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Everyone welcome.

"Troll" | 02.02.2005 21:33 | Analysis | Indymedia | London | Oxford

Indymedia encourages contributions from people with all viewpoints on all subjects.

" Oxford indymedia works on your contributions. That means you get to tell your own story, in your own words and in your own style. There are no 'experts' here to muffle, distort or ignore your voice ...... nor will your article be screened by moderators before appearing online. We do have a set of editorial guidelines, and occasionally hide articles or comments which break them .... "

No comment.



Hide the following 9 comments

Please clarify

03.02.2005 09:26

Are you objecting to the hiding of something of yours? If so, please give us the details and we'll explain why it violated the guidelines.


Repression of minorities by Indymedia

03.02.2005 18:28

There are many many examples of things being hidden for spurious reasons, for example not being keen on graffiti is definitely frowned on by somebody there who happens to be very keen on graffiti. This is curious, because Indymedia tends to promote a responsible attitude to the environment, and it is at least arguable, surely, that graffiti are contrary to this. Do Green councillors fight against their removal, I wonder ?

A more serious example, involving some of my own contributions is:

I should imagine that Ximenes wasn't very pleased about this either.


dont hide

03.02.2005 18:39

dont hide stuff its shit.



04.02.2005 10:46

The article cited here is quite simply non-news, and therefore violates the guidelines for posting to a newswire. Couldn't be simpler.


News, issues and analysis

04.02.2005 11:51

I suppose it wasn’t news, in the sense that it was no news to anyone that things were being hidden like this !

But the guidelines refer to “news, issues, actions and analysis”, not only news.
Non-news means ”unrelated to a recent event or action etc”.
There are even topics called “Analysis” and “Indymedia”..

It did relate to recent events in the field of hiding news, and several contributors embarked on an analysis of Indymedia.

Presumably you will be hiding “Be your own journalist”, on the grounds that that is not news.
Or you may agree that items relating to the operation of Indymedia itself are permissible.


Final comment

04.02.2005 14:24

Ho hum. Quote from the guidelines: "Non-news : posts which are clearly purely comment, opinion, rants unrelated to a recent event or action etc."

The editorial guidelines were drawn up by the imc collectives after much deliberation, with the aim of enabling as much open publishing as possible, without the newswires being deluged in tedious nonsense by vexatious trolls with too much time on their hands.

Apologies to indymedia readers/contributors that this thread is still on the wire. At first we give a poster the benefit of the doubt, and then we find it's one of our most persistent trolls Roger up to his old tricks again. Roger, in your case, never has the phrase "get a life" been more appropriate.


Penultimate comment

04.02.2005 22:24

But not non-news if it is related to the recent events of hiding postings.
And your Guidelines also ALLOW issues and analysis, and comments are invited !
When is a comment not a comment?
When is a “troll” a “troll” ? This is what was being discussed, but was not allowed to be seen to be discussed.

As in the past, if people are not identified as “trolls” they are sometimes identified as “Roger”. How do you “find out” that it’s supposedly “Roger” ? Do you investigate everyone’s identity electronically, or is this just a meaningless smear like “troll” ? Are you going to try to reveal the identity of your other contributors when it suits you?

When you invite “Roger” to get a life, does this apply to everybody who takes the time to contribute to Indymedia, telling their own story, in their own words and in their own style? Whatever happened to the idea of local residents reaching out to the wider community with “issues, stories and VIEWS” ? (That’s your Mission Statement).

Why doesn’t Richard Thorneycroft get a life instead of wasting his time censoring what he considers to be improper reading for everyone else ?


Why oh why?

05.02.2005 07:53

And why is this shite still on the newswire?


It just had to be hidden

07.02.2005 00:04

It isn't.

Dave and others do seem a bit mindless.

I think Richard is more dogmatic and slow than mindless.
