Shoot a Vulture says Nick Ferrarri
Beverli Rhodes | 01.02.2005 10:11 | Animal Liberation | Ecology
Nick Ferrari has done it again - "shoot a vulture" sic his comment on this morning 1 Feb 2005 breakfast show. The man shows his ignorance! When discussing the Africa crisis - he staes boldly to shoot a vulture rather than a giraffe or zebra. AFrica White-Backed Vultures as well as Cape Griffon vulture are ENDANGERED and RARE! DUH the lesson is - dont open your mouth unless youre aware of the facts.
The breakfast show on the 1st Feb 2005 offered a suggestion by Nick Ferrari to "shoot a vulture instead of a griaffe or zebra" to which the caller shrieked in laughter. Why is a braodcasting company employed an individual incapeable of online research - is the man insufficiently schooled in broadcasting and public relations? Even a college student studing public relations and broadcasting KNOWS not to shout one's mouth off before all the facts have been made apparent. Nick and his employers should go get their school fees back! The Cape Griffon vulture and the AFrican White-Backed vulture are ENDAGERED and RARE other species stand the risk of following in these footsteps - especially if a broadcaster advocates them being shot. Vultures clean the bush and ensure the control of rotton carcasses and the spread of disease. Someone save us a nation of hunters and deal with the man.
Beverli Rhodes
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01.02.2005 12:46
Vulture Culture
01.02.2005 13:29,3604,479311,00.html
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