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Plater College is shutting

Later Plater | 03.02.2005 20:48 | Analysis | Oxford

Plater College in Oxford is shutting down.

Plater College is closing down, 83 years after it was founded, after getting a bad report from the government inspectorate.

They have about 150 students, studying IT, sociology and psychology, law and religious studies.

The college's web site currently says:
"We are sorry to have to inform you that the College will be closing on 31 July 2005 and, therefore, we are no longer recruiting students for courses beyond that date.
However, we do still have a programme of short courses running until early July and we would be pleased to send you information about those if you are interested."

Plater is on Pullens Lane, right next door to Oxford Brookes University, in fact some of the residential halls at Brookes are right off Pullens Lane. This probably means that Brookes Uni will buy the site.

Later Plater


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Another one.

03.02.2005 21:52

The Swan is closing too. The place just won't be the same.


the closure of Plater College

09.02.2005 22:29

As a recent former student of Plater College (2003/4) i am shocked and dismayed by the news of its impending closure in July '05.
I have read the A.L.I report, it does NOT support the trustees claim that the college was no longer fulfilling its mission, neither was this my experience Plater.
The Bishops' spokesperson for Catholic Education has commented on the desirability of continuing the colleges' 'uninque' and 'pathfinding' work, but i fail to see how this hasty closure can facilitate this, particularly as there is no apparent replacement stratagy.
Fr. Charles Plater (SJ) was concerend about the potential for, and actualities of, conflict arising from industrial capitalism and its effects on those whom it exploited and marginalised.
His remedy was a college, with a curriculum of 'social science' taught in the context of Catholic Social Teaching. Accessable to those whose social status would normally exclude them from tertiary level education.
These fundamental principles of social organisation, equality and subsiduarity, are as pertinent in this age of globalisation as they were in the industrial age.
The trustees must reconsider, and honour the commitment and vision of the colleges' founder with some commitment and vision of their own.

Patrick Coss
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Close it down.

11.02.2005 15:56

Nobody's "social status" would nowadays normally exclude them from tertiary level education, and it is increasingly understood that sectarian education is dangerously divisive -- you need only look at Northern Ireland. Perhaps that's why it is closing.

mail e-mail: 666

Plater closing

14.02.2005 13:00

Dear Sirs,

Please for give me as I don't have the full information at hand as to why the college is closing in July. I was in attendance 1988-90 myself. No doubt the college like many others struggles with money and getting the right students profile.

I have had several converstations and email exchanges with ex students. It looks like the reason is nothing to do with money or providing a fresh start but rather to do with a policy or a review of requirments on offer ? Is this correct?.
To me the college needs to stay open, period. I have not seen a college or any other place close just like that without some sort of action plan and way forward developed.

We need to take control of this situation and see what action plan we can get put together.
Maybe the college can close for a year or something, but it would be better to scale it back in order to keep it open. Is Ruskin closing ? I think not. Why is Plater closing do we not need it?
I have travelled within Eastern Europe and no doubt about it the college can gain new members from Poland or the Czech Republic or even Estonia. The college could move to Malta even lets think outside of the box! We can change it's range of courses or sell some land or do a whole host of things ideas ?.
Closing is the last measure. As Plater provides a route for us into a career or whatever which is not provided outside of the college itself. Nothing has changed the college is still needed, and if the right people can come to the fore it can and will remain open.


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Holy maltesers !

17.02.2005 09:35

Imaginative, but would this college in Malta offering a different range of courses to Estonians actually be Plater College ? What is so unique and essential about having a Roman Catholic place called Plater College to provide a route into a career or whatever?

mail e-mail: 666

methinks Mr Coss doth protest too much!

12.05.2005 07:58

It looked to me like the reason for closing Plater was more to do with some "Catalogue" of Racial abuse sexual abuse and bullying but i am sure the principal had some good points. as to the comments from Mr Coss, i can say that as a former student in not only the same year as him but also the same quarters, "he protests about absolutely everything" and had not a good word to say about the place while there! the place was used by some people as a "cop out" for a year with free food and accomodation. i too say "don't close it" but i do say "select students who actually understand what they are supposed to be doing there. furthermore i suggest that rather than whinge and make smartass comments on "THIS" website, letters of protest should be sent to the four Archbishops who ultimately made the decision to close Plater, mine have been sent also to the Times Educational Supplement, (who by the way dont seem to be able to make head nor tail of Plater)
PS despite loathing his armchair reactionary politics, I actually find Mr Coss great company and very amusing!!!!!!

Charles De-Richelieu

Kettle, pot, black?

27.06.2005 17:55

Charles! how are you dear chap?

Patrick Coss

Hamlet 'Online'

05.07.2005 09:21

I vividly recollect that towards the end of the 2003/04 academic session, a group of 'stage'

reading finalist students' enacted the play Hamlet - for all and sundry within the leafy

suburbs of Pullens Lane.

Moreover, upon reflection, I found it to be very revealing, when one notes the particular

role that was played by the then Principal and certain other members of staff who were in

the caste. On balance, if the contents of this particluar webpage is anything to go by,

against the backdrop of all these talks about talks and 'Particulars of Claim' it

would thus appear that the play and indeed one very similar (and quite possibly richer) in

contents is/are being enacted all over again - over the glorious (information) internet

highway. Ipso facto, In the light of the above, perhaps there can be no better way to end

this 'particular' submission (no pun intended) than for me to say "Watch this Space!"

The Crown Prince Andrew A. Adegbile
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- Homepage:

Good Riddance!!!!

08.08.2005 16:52

Delighted to hear that the Day Centre for life's rejects has finally folded!

Bad Platernian!

I am sorry that Plater College is closing

08.10.2005 20:31

I am a former student of Plater College, Pullens Lane Oxford. I am a former Religious Brother who attended the College in 1987-89. I received a two year Diploma in Theology and Social Studies. To me this was a key which the College and the Benefactors gave me beacuse I was on a College's generous Scholarship.
When I returned to my Country Uganda I had no problem joining Makerere University for a BA in Social Sciences, through Mature Age Entry Exams. I majored in Political Sc. and Sociology (1991-94). After completing my first Degree the University admitted me for a Master of Arts Degree in Public Administration and Management (1994-96). All this I owe it to Plater College. Passing interviews to join Public Service as a Rehabilitation Officer in Prison was easy. Plater gave me the confidence and exposure. I am now married with three children. I am expecting a fourth one around Christmas.
I almost lost my head when I searched Plater College Web only to be welcomed by this sad story of clossing the College. Right now I am in Darfur, Sudan with African Union monitoring humanitarian situations in Darfur. I wanted to share this information with the College in order to enable them staff instil in the students the spirit of not giving up, knowing that a stone which is rejected can become the corner stone.
It is unfortunate that Plater College has been closed uncelemonoiusly. I wish to call upon all former students to remember those who have helped us in the College.
May God bless you all.

Nsubuga Rogers
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29.11.2005 14:53

I was saddened to hear of the closure of Plater College this year. It was a fine institution that provided a second chance for people to better themselves. It provided an environment for learning without distraction.

Its fulltime residential nature helped people such as myself to get back into the flow studying after a fulltime job. I could not have acheived this without the environment that Plater College created. It is this that makes the College special and sets it apart from other institutes of education, which very often fail to provide the same level of assistance to mature students, many of whom have little, if any, qualifications.

If past students did not grab that opportunity with both hands when they were enrolled in the college, they only have themselves to blame. It was certainly not the College's fault.

I will not have a single bad word said against the College or its Mission which has honourable qualities. All of the alleged problems with the College could be rectified as far as I can see
and the College should continue to live on.

I will be taking full advantage of the Consultation process regarding the future of Plater which will be overseen by the College Trustees and the Charities Commission

Robert Jackson

Robert Jackson
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Consultation Process

17.12.2005 10:02

Talking about 'consultation processes', is this by invitation only? I hasten to add that I pray

not. If not, how does one get involved?

Does one have to make an application to 'Higher Authority' to be involved? If so, which one -

Oxford, Westminster, or Rome?

And finally, will negotiations be taking place within such consultations; or, as we have seen

in recent times, will it be another one of those 'not negotiable' situations?

Please advice me accordingly.

The Crown Prince Andrew A. Adégbilé
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any further news?

09.07.2006 12:12

I studied at Plater (1992-93) I'm a little out of touch. I had no idea that Plater was under threat.
Can anyone tell me if it finally lost it's battle, the web page appears to have gone.
like many people, Plater college gave me a fresh start and a new perspective on life, judging by some of the comments this may not be the case for everyone.
Personally, knowing it was there continueing its good work always may me feel proud to have been a small part in its history.
Plater college will be sadly missed.
Joe Main

joe main
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I was there 1993-94

10.03.2008 04:39

I am so sad to know that Plater is now closed...And I did not know it until now.

I was in attendance from 1993 to 1994, I was 23. I had just arrived in the UK from Japan and my English was extremely poor (still bad though). So Michael and Carol gave me their full support, and they sent me to an evening English course for free. But everything was too difficult for me and I often went to sleep in tears. The reason why I could stay there for a year was because all teachers and fellow students were so helpful. I will never forget their kindness.

After going to Plater, I moved on to do an MSc in Economics at the London School of Economics, and I now work in the City as an analyst. All thanks to the people at Plater.

If anyone from 1993/1994 is reading this, please get in touch. Specially Sean. I hope you are well and happy. Thank you for your help all the yaer through...

Hiro the Japanese

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Plater College-class of 1993-1994

24.01.2011 12:39

Sad to hear this news about Plater closing down. I went to the college and met some great students-some that I am in touch with today. The college helped me to achieve a degree and 2 post grad. qualifications. I am a qualified English Lecturer thanks to Plater college. I remember Dr Greg Glazov, he was a great lecturer. They should have given him the principles job-I think if so, we would be looking at an entirely different outcome today. I don't know what happened to cause the college's closure, but it seems to me that the college is only as good as the students that attend it, and if you saw the potential of such an institution, then it should have every right to be open today.

Bramley-Class of 1993-94.

Dan AKA Bramley
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