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Names and Addresses of EDO/MBM Managing Directors - Involved in Arms Manufacture

Fuck the Arms Trade | 27.01.2005 15:17 | Anti-militarism | South Coast

From Companies House

EDO MBM is based on the Home Farm Industrial Estate, Mouslecoomb, Brighton

They supply military electrical equipment to the US and UK military as well as Raytheon systems

These people are complicit in the deaths of innocent people. They should have no anonymity

Anthony Roberts
Company Secretary
Date of Birth 12/05/1960
++ ++ +++++ +++
East Sussex
Appointed 01/06/2001

David Barnbrook
Date Of Birth 29/11/1952
++++ ++++++
East Preston
appointed 01/01/2000

Paul Hills
Date Of Birth 11/11/1963
++ +++++
Appointed 21/09/2000

David Jones
Managing Director
Date of Birth 30/03/1947
++ ++++++++ +++++
St Leonard's on Sea
East Sussex
Appointed pre 29/03/1991

Robert Clive Mullins
Date of Birth 11/07/1951
+ +++++++++++
Thames Ditton
Appointed 15/01/1998

Stephen Palul Northam
Date of birth 12/05/1960
+++ ++++++++
West Sussex
Appointed 21/09/200

Fuck the Arms Trade


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Oh nooooooooo!

27.01.2005 20:45

Nobody I'm sure will dispute that these are "bad people" (cf. G W Bush)

But this information can be obtained by anyone from Companies House. It's not clever.

Publishing names and addresses online achieves nothing and simply brings indymedia into disrepute. At some point someone will use this to justify nicking the servers again - or worse.

Maybe this is just another troll mission.

If it isn't, for God's sake think before you post.
