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Defy ID and the Ministry of Truth

The Ministry of Truth | 29.01.2005 21:36

You are only permitted to read the information below if you are a barcoded registered citizen who intends to lawfully and rightfully carry an ID card. Do not attempt to read if you do not fill these criteria.

Decent citizens foolishly reading information that says the goverment is lieing.
Decent citizens foolishly reading information that says the goverment is lieing.

Big brother is still watching you. As it should be.
Big brother is still watching you. As it should be.

A man talks to a reprobate without suit. The Ministry has noted this.
A man talks to a reprobate without suit. The Ministry has noted this.

Citizens of Manchester were astonished (well more truthfully, they were interested) to see the Ministry of Truth on the Manchester streets again. This time there was information about what the government says on ID cards, the costs, penalties and types of data that will be collected on you and used.

The Ministry says "carry ID cards at all times, allow businesses access to your personal data, pay for the card and penalties if you lose it, be criminalised, believe the government - you know they have your best interests at heart.

The Ministry says "we need more than your name".

Many citizens on the Manchester streets stopped to read the information and talk to the Ministry. Some reprobates posing as Ministry employees (easily spotted because they were not wearing Ministry regulation suits) said negative things about ID cards and many of our good citizens were shocked. Unfortunately, a Public Meeting to talk with Manchester citizens is planned and the Ministry fears the intention will be to persuade otherwise upright citizens to refuse to carry ID.

In the interests of every good citizen avoiding the public meeting, the Ministry of Truth feels dutybound to announce it will be at The Friends Meeting House at 7.30pm, Thursday 3rd March on Mount Street, Manchester.

Big Brother is watching you. You have been warned.

The Ministry of Truth
- e-mail: manchester[at]
- Homepage:


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funniest moment of the day

30.01.2005 10:31

a girl on her mobile getting excited thinking Big Brother were auditioning in Manchester then realising it was about ID cards. (tip for rich tv production companies: stop wasting all that money and get yourselves on the manchester streets with some cloth, wood and string - clearly its what the public want).


Eeeeeeeeeeeey: You said you'd blank my face out.

30.01.2005 18:32

That swarthy young man in the parka looks suspiscious to me. Perhaps he was once a Spice Girl?



30.01.2005 20:14

sorry but it was a very blurry pic when i cut the size down so i reckoned it would be ok. your probably about as disguised as if i'd put blurry things all over your face and anyway we weren't doing anything except annoying the odd council employee.


Slip ?

31.01.2005 18:59

"and anyway we weren't doing anything except annoying the odd council employee"

How true



01.02.2005 09:32

thank you for comments the ministry will use this information to make your freedom more secure.


Thats the trouble with Anon.

01.02.2005 23:29

He posts a lot but has absolutely no sense of humour. I just don't know how his mum puts up with him. Clearly i should pass his details onto the Ministry but a strange sense of pity overwhelms me. Really he should get out more and meet people. Like we do.

aw bless