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The face of Iraqs Occupation

Iraq Solidarity Campaign | 19.01.2005 21:10 | Social Struggles | Liverpool

these pictures show the real face of Iraqs occupation

Iraqs new found freedom!
Iraqs new found freedom!

We are here to bring democracy!
We are here to bring democracy!

You will determine your own future!
You will determine your own future!

We will continue our war on terror!
We will continue our war on terror!

Iraq is liberated

Iraq Solidarity Campaign
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No, they don't.

20.01.2005 01:16

That's why these people are being court martialled



20.01.2005 10:52

fucking fascist army


its simple

20.01.2005 12:53

no army = no war -> no war crimes, no death, no tourture, no pain, no anguish, no mutilation.


Dont you know.

20.01.2005 22:19

Dont you know,
Im talkin bout a
in Iraq?


Iraqi Freedom

13.09.2005 19:52

Well, I have one question for all of you who think were over there for the wrong reasons. Did you agree with getting rid of Hitler? I mean he was killing jews with Sarin Gas. I mean, that is a weapon of mass destruction right? Well if you find yourself saying yes that man was sick. Or he deserved it though. Then you would also call yourself a hipocrit if you said that Sudam Husan is different. I mean he is using the Sarin Gas, oh but that is different right. I mean he has only killed millions of his own people with the "GAS". Surely there is a difference between him and Hitler, right? Wrong. We found the gas. Anything that kills millions of people in my opion is classified as mass destruction. If that isn't, what is. The Epocolipse. But the war on terror isnt against Sudam, It is against Osama bin laden, right. Well didnt hitler have the help of japan. So Osma had the help of Sudam. So if you ask me, if were over there for the wrong reasons then world war 2 is in vain as well. And this little piece of land we all live on, then i guess you wouldnt mind having it controled by Sudam or Hitler instead of the GOD AWFUL BUSH.
