything, or just about everything), including its own version of who or whatever of anything.
Understanding the arch-demonist Goomerton (and those like him)
False angels (or if you prefer, gods) get him to think they "do the wrong thing the right way," but they don't really, only they convince him that they do in order that he will so believe and so behave. This puts him greater in their power, makes him a more powerful weapon to use against us (whom he betrayed), while at the same time it makes him a source of amusement (i.e. to see him make a fool of himself in this manner.) If this hypothesis is correct, it would certainly explain much.
Who loves ya Baby?
"You can't compare yourself to Sherman. He was usually broke, completely alone, while physically and socially having been disabled by you, while taking care of some cats no less. He didn't even have anyone to talk to, let alone take his part. Yet you had a whole army, the first national bank as your expense account, the cooperation of public institutions, not a few businesses, and many citizens to assist you, yet he still managed to fight you off after twelve years, and to that extent beat you. He's right in calling you a low bully and a poltroon. If these other people think you are or like God, you know very well know yourself that's their stupidity, aside from your own wishful thinking."
King Oaf, the sorcerer ape, and the High Order of the Skull
"I don't want people havin' it too good."
"I have to do things to hurt people."
"You can have friends, but only those I approve of."
"These things have to be done in a certain way."
WHEN did YOU ever vote for THIS?
Now you obey HIM but you won't even talk to ME!
A: Well if I go along with Goomerton I can be with the people I like. But if I don't I can't.
B: But if you do you will also have to be with Goomerton.
A: Me and my friends can get away from Goomerton.
B: So you think, but Goomerton will think you are his friend and won't leave you. After all you owe him. How else in this current state of things can you be making money and "living your life," but with his approval? And what is this you are living for? To raise kids so that they can be slaves to a tyrant and a fool?
A Beautiful Mind
Plotinus believed that by focusing one's self on the mind and reason that one could attain to the Divine Mind (or at least what we might characterize as such.) Not everyone is so picky, and they pick the mind of the people with the most money or who give the appearance of most success. Let's say after you died you go to the mind that most attracted you in life. Where then would you go? A mind that tells people to lie and keep secrets all the time?
On Evidence and Proof
For those who actually look I believe it will be found that they who "Block the Road to Inquiry" do so because of fear and because they don't look -- at the "moment of truth" -- to reason as authority but some person or mindset. Indeed, even some who make philosophy and science their profession will, under certain circumstances, toss logic, reason and honesty in the time of crisis -- as say during eras of a dictator or totalitarian regimes -- reason then having less sway over them in such violent and oppressive circumstances. Who or what will make the philosopher or scientist brave on such occasions?
Empirical evidence is not always something that can be readily tested as such, nor is it always something we can have immediately in hand. As a matter of fact, as Russell and others pointed out, so much of what passes for empirical science is entirely based not on what people see (or sense), but as much and more so on deductive and inductive inferences. We can know something by its effect without necessarily "seeing" it. Practical (as opposed to necessary) existence of a proposed entity then, such as a spirit person, can constructed from what appears to be their effect. For example, in the murder mystery, by means of assessing various clues and evidence the detective has reason to believe so-and-so committed the deed, even though no one actually saw so-and-so pull the trigger. By means of logic then, accurate conclusions can be arrived at based on data which -- taken by itself -- do not overtly imply or suggest a relevant conclusion (say, in our example, relevant to the proposal of their being spirit persons.). Of course such preliminary or supporting facts and data will need to based on intuitions or sensation. Therefore a useful hypothesis for such a proposed notion as "spirit people" or "spirit person" (and from this more precise definitions) can begin to be established on such a basis of such inferences, in addition to what might supplied in the way of first hand witnesses. If the hypothesis is in error than reason can detect it. But if reason and impartial fair hearing is refused, then the given proposition can neither be established or refuted. Mockery, sarcasm, "We know...," popular prejudices naturally cannot be considered scientific or philosophical reasoning, yet when it comes to the subject of spirit people some -- again under the pressure of the community or times they live in -- seem to think these are such.
Spirit People Primer or “Spirit People for Dummies”
by William Thomas Sherman
1. Generally speaking, spirit people are separated from regular (flesh and blood) people by a physical and moral barrier which science has as yet been unable to properly explore and explain. Whether this division is a natural one, so to speak, or the devising of some certain person or persons is also unknown as such.
2. As known in this world, those spirit people who have power over regular people, are, in truth, nothing more than rich and powerful people, who acquired their status through assassination, murder, torture, robbery, terror, slavery, sophisticated manipulation. Some see such people as representing God and Heaven. Others see such people as more or less a manifestation of Hell.
3. Spirit people, like regular people, need money to do things.
4. While persistence is a virtue, the presence of one virtue, however so excellently possessed or displayed does not absolve the person of requirement of possessing other virtues, such as common fairness and moral decency for example.
5. No spirit person is inherently better than any regular person, at least we would not know them to be such, except insofar as they displayed both higher moral character and perhaps, but not necessarily, intelligence as well. If you encounter a spirit person then, know that you should in no wise allow them to treat you any differently than how you would let other people treat you. For example, they have no right entering your home without your permission, let alone your body—just as with an ordinary person. Know also that even the most vicious regular person is a lamb compared to the most vicious of spirit people, and as a rule spirit people who are notably vicious are exceedingly more vicious than any “regular” people are or otherwise could be.
6. Even the worst and most sickening and hideous monster of a spirit person can have people working for them who are genuinely likable, attractive and or awe inspiring (at least to the unreflective or undiscerning.)
7. Even the worst and most sickening and hideous monster of a spirit person can appear as if he or she came from Heaven, that is depending on how well a person is able to tell true from false.
8. The types and character of spirit person one might find oneself dealing with is in large part a result of the moral, and intellectual caliber of the given community they live in. So the more depraved society is the more it is going to attract the worse sort of spirit people. The more well behaved and responsible society, conversely, will have less of the worse sort around, and more likely the good kind of spirit folk.
9. As a general rule, contact with conversant or else visibly manifesting spirit people is something which should be discouraged and turned away from. An exception to this, however, might be when a meeting is brought about in an open, unthreatening, and above board manner, between such spirit people and educated and intelligent “regular” people who are intellectually and morally competent to deal with them.
10. Spirit people respect religion no more no less than regular people do—which is to say variously and differently.
Additional Remarks
On The Power of Lying
There is this sort of understanding that times change, and the public taste changes. This assumption is true as a practical matter of course. Nonetheless, what many people fail to appreciate is that such changes do not always come about through voluntary informed consensus, but perhaps instead through manipulation, deception, disguised assassination, all of which is then foisted on us as consensus. Whole cultural eras can be formed and created by such means, and anyone one of that ill founded era’s “beneficiaries” might never know exactly why they so prospered (compared to say another), though they might have a vague suspicion if they were honest with themselves and really thought about the matter. Those who go along with the aforementioned deceit and underhanded dealing will be rewarded with wealth and status by the criminal perpetrators, while those who don’t will be shut out and denied their basic rights. Now if you happen to be one of the latter and go to the police or other public institutions to complain about your mistreatment, what they (in effect) might typically say is that they can’t help you because you are going against consensus.
How can one help but continue to be aghast and astounded by some people’s obstinate irrationality and willful blindness, even among well-educated people? “Here no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.”
Yet others seem to say “if we all lie and we force our will on others then what we say is true.” The truth, such people seem to maintain, is what one says it is, no matter how much one lies.
One reason for such attitudes is, I strongly believe, the influence of spirit people, so that I think it is worthwhile to list some of the devices and methods certain spirit people have at their disposal to promote such indifference to and resentment of real and intelligent thought generally. Some of these things are somewhat hard to describe because they have no clear and evident parallel in ordinary experience, but we’ll try.
1. Spirit people through their machinations can manipulate people and circumstances so that they can create the impression that they control things, and when they can get people to believe such impressions they then actually do end up controlling things.
2. Certain spirit people seem to have knowledge of the future and can predict events. It may even be true that they do have such knowledge and can actually predict things. Yet even if one can be said to predict things, it does not necessarily follow that they are wise or know what they are talking about. The same is true with respect to very private knowledge about your past, perhaps reminding you of things you thought were known “only” to yourself.
3. Great personality cults such as that of iconified dictators and fulsomely lionized leaders and celebrities are sometimes symptomatic of evil influence. People see the success of great movements and popularity of certain figures as signs of God, and therefore authority. Yet by means of doctoring appearances false causes and incompetent leaders can be catapulted in people’s minds to divine or divine like status. The status then itself becomes a sign of divine endorsement of the person, so that the people are not only deceived about the given cause or leader, but about the nature of God himself. I don’t mean by this that all popular causes and popular leaders are not legitimate, but that “popularity” by itself is no proof of legitimacy.
4. Certain spirit powerful people can make their presence felt for fairly large distances. The power of such presence can be sometimes mistaken as a sign of authority.
5. Certain spirit people have great wealth and other kinds of power at their disposal. This also some take as indubitable signs of authority.
6. Certain spirit people can induce a wide variety of experiences and feelings. They can make you see in your mind and feel things like the radiance of “heaven,” or the pure light of “holy” being, when really these things, coming from them, are no more necessarily credible signs of authority than a person flashing enormous sums of cash. Note also how certain secret societies are denoted “illuminati,” and how the Scientologists speak of a person being “clear.” The light and clarity referred to in such conceptions is, I believe, something often brought about through psychological trickery of spirit people, again manifesting extraordinary kinds of lights and visions to a person. I know in point of fact from personal experience, how some of the most muddle headed and confused people will considered themselves enlightened because they have been shown or had such things “revealed” to them. The same can be said of religious pronouncements or declarations. If one were to suddenly hear in their thoughts “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt,” accompanied perhaps by a vision of distant shining lights, do know there are dishonest spirit people who can cause this to happen, and feel no qualm nor suffer any evident repercussion for doing so.
7. “My mother listen to some of these same spirit people, and she was a good hearted and devout woman. Do you mean to say that she was wrong—and about something so important? Whatever answer you give I cannot accept it.”
8. “You can’t be responsible for or guilty of what you don’t know.” People will be encouraged to not know what is going on for exactly this reason. Even more, in some instances, a spirit person can get someone to commit a crime, and then, with that person’s permission, “do something to them” to cause them to forget what they did, and or give them what seem like plausible reasons to think that they were somehow “forced” to commit the crime—and therefore are not really guilty of anything.
9. As well as seeming religious, con artist spirit people can easily be irreligious, or else indifferent to religion, tailoring their approach to whomever they are trying to persuade.
For more on what this is all about (and if you can access it) see my website:
See also my play "The Ghost of the Traitor" at:
I also have a discussion group "Spirit People and Science" at:
As a test of what I am saying , see if you can sign up and join it (at least temporarily, and there’s of course no obligation.)
Last but not least, my “Sprit People for Dummies” at:
(and no these sites are not "Forbidden Access" [to you], at least not on my part.)
or better yet come visit (except for Sgt. Liz Eddy of the SPD, no one has yet btw)
William Thomas Sherman
1604 NW 70th St.
Seattle, WA 98117
I HAVE BEEN and AM a victim of real life human rights abuse and violence, and yet here are these people who are supposed to be fair and unbiased yanking my posts all the time because among my the key points I make is the assertion that spirit people, such as are found in religion and witchcraft, are the ones really responsible for crime and injustice in our world. Now they ridicule such a claim evidently. But where is their argument? They know a priori there are no such people? And even if I am in error on this does it necessarily follow also that I am not a human rights abuse victim as I claim?
Well, for all my saying this I realize any one of you reading this might think I am mistaken. But even if so, what is wrong with some discussion on the subject? Prove me wrong with facts, argument and reason. I do or try to do the same with my opponents arguments. Here at Indy Media apparently if you don't dissent according to their liking, they censor you.
Ask or challenge me about the argument for or against spirit people. Ask or challenge me about my claims of being a victim of human rights abuse these past 12 years. But until you do, what right do you have to censor me? Yet this is exactly what Indy Media or people masquerading as Indy Media have been doing.
Below are some of the articles of mine which have been yanked. Do you feel threatened by people reading these? If so, well for pete's sake give your reasons and let's discuss it as honest and rational people. Don't mock and then censor me like some yahooligan if you can't even come out in the open with a half decent argument. Stop treating free speech and human rights as a joke, or as only the prerogative of those with “club membership.”
An Open Letter to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
A Christian's View of your God.
These very powerful spirit people not only can't offer you heaven, but because they are without the Spirit of Love and Truth, they don't even really know what heaven is -- thunder and shake the foundations of the earth as they (in a given instance) might be able to. What they do know of heaven is based on pictures or representations. Now these pictures may well be based on the true thing. Nonetheless they are still only pictures and so these people's mind's persist in darkness. Yet still they will continue to deceive the credulous into believing they know about, indeed can offer, heaven.
In truth then I tell you, the spirit people who currently reside over the worldly state of things are the most worthless, stinking garbage there ever was -- again despite the belief of others than they offer or represent heaven. Yes it is true they have very pretty girls and some others who you could have little trouble seeing as part of heaven. Even so, the potential heaven here is with the girls and or these others -- and not or ever with them. It's as if they owned a fine painting but were so blind that they could hardly even see it: holding it as a mere trophy without really appreciating its actual worth. That's as much of heaven as these powerful spirit people know, so that in the final analysis it is not the goodness that they offer that makes them so powerful, rather it is their phenomenal ability to both manipulate and intimidate.
In saying this I don't extend this criticism to all powerful spirit people, or even powerful bad spirit people necessarily, but simply the present regime which seems to have such a strangle hold over everything (and I do mean everything, or just about everything), including its own version of who or whatever of anything.
Understanding the arch-demonist Goomerton (and those like him)
False angels (or if you prefer, gods) get him to think they "do the wrong thing the right way," but they don't really, only they convince him that they do in order that he will so believe and so behave. This puts him greater in their power, makes him a more powerful weapon to use against us (whom he betrayed), while at the same time it makes him a source of amusement (i.e. to see him make a fool of himself in this manner.) If this hypothesis is correct, it would certainly explain much.
Who loves ya Baby?
"You can't compare yourself to Sherman. He was usually broke, completely alone, while physically and socially having been disabled by you, while taking care of some cats no less. He didn't even have anyone to talk to, let alone take his part. Yet you had a whole army, the first national bank as your expense account, the cooperation of public institutions, not a few businesses, and many citizens to assist you, yet he still managed to fight you off after twelve years, and to that extent beat you. He's right in calling you a low bully and a poltroon. If these other people think you are or like God, you know very well know yourself that's their stupidity, aside from your own wishful thinking."
King Oaf, the sorcerer ape, and the High Order of the Skull
"I don't want people havin' it too good."
"I have to do things to hurt people."
"You can have friends, but only those I approve of."
"These things have to be done in a certain way."
WHEN did YOU ever vote for THIS?
Now you obey HIM but you won't even talk to ME!
A: Well if I go along with Goomerton I can be with the people I like. But if I don't I can't.
B: But if you do you will also have to be with Goomerton.
A: Me and my friends can get away from Goomerton.
B: So you think, but Goomerton will think you are his friend and won't leave you. After all you owe him. How else in this current state of things can you be making money and "living your life," but with his approval? And what is this you are living for? To raise kids so that they can be slaves to a tyrant and a fool?
A Beautiful Mind
Plotinus believed that by focusing one's self on the mind and reason that one could attain to the Divine Mind (or at least what we might characterize as such.) Not everyone is so picky, and they pick the mind of the people with the most money or who give the appearance of most success. Let's say after you died you go to the mind that most attracted you in life. Where then would you go? A mind that tells people to lie and keep secrets all the time?
On Evidence and Proof
For those who actually look I believe it will be found that they who "Block the Road to Inquiry" do so because of fear and because they don't look -- at the "moment of truth" -- to reason as authority but some person or mindset. Indeed, even some who make philosophy and science their profession will, under certain circumstances, toss logic, reason and honesty in the time of crisis -- as say during eras of a dictator or totalitarian regimes -- reason then having less sway over them in such violent and oppressive circumstances. Who or what will make the philosopher or scientist brave on such occasions?
Empirical evidence is not always something that can be readily tested as such, nor is it always something we can have immediately in hand. As a matter of fact, as Russell and others pointed out, so much of what passes for empirical science is entirely based not on what people see (or sense), but as much and more so on deductive and inductive inferences. We can know something by its effect without necessarily "seeing" it. Practical (as opposed to necessary) existence of a proposed entity then, such as a spirit person, can constructed from what appears to be their effect. For example, in the murder mystery, by means of assessing various clues and evidence the detective has reason to believe so-and-so committed the deed, even though no one actually saw so-and-so pull the trigger. By means of logic then, accurate conclusions can be arrived at based on data which -- taken by itself -- do not overtly imply or suggest a relevant conclusion (say, in our example, relevant to the proposal of their being spirit persons.). Of course such preliminary or supporting facts and data will need to based on intuitions or sensation. Therefore a useful hypothesis for such a proposed notion as "spirit people" or "spirit person" (and from this more precise definitions) can begin to be established on such a basis of such inferences, in addition to what might supplied in the way of first hand witnesses. If the hypothesis is in error than reason can detect it. But if reason and impartial fair hearing is refused, then the given proposition can neither be established or refuted. Mockery, sarcasm, "We know...," popular prejudices naturally cannot be considered scientific or philosophical reasoning, yet when it comes to the subject of spirit people some -- again under the pressure of the community or times they live in -- seem to think these are such.
Spirit People Primer or “Spirit People for Dummies”
by William Thomas Sherman

1. Generally speaking, spirit people are separated from regular (flesh and blood) people by a physical and moral barrier which science has as yet been unable to properly explore and explain. Whether this division is a natural one, so to speak, or the devising of some certain person or persons is also unknown as such.
2. As known in this world, those spirit people who have power over regular people, are, in truth, nothing more than rich and powerful people, who acquired their status through assassination, murder, torture, robbery, terror, slavery, sophisticated manipulation. Some see such people as representing God and Heaven. Others see such people as more or less a manifestation of Hell.
3. Spirit people, like regular people, need money to do things.
4. While persistence is a virtue, the presence of one virtue, however so excellently possessed or displayed does not absolve the person of requirement of possessing other virtues, such as common fairness and moral decency for example.
5. No spirit person is inherently better than any regular person, at least we would not know them to be such, except insofar as they displayed both higher moral character and perhaps, but not necessarily, intelligence as well. If you encounter a spirit person then, know that you should in no wise allow them to treat you any differently than how you would let other people treat you. For example, they have no right entering your home without your permission, let alone your body—just as with an ordinary person. Know also that even the most vicious regular person is a lamb compared to the most vicious of spirit people, and as a rule spirit people who are notably vicious are exceedingly more vicious than any “regular” people are or otherwise could be.
6. Even the worst and most sickening and hideous monster of a spirit person can have people working for them who are genuinely likable, attractive and or awe inspiring (at least to the unreflective or undiscerning.)
7. Even the worst and most sickening and hideous monster of a spirit person can appear as if he or she came from Heaven, that is depending on how well a person is able to tell true from false.
8. The types and character of spirit person one might find oneself dealing with is in large part a result of the moral, and intellectual caliber of the given community they live in. So the more depraved society is the more it is going to attract the worse sort of spirit people. The more well behaved and responsible society, conversely, will have less of the worse sort around, and more likely the good kind of spirit folk.
9. As a general rule, contact with conversant or else visibly manifesting spirit people is something which should be discouraged and turned away from. An exception to this, however, might be when a meeting is brought about in an open, unthreatening, and above board manner, between such spirit people and educated and intelligent “regular” people who are intellectually and morally competent to deal with them.
10. Spirit people respect religion no more no less than regular people do—which is to say variously and differently.
Additional Remarks
On The Power of Lying
There is this sort of understanding that times change, and the public taste changes. This assumption is true as a practical matter of course. Nonetheless, what many people fail to appreciate is that such changes do not always come about through voluntary informed consensus, but perhaps instead through manipulation, deception, disguised assassination, all of which is then foisted on us as consensus. Whole cultural eras can be formed and created by such means, and anyone one of that ill founded era’s “beneficiaries” might never know exactly why they so prospered (compared to say another), though they might have a vague suspicion if they were honest with themselves and really thought about the matter. Those who go along with the aforementioned deceit and underhanded dealing will be rewarded with wealth and status by the criminal perpetrators, while those who don’t will be shut out and denied their basic rights. Now if you happen to be one of the latter and go to the police or other public institutions to complain about your mistreatment, what they (in effect) might typically say is that they can’t help you because you are going against consensus.
How can one help but continue to be aghast and astounded by some people’s obstinate irrationality and willful blindness, even among well-educated people? “Here no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.”
Yet others seem to say “if we all lie and we force our will on others then what we say is true.” The truth, such people seem to maintain, is what one says it is, no matter how much one lies.
One reason for such attitudes is, I strongly believe, the influence of spirit people, so that I think it is worthwhile to list some of the devices and methods certain spirit people have at their disposal to promote such indifference to and resentment of real and intelligent thought generally. Some of these things are somewhat hard to describe because they have no clear and evident parallel in ordinary experience, but we’ll try.
1. Spirit people through their machinations can manipulate people and circumstances so that they can create the impression that they control things, and when they can get people to believe such impressions they then actually do end up controlling things.
2. Certain spirit people seem to have knowledge of the future and can predict events. It may even be true that they do have such knowledge and can actually predict things. Yet even if one can be said to predict things, it does not necessarily follow that they are wise or know what they are talking about. The same is true with respect to very private knowledge about your past, perhaps reminding you of things you thought were known “only” to yourself.
3. Great personality cults such as that of iconified dictators and fulsomely lionized leaders and celebrities are sometimes symptomatic of evil influence. People see the success of great movements and popularity of certain figures as signs of God, and therefore authority. Yet by means of doctoring appearances false causes and incompetent leaders can be catapulted in people’s minds to divine or divine like status. The status then itself becomes a sign of divine endorsement of the person, so that the people are not only deceived about the given cause or leader, but about the nature of God himself. I don’t mean by this that all popular causes and popular leaders are not legitimate, but that “popularity” by itself is no proof of legitimacy.
4. Certain spirit powerful people can make their presence felt for fairly large distances. The power of such presence can be sometimes mistaken as a sign of authority.
5. Certain spirit people have great wealth and other kinds of power at their disposal. This also some take as indubitable signs of authority.
6. Certain spirit people can induce a wide variety of experiences and feelings. They can make you see in your mind and feel things like the radiance of “heaven,” or the pure light of “holy” being, when really these things, coming from them, are no more necessarily credible signs of authority than a person flashing enormous sums of cash. Note also how certain secret societies are denoted “illuminati,” and how the Scientologists speak of a person being “clear.” The light and clarity referred to in such conceptions is, I believe, something often brought about through psychological trickery of spirit people, again manifesting extraordinary kinds of lights and visions to a person. I know in point of fact from personal experience, how some of the most muddle headed and confused people will considered themselves enlightened because they have been shown or had such things “revealed” to them. The same can be said of religious pronouncements or declarations. If one were to suddenly hear in their thoughts “I am the Lord your God who brought you out of Egypt,” accompanied perhaps by a vision of distant shining lights, do know there are dishonest spirit people who can cause this to happen, and feel no qualm nor suffer any evident repercussion for doing so.
7. “My mother listen to some of these same spirit people, and she was a good hearted and devout woman. Do you mean to say that she was wrong—and about something so important? Whatever answer you give I cannot accept it.”
8. “You can’t be responsible for or guilty of what you don’t know.” People will be encouraged to not know what is going on for exactly this reason. Even more, in some instances, a spirit person can get someone to commit a crime, and then, with that person’s permission, “do something to them” to cause them to forget what they did, and or give them what seem like plausible reasons to think that they were somehow “forced” to commit the crime—and therefore are not really guilty of anything.
9. As well as seeming religious, con artist spirit people can easily be irreligious, or else indifferent to religion, tailoring their approach to whomever they are trying to persuade.
For more on what this is all about (and if you can access it) see my website:

See also my play "The Ghost of the Traitor" at:

I also have a discussion group "Spirit People and Science" at:

As a test of what I am saying , see if you can sign up and join it (at least temporarily, and there’s of course no obligation.)
Last but not least, my “Sprit People for Dummies” at:

(and no these sites are not "Forbidden Access" [to you], at least not on my part.)
or better yet come visit (except for Sgt. Liz Eddy of the SPD, no one has yet btw)
William Thomas Sherman
1604 NW 70th St.
Seattle, WA 98117

William Thomas Sherman