Demos against EDO/MBM this week including verdict of rooftop 5 trial
EDO Smasher | 26.01.2005 13:31 | Anti-militarism | London | South Coast
2 Demos against EDO/MBM - Brigton's very own arm's manufacturers
this campaign is really snowballing - its time to get involved
this campaign is really snowballing - its time to get involved
Thursday 27th January - Noise Demo at EDO/MBM Tech - Brighton's very own arms company supplying weapons to the Israeli Army - 4-6 outside EDO/MBM, Home Farm Road, Brighton (meet 4pm at the bottom of Home Farm Road)
Friday 28th January Verdict of the Rooftop 5 Court Case - Brighton Magistrates Court, Edward Street, Brighton. Verdict of the case of 5 activists who occupied the roof of EDO/MBM
Case starts at 10am
Demonstration at 1pm outside the Magistrates Court - Please come and Support
EDO Smasher
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court case starts at 12 not 10
26.01.2005 14:58
billy bragger
How about a phone blockade too?
26.01.2005 18:30
How about a phone, fax and e-mail blockade too?
EDO (UK) Ltd
Emblem House
Home Farm Business Park
Brighton, East Sussex
BN1 9HU, England
01273 810500
01273 810531
Fax: 01273 810600
Fax: 01273 810514
Fax: 01273 810565
Mobile: 07787 522505
Mobile: 07703 344425