are we living in a post orwellian state?
captain wardrobe | 02.02.2005 18:30 | Globalisation
The distraction - we are becoming 'more Orwellian'...
One sees this phrase more and more... I myself have said that with the announcement of the War on terror that Orwells perpetual war is here...
but surely we are being lulled into an assertion that before the War On Terror we had a rosy beautiful idyllic free & democratic society.
If that was the case what was the cold war about?
what, indeed, was McCarthyism?
McCarthyism, named after Joseph McCarthy, was a period of intense anti-communism, also known as the (second) red scare, which occurred in the United States from 1948 to about 1956 (or later), when the government of the United States actively persecuted the Communist Party USA, its leadership, and others suspected of being communists. After the allegations that both Assistant Treasury Secretary Harry Dexter White and FDR advisor Alger Hiss were Soviet agents, loyalty tests were required for government and other employment and lists of subversive organizations were maintained.
What was the nuclear deterrant known as mutually assured destruction?
Mutual assured destruction (MAD) is the doctrine of a situation in which any use of nuclear weapons by either of two opposing sides would result in the destruction of both the attacker and the defender. The doctrine assumes that each side has enough weaponry to destroy the other side and that either side, if attacked for any reason by the other, would retaliate with equal or greater force. The expected result is that the battle would escalate to the point where each side brought about the other's total and assured destruction - and, potentially, those of allies as well.
Assuming that neither side would be so irrational as to risk its own destruction, neither side would dare to launch a first strike as the other would launch on warning (also called fail deadly). The payoff of this doctrine was expected to be tense but stable peace.
The primary application of this doctrine occurred during the Cold War (1950s to 1990s) between the United States and Soviet Union, in which MAD was seen as helping to prevent any direct full-scale conflicts between the two nations while they engaged in smaller proxy wars around the world. MAD was part of U.S. strategic doctrine which believed that nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States could best be prevented if neither side could defend itself against the other's nuclear missiles (see Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty). The credibility of the threat being critical to such assurance, each side had to invest substantial capital in weapons, even those not intended for use.
This MAD scenario was often known by the less frightening euphemism "nuclear deterrence". -
What was the fear based programming of Protect & Survive?
An archive of UK civil defence material
By the time Eric Aurthur Blair had written '1984' in 1948/9 he had served in the administration of the Indian Imperial Police from 1922 to 1927 ... he resigned in part due to his growing dislike of British imperialism.
Had then lived in poverty, an experience which made him want to become a writer.
He had Been a fighter against fascists for the United Workers Marxist Party militia in the Spanish civil war of the 1930's.
He had also worked as a journalist for the BBC writing propaganda as part of the war effort.
He died in 1950, the early stages of the cold war. A war between two ideologies. Free-Market Capitalism and State Socialism.
Orwell's biography
It is these life experiences, I beleive, that led [Blair] Orwell to write his book 1984. Had he an inkling that the truth as laid out before him as reality, was itself a political act of propaganda? After all, he had seen truth rewritten for the sake of freedom in WWII. Nowadays, it has become generally accepted that 1984 was actually a book about the present, Orwells present, 1948.
So how can we become more Orwellian in the 21st century.
Are we post-Orwellian?
If so, what has changed?
We still have wars in defined zones called countries on the land-masses of this planet.
For over 50 years we have seen opposing ideologies used to justify pre-emptive conflict.
The Industrial Barons which set up monopolies in the early 20th Century, still have a hold on industrial ecomomy via a corporate Elitist colonial Feudalism.
Fake freedom - a managed democracy, posing as 'Homelands' of liberty and equality.
Coups involving real politik for global resources. soldiers are labelled the new Pioneers by our 'leaders', while in reality these Mercenaries recruit child soldiers. There is Poverty, disease, Slavery, and dehumanization.
If we, who are treated as the ordinary, the meek, the low, are to become post-orwellian, we must see through the illusion of this private-elite 'state against state' apparatus. We must see through the illusion of the beaurocracy, the fear of punishment from not obeying the designed reality that keeps us all busy slaving to the tune of those who have ruled for centuries. It gives us no time for our children, for ourselves, and for our future.
As we become more in debt, doesn't it become a distinct possibility that one day those debts might enable these fat controllers to make you work for NOTHING but the privelidge of staying alive within a systemic society labelled as 'free'?
I think that particular, rather peculiar brand of freedom is called slavery.
"He sat back. A sense of complete helplessness had descended upon him. To begin with, he did not know with any certainty that this was 1984. It must be round about that date, since he was fairly sure that his age was thirty-nine, and he believed that he had been born in 1944 or 1945; but it was never possible nowadays to pin down any date within a year or two. " - 1984
After considering the possibilities that we might be living in a post-Orwellian planetery control system...I beg of you to read the book "1984" and ask yourself one simple question:
Who is the narrator?
is it the author?
or is it actually the voice of Big Brother? Is language the mind-control mechanism, dictating Winston Smiths thoughts directly to you as a Thoughtcrime...?
Is the concept of 'Anti-war' - doublespeak?
Consider the collective that has become known as the 'anti-war movement'
In the current climate of the war on terror, it has become apparent that the situation in Iraq is not actually a WAR, but an invasion and occupation as part of a process of globalisation instigated for the benefit of Multi-national corporations. These entities are often represented by Politicians who simultaneously have a hand in their respective countries political destiny. It has become apparent that The war on Terror is a political tool for the erosion of the rights of individual liberty via a mechanism of fear-based mind control, which seeks to economically and politically benefit from terror itself.
The concept of 'anti-war' has come to be steered to justify genocide in the name of spreading democracy.
It has become a collective which rightly sees murder for economic strategic political ends as fundamentally wrong but with no aknowledgement given to their own use of information as a tool of righteous warfare for fighting such control and the use of violence as a resort to battle the forces of control in extreme cases of defense of autonomy.
A microcosm of this polemic can be observed within the argument against gun-control which states that fascistic societies deny the individual the right to bear arms as a last defense against the tyranny of totalitarianism. Thus 'Peaceful' people are placed in the position, through manipulation, whereby they put any autonomy they seek to express in a vulnerable position
It thus becomes the states responsibilty to label enemies and to train citizens to believe they are fighting a righteous cause. No doubt WWII and the fight against the Nazis was a catlyst. But citizens formed autonomous resistance groups throughout Europe to fight the scourge of Hitler. They used guerilla warfare, amazing cunning bravery and knowledge. Ask yourself where they got thier weapons from. I use the concept of weapon not only to imply guns etc, but intelligence, spirit, compassion and artistic creativity.
The real fight against the state as reality design & oppression could be labelled 'anti-control' or 'self autonomy' or 'conscientious dissent'
In Orwell's world of perpetual war [eg: Eurasia vs Eastasia] it is suggested that public consciousness can be made to believe from day to day, moment to moment, that the war is what has always been... while on Airstrip one we observes that at any moment the state of war could be seen to mutate, magically transforming to take on different enemies, allegiances and locations. Winston Smith wakes up to the fact he is part of the machine that designs reality.
With Orwell's concept of state control via information in mind...
Can it be argued that the 'war' in 1984 as an actual physical guns, bullets and death, isn't actually happening at all?
That the military exists and people are enlisted and are fighting 'the enemy'?
I believe Orwell is re-defining war as state control over the individual via a cultic mode of repression.
It is 'reality control' as information warfare - Totalism
The perpetual war is actually 'The state versus the individual' - commanded on a global scale, with all countries being part of the theatre of perpetual warfare. The mechanism of each state is made up of controlled staff and soldiers who totally believe the myth of each individual 'country' as they are trained to kill each other unquestioningly.
Big Brother is Emmanuel Goldstein
Is The flip side the SAME side...?
Imagine a state which was run on the basis of perpetual Freedom. The population live within gated communities, and aspire to happy productive lives via a mechanism of state controlled linguistic-media manipultion. While outside the zone of the majorities consciousness - the state marches with it's OWN crack troops, bought mercenaries and trained 'foreign armies'. This collective labels itself as representing the 'global peace state' and are actually commiting a genocide which is a politically useful tool because it creates the victims it needs. For it is these political dissidents who flee to the boundaries of a 'peace state' that are labelled as terrorists...and are subsequently promoted as a threat to those living within the zone of conciousness known as 'freedom'.
One sees this phrase more and more... I myself have said that with the announcement of the War on terror that Orwells perpetual war is here...
but surely we are being lulled into an assertion that before the War On Terror we had a rosy beautiful idyllic free & democratic society.
If that was the case what was the cold war about?
what, indeed, was McCarthyism?
McCarthyism, named after Joseph McCarthy, was a period of intense anti-communism, also known as the (second) red scare, which occurred in the United States from 1948 to about 1956 (or later), when the government of the United States actively persecuted the Communist Party USA, its leadership, and others suspected of being communists. After the allegations that both Assistant Treasury Secretary Harry Dexter White and FDR advisor Alger Hiss were Soviet agents, loyalty tests were required for government and other employment and lists of subversive organizations were maintained.
What was the nuclear deterrant known as mutually assured destruction?
Mutual assured destruction (MAD) is the doctrine of a situation in which any use of nuclear weapons by either of two opposing sides would result in the destruction of both the attacker and the defender. The doctrine assumes that each side has enough weaponry to destroy the other side and that either side, if attacked for any reason by the other, would retaliate with equal or greater force. The expected result is that the battle would escalate to the point where each side brought about the other's total and assured destruction - and, potentially, those of allies as well.
Assuming that neither side would be so irrational as to risk its own destruction, neither side would dare to launch a first strike as the other would launch on warning (also called fail deadly). The payoff of this doctrine was expected to be tense but stable peace.
The primary application of this doctrine occurred during the Cold War (1950s to 1990s) between the United States and Soviet Union, in which MAD was seen as helping to prevent any direct full-scale conflicts between the two nations while they engaged in smaller proxy wars around the world. MAD was part of U.S. strategic doctrine which believed that nuclear war between the Soviet Union and the United States could best be prevented if neither side could defend itself against the other's nuclear missiles (see Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty). The credibility of the threat being critical to such assurance, each side had to invest substantial capital in weapons, even those not intended for use.
This MAD scenario was often known by the less frightening euphemism "nuclear deterrence". -
What was the fear based programming of Protect & Survive?
An archive of UK civil defence material
By the time Eric Aurthur Blair had written '1984' in 1948/9 he had served in the administration of the Indian Imperial Police from 1922 to 1927 ... he resigned in part due to his growing dislike of British imperialism.
Had then lived in poverty, an experience which made him want to become a writer.
He had Been a fighter against fascists for the United Workers Marxist Party militia in the Spanish civil war of the 1930's.
He had also worked as a journalist for the BBC writing propaganda as part of the war effort.
He died in 1950, the early stages of the cold war. A war between two ideologies. Free-Market Capitalism and State Socialism.
Orwell's biography
It is these life experiences, I beleive, that led [Blair] Orwell to write his book 1984. Had he an inkling that the truth as laid out before him as reality, was itself a political act of propaganda? After all, he had seen truth rewritten for the sake of freedom in WWII. Nowadays, it has become generally accepted that 1984 was actually a book about the present, Orwells present, 1948.
So how can we become more Orwellian in the 21st century.
Are we post-Orwellian?
If so, what has changed?
We still have wars in defined zones called countries on the land-masses of this planet.
For over 50 years we have seen opposing ideologies used to justify pre-emptive conflict.
The Industrial Barons which set up monopolies in the early 20th Century, still have a hold on industrial ecomomy via a corporate Elitist colonial Feudalism.
Fake freedom - a managed democracy, posing as 'Homelands' of liberty and equality.
Coups involving real politik for global resources. soldiers are labelled the new Pioneers by our 'leaders', while in reality these Mercenaries recruit child soldiers. There is Poverty, disease, Slavery, and dehumanization.
If we, who are treated as the ordinary, the meek, the low, are to become post-orwellian, we must see through the illusion of this private-elite 'state against state' apparatus. We must see through the illusion of the beaurocracy, the fear of punishment from not obeying the designed reality that keeps us all busy slaving to the tune of those who have ruled for centuries. It gives us no time for our children, for ourselves, and for our future.
As we become more in debt, doesn't it become a distinct possibility that one day those debts might enable these fat controllers to make you work for NOTHING but the privelidge of staying alive within a systemic society labelled as 'free'?
I think that particular, rather peculiar brand of freedom is called slavery.
"He sat back. A sense of complete helplessness had descended upon him. To begin with, he did not know with any certainty that this was 1984. It must be round about that date, since he was fairly sure that his age was thirty-nine, and he believed that he had been born in 1944 or 1945; but it was never possible nowadays to pin down any date within a year or two. " - 1984
After considering the possibilities that we might be living in a post-Orwellian planetery control system...I beg of you to read the book "1984" and ask yourself one simple question:
Who is the narrator?
is it the author?
or is it actually the voice of Big Brother? Is language the mind-control mechanism, dictating Winston Smiths thoughts directly to you as a Thoughtcrime...?
Is the concept of 'Anti-war' - doublespeak?
Consider the collective that has become known as the 'anti-war movement'
In the current climate of the war on terror, it has become apparent that the situation in Iraq is not actually a WAR, but an invasion and occupation as part of a process of globalisation instigated for the benefit of Multi-national corporations. These entities are often represented by Politicians who simultaneously have a hand in their respective countries political destiny. It has become apparent that The war on Terror is a political tool for the erosion of the rights of individual liberty via a mechanism of fear-based mind control, which seeks to economically and politically benefit from terror itself.
The concept of 'anti-war' has come to be steered to justify genocide in the name of spreading democracy.
It has become a collective which rightly sees murder for economic strategic political ends as fundamentally wrong but with no aknowledgement given to their own use of information as a tool of righteous warfare for fighting such control and the use of violence as a resort to battle the forces of control in extreme cases of defense of autonomy.
A microcosm of this polemic can be observed within the argument against gun-control which states that fascistic societies deny the individual the right to bear arms as a last defense against the tyranny of totalitarianism. Thus 'Peaceful' people are placed in the position, through manipulation, whereby they put any autonomy they seek to express in a vulnerable position
It thus becomes the states responsibilty to label enemies and to train citizens to believe they are fighting a righteous cause. No doubt WWII and the fight against the Nazis was a catlyst. But citizens formed autonomous resistance groups throughout Europe to fight the scourge of Hitler. They used guerilla warfare, amazing cunning bravery and knowledge. Ask yourself where they got thier weapons from. I use the concept of weapon not only to imply guns etc, but intelligence, spirit, compassion and artistic creativity.
The real fight against the state as reality design & oppression could be labelled 'anti-control' or 'self autonomy' or 'conscientious dissent'
In Orwell's world of perpetual war [eg: Eurasia vs Eastasia] it is suggested that public consciousness can be made to believe from day to day, moment to moment, that the war is what has always been... while on Airstrip one we observes that at any moment the state of war could be seen to mutate, magically transforming to take on different enemies, allegiances and locations. Winston Smith wakes up to the fact he is part of the machine that designs reality.
With Orwell's concept of state control via information in mind...
Can it be argued that the 'war' in 1984 as an actual physical guns, bullets and death, isn't actually happening at all?
That the military exists and people are enlisted and are fighting 'the enemy'?
I believe Orwell is re-defining war as state control over the individual via a cultic mode of repression.
It is 'reality control' as information warfare - Totalism
The perpetual war is actually 'The state versus the individual' - commanded on a global scale, with all countries being part of the theatre of perpetual warfare. The mechanism of each state is made up of controlled staff and soldiers who totally believe the myth of each individual 'country' as they are trained to kill each other unquestioningly.
Big Brother is Emmanuel Goldstein
Is The flip side the SAME side...?
Imagine a state which was run on the basis of perpetual Freedom. The population live within gated communities, and aspire to happy productive lives via a mechanism of state controlled linguistic-media manipultion. While outside the zone of the majorities consciousness - the state marches with it's OWN crack troops, bought mercenaries and trained 'foreign armies'. This collective labels itself as representing the 'global peace state' and are actually commiting a genocide which is a politically useful tool because it creates the victims it needs. For it is these political dissidents who flee to the boundaries of a 'peace state' that are labelled as terrorists...and are subsequently promoted as a threat to those living within the zone of conciousness known as 'freedom'.
captain wardrobe
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