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Wye Couriers stop delivering to Sequani vivisection labs

Shadow | 17.01.2005 23:09 | Animal Liberation

Company number thirteen have made the decision that it just isn't worth aiding and abetting the evil vivisectors at Sequani limited in Ledbury Herefordshire by supplying them with what Sequani needs to murder animals more efficiently in useless experiments that benefit no one except Sequani and their bank balance.

received anonymously.

Activists hit three Sequani suppliers in Hereford this afternoon 17.01.05.

First off was Wye Couriers of Thorn Business park, Rotherwas, Hereford. Upon entering their office activists were told that Wye Couriers would not be doing business with Sequani again now or in the future through fear of 'nutters like you (to activists) burning the place down'(!?) ..The company director then wrote a handwritten statement of confirmation that Wye Couriers will not be supplying Sequani again ...

'We at Wye Couriers do not deliver into Sequani of Ledbury, the parcels come to us and then the sender now arranges for an independent person to come in and collect and deliver. Wye Couriers do not do any business with Sequani'.

Director (Wye Couriers)


*The 'independent person' is a taxi firm activists were told that now deliver the parcels to the animal hell hole Sequani. Only a matter of time whoever you are! ... .. .

Next off, Arrowmight Biosciences of Hereford for a loud and angry demo naming and shaming this evil company that make the animal cages and supply animal bedding to vivisection hell holes like Sequani, HLS and Covance. TNT (what a surprise) were busy there dealing with the prison manufacturers. Two scummy companies that profit out of the misery of lab animals.

Last but not least Owen Pell of rotherwas, Hereford. This is a great place to demo as it is on an extremely busy road. Megaphones and whistles tore up the air shaming the building contractors that maintain the vile Sequani limited. Only three protesters were at this demo who were not suprised when a police van and two squad cars took up camp outside Pells offices, OTT as ever. Cops (west mercia) were rude and offensive to protesters and completely breached police code of conduct guidelines. One was even leaning against his van having a fag. More like the BNP than officers of the law.

Pell was left in no doubt that he will be exposed time and time again for profiting from the agony of lab animals.

A great day out. Thirteen companies down for the vicious animal killers at Sequani Limited. Every drop of energy, money, rage and time - For the Animals Always!!!

Arrowmight Biosciences (animal cage suppliers), Rotherwas Industrial Estate, Campwood Road, Hereford HR2 650 TEL: 01432 379 111 FAX: 01432 344 960 EMAIL EMAIL

Owen Pell Limited (Building and maintenance contractors), Twyford Road, Rotherwas Industrial Estate, Hereford HR2 6JR Tel: 01432 353441
Registered Office: (same as above)


All company names and contact details in this report have been retrieved from sources such as search engines, the yellow pages, the thomson local, public librarys and local newspapers.

All company details that appear in this report are freely available to members of the public from these sources.

None of the company details printed in this report are intended to encourage or cause harassment, alarm or distress to any of those parties.

Worcestershire Animal Info does not encourage illegal behaviour or any behaviour likely to break the law.

More info on Sequani vivisection labs and the campaign to stop them go to >>



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same as usual

18.01.2005 15:22

Nice to see that terrorising your victims wins out over reasoned argument again...
Any wonder why you're losing support ?


never been better

18.01.2005 16:56

All of the current animal rights campaigns against various labs in the uk seem to be doing rather well actually by the looks of it ie the post above for example.

New faces joining the movement, more demos, more suppliers to labs refusing to do business with these laboratories.

Public support on the streets. Lots of donations and interest.

Oxford labs standing ghostly and half built..HLS workers tearing their hair out..

Bet this all really pisses you off Booby doesn't it?


Big Bro


18.01.2005 17:30

Has 'reasoned argument' ever saved the life of an animal? especially when that animal lies in the hands of people that want to electrocute, cut open, burn, scold, poison and choke that animal to death? No ...

The animals don't have the time to wait whilst 'reasoned argument' fails them again whilst condemning their lives to the aforementioned tortures.


the result ?

19.01.2005 15:17

Wye Couriers stop delivering. New company starts delivering with unmarked vans the next day. Overall result nil.

Once again the violent element within the movement has succeded in doing nothing except having us all branded as "Violent Extremists ". When will you learn these tactics are doing the cause so much damage ?

Not impressed

To Booby

19.01.2005 16:00

Appeals to 'reasoned debate'! Why not include 'rationality' as well?

These are poor excuses for being blind to the abuses perpetrated on animals for dark-age science and the profits of the few. Rationality: anyone can appeal to it but very few will realise that it is often just a smokescreen for hideous lapses of sympathy.

Were you watching the Holocaust program on BBC2 yesterday - an excellent example of mass abandonment of the values we need to foster, and the type of march towards modernity that someone who calls for 'reasoned debate' will invoke. Fuck off.


Get off your high horse

19.01.2005 16:20

The boss of this courier firm made the comment to activists that he was not doing business with the lab again 'through fear of nutters burning his place down' because as he stated 'I watch the news you know' ..

No one involved in the campaign against Sequani labs had threatened or had any intention of burning his place of work down. He came to his own misguided assumptions.

SSAT campaign peacefully and within the law against supplier companies to Sequani labs.


unmarked vans

20.01.2005 01:58

not impressed said >Wye Couriers stop delivering. New company starts delivering with unmarked vans the next day. Overall result nil.

- So what? The unmarked vans will just get followed back to where they came from.

result? Another firm that tries to hide its ID 'identified'.
