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T Painet | 19.01.2005 08:48

Mad-Eye Phoney, General Bag-Eyes and Major Work-Them-Hard.

The British army is not to blame for the torture of civilians in basra.

It was just a few bad apples.

The British army went to Basra to kill people not to torture them.

The few bad apples include general Bag-Eyes, Mad-Eye Phoney and some horse loving major who was working the NCOs to hard.

We will have these bad apples weeded out in 45 minutes or so.

I know that this prime minister and this House will not stand for it.


T Painet


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Too Late...

19.01.2005 13:26

The bad apples have already rotted the whole barrel, which has turned to potent cider, so the British army is now drunk on power and according to the BBC, "simulating abuse."

General Sir Wacko Jacko

"We were only following orders"

19.01.2005 23:55

Where did the orders come from? It can't be that hard to find out who gave these men their orders. We want to know who was responsible for these men. And where were their morals? Didn't the post-WWII trials make it clear that "just following orders" is no excuse? Are our armies controlled by NAZIS?

Angry Manc
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