The US Constitution Was Overthrown Years Ago: here's part of the story
G. LoBuono | 04.02.2005 02:10 | Anti-militarism
The coup happened long ago--some say it began with Rothschild re-penetration of the Federal Reserve (sponsored by Rockefeller--who was financed by Rothschild, incidentally), after Andrew Jackson threw them out along with the Second Bank of the US. Some say it was Truman's National Security Act of 1947. Both are probably correct. Here's but a part of what it lead to: Howard Hughes, the Aviator, appears to have had a double identity. In fact, the story about crazy Howard originated with one of the Rockefellers and is untrue. Sure, Hughes had a flighty side, but he was much more competent than the Mormon mafia story. Warning: this is a story about mass murder, the mafia, and a plot against the American people...
G. LoBuono
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