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nation worthy of the Title – Nazi Nation – the USA

FALLUJA | 27.01.2005 20:18 | Analysis | Repression | Zapatista | London

If there were the capacity for ART in this world – all artists would show the true colors – and the spectacular evil of the Amerikans – but since this is so impossible (beyond humans ) we have to read poor words like these. – BUT YOU DO SEE THAT beautifully ugly art - it is on the headlines each day – it is on everything stamped = made in America – you know the truth – or you would/could not read this…

Censor Reality ? hu ... hummmm
Censor Reality ? hu ... hummmm

There has only been one nation worthy of the Title – Nazi Nation – it is the USA!

Most Americans are fascists and more than 40 million are NAZIS…

No one will dispute this… censorship is not debate.

What the USA did in Vietnam, Cambodia, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Iraq (1964-2020 and thus Iran too) Palestine or to the native Americans – any one of these is infinitely worse than Hitler – and wait till you see the gory glory of the USA subjugation of Iran!

To pay homage to the vicitims of Aushwitz and allow Collin Powell or Condi Rice or Dick Chenney there is tantamount to Nazi worship

In fact most of the people in the OECD are worse than Hitler – ask Ken Livingston – Mayor buffoon of London – who proclaims that the international economic system kills 40 to 80 million people a year – not for war – not out of the desperation that Germany faced in 1928-1939 – No the rich and their wanna – be idolitizers kill these people for sport , for money, for greed for a distaste for thought ..

If there were the capacity for ART in this world – all artists would show the true colors – and the spectacular evil of the Amerikans – but since this is so impossible (beyond humans ) we have to read poor words like these. – BUT YOU DO SEE THAT beautifully ugly art - it is on the headlines each day – it is on everything stamped = made in America – you know the truth – or you would/could not read this…

Epic Fertility Rite: An Empire Blesses the Wars to Come: The Bush Inauguration
Judas 25.Jan.2005 04:09

He IS the CHOSEN - Who are your Champions o Resisters ???

Power Unknown to the Race of Man - Awake and Behold

Epic Fertility Rite: An Empire Blesses the Wars to Come: The Bush Inauguration

For all of the fools of the Left and the Center (at least 100 million of you) who failed to listen to the voices of wisdom 10, 20 and 30 years ago – and who yet fail to comprehend … You deserve Mr. GW Bush – may you all roast in your self-made HELL !

…And that river of change we thought we floated in, the ever-changing river that would nourish us in the coming years with its clear waters and purifying powers, now only a dream of what might have been. But we are here nonetheless, caught in the flotsam of the past four years that turned this country into a cesspool of lies and deceit, overflowing now with even greater arrogance and vengeance, determined to spread its toxic waste throughout the world.

… America inaugurates a newly elected President, a ceremony that traditionally celebrates the promise of our Democracy… I hear instead the marching drums and shrill patter of the fife leading the congregation of believers in "Onward Christian Soldiers" as they assemble for the final battle Christ has promised them if they are to attain everlasting glory.

These pseudo-Christians, these end-timers, dominionists, Zionist evangelicals raise their collective hands in swaying unison proclaiming passionately their belief in Jesus, damning disbelievers who threaten their institution of marriage with civil unions and their pro-life commandment with a woman's right to choose… God has chosen Bush to fulfill His mission to bring about the Rapture and usher in the 1000 years of peace… a parallel [and a parable?] between this inauguration and that held when Cromwell took power in England in the mid 1600s, another time when mis-guided clergy predicted the coming of Armageddon as that state moved toward a theocracy.

They come to celebrate the crowning of George W. Bush, the self-proclaimed disciple of the only true Lord, sent on His mission to bring His gift to all humankind, a veritable "divinely anointed Emperor" of the world, a return to days of yore when people accepted what their ministers preached, that God blesses those leaders they, on His behalf, anoint, and negate, thereby, the unalienable rights that reside in the body politic, each and every citizen of this nation. (Extremely selective cuts from A Mock Epic Fertility Rite, By WILLIAM A. COOK )

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Display the following 2 comments

  1. Words are Feeble in this War - Phots are not much Better - Only ACTION! — We are all Iraqi Insurgents -Everywhere Falluja
  2. I would ease up on the wacky baccy if I were you — care in the community works