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XXI Century film showing

Antoine | 27.01.2005 16:55 | Analysis | Culture | Globalisation | Liverpool

XXI Century, the mammoth seven-part underground documentary is coming to Liverpool, and so is its director!

Gabriele Zamparini, documentary director, will be coming to Liverpool for a short three-day trip in order to show several parts of his (and Lorenzo Meccoli's) fascinating documentary about the USA, imperialism, culture and capitalism.

It will take place over three evenings:

Monday 31st Jan: 6pm, Training Room, top floor of the Guild of Students
Tuesday 1st Feb: same time, same place
Wednesday 2nd Feb: same place, but 7pm!

Gabriele will give a short introduction to each part shown, and it will be followed by a discussion/Q&A session.

Voluntary donations towards travelling costs would be appreciated!

All are very warmly welcomed



Display the following 6 comments

  1. Video Preview — FAW activist
  2. outside the university — e goldstein
  3. 'Left Wing' Activity — One who Knows...?
  4. diy — b
  5. answer to diy — e goldstein
  6. D I Y — un