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Work on Linslade Bypass has begun

Syd | 19.01.2005 11:48 | Ecology | Cambridge | Oxford

The Linslade Bypass web page is saying...

NEWS FLASH (10:45 19th January) - Workmen have moved onto the bypass site to start cutting trees. Police presence is very high and arrests may be imminent.

Has anyone got anymore information? Are there plans for continued protests?

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keep us updated please

19.01.2005 14:54

Hi there,

I hope to try and get down there when I can, but not sure how quickely I can make it...

...can people please try to post regular updates so we know what the situation is and whether the protests/DA is ongoing? Thanx, and the very best of luck!!!!!

Solidarity is our weapon.


update (wed morning/lunchtime)

19.01.2005 18:52

An update, received 11 or 12ish this morning by phone said that two people were locked on to diggers, the police had got there and that there was good local support.


Support needed

19.01.2005 20:36

We had two people arrested at lunchtime today - took 19 police to do it! We need a good turn-out of supporters tomorrow - Thursday 20th January. Any time anyone can spare would be great.

For more details look at our website - trying to keep this as out to date as possible

Hope to see some of you there tomorrow... and the day after... and the day after.

Concerned Local
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Linslade Bypass

20.01.2005 11:12

Just to let you know that the digger was taken away this morning whilst the local press (Three Counties Radio) were there. We don't expect them to be back before next week but keep watching our website for updates on progress.

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Work Suspended on Linslade Bypass

20.01.2005 13:30

Work on the controversial Stoke Hammond to Linslade bypass has been temporarily halted due to the pressures of protests, local campaigners have just learned. Buckinghamshire County Council have said that work has been suspended on police advice while the security situation is reviewed.

See website for more information

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