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Let's Move! An Appeal to the Global Conscience

Foreign Press Foundation | 17.01.2005 12:22 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Repression

To those who consider the war in Iraq a mistake but still fear the consequences of military withdrawal, we ask these questions: when will enough be enough? If not now, when?


Monday Jan 17, 2005 - On the very professional and informative web site 'Information Clearing House' * - an 'Appeal to Global Conscience' by 'Alternet' is published, which very much centers on the US. Because of the global suffering by this US-Moloch everywhere, this makes a global version of the appeal necessary.

Below is the draft by Tom Hayden*, which here is rewritten in a global perspective:

01/17/05 - Foreign Press Foundation - This is an appeal to all peace and justice movements to stand together as a conscience of the world, against the Bush and other administration's bloody occupation of Iraq and drive towards an American Empire. We may be in for a long war. We who stand for global democracy, in the United States and all other countries, should continue and widen our protests especially at local community levels to:

Oppose any further funding for war and occupation;

Develop global public support for military withdrawal;

Support global, national and local referenda on withdrawal and peace candidates in 2006 and 2008;


Globally build non-partisan peace alliances across all national and party lines, from left to right;


Support dissenting combat veterans, reservists and their families, of any nationality; 


Call for boycotts and termination of profiteering from war and occupation by American and all other corporations of whatever nationality.


Global transition from fossil fuel dependency to renewable resources, conservation and energy efficiency. 


A global behemoth (giant/colossus) can only be fought through global resistance, locally based in all countries. We express gratitude to all global peace movements for further advocating and activating world opinion against all forms of collaboration with the U.S. occupation, and call for further efforts, including:


Moral and economical support for asylum seekers in Canada and all other nations, for all soldiers who have the moral strength and decency to refuse - for reasons of conscience or otherwise - to fight in any kind of illegal wars.


More global demonstrations and political mobilizations against President Bush's frustrated search for 'willing', bullied and bribed 'allies', forced to kill in the inhumane US's "War OF Terrorism"


Continued efforts to force the withdrawal of Israeli 'torture instructors' and 'Special Forces', British, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Dutch, and all other foreign troops from the illegal occupations;

Opposition to any form of participation in military training of Iraqi troops for an illegitimate U.S.- or otherwise foreign dominated kind of forced and illegal regime.
Together we can undermine the foundations of war and occupation, make it impossible for the American government to continue its course, and begin to plant the pillars of peace. 

The time has come to recognize that the violent american/israeli foreig trade policy and invasions and occupations* - by the U.S. and it's so called allies - is the principal cause of the violent insurgency and growing civil war.

We disagree with those who, while admitting that that the war was a mistake based on fabricated evidence, nevertheless claim it would be a bigger mistake to end the occupation and withdraw.


We ask the question, raised decades ago during another unwinnable war: who can justify sending more human beings of any nationality - to die for the multi-nationals greed, lies and deadly 'mistakes'?

And nobody in the world wants to be tortured, because Bush and the neocons steering him, make Alberto R. Gonzales -- the man who 'legalized' global US-torture - the United States Attorney General?

Over 40 million Americans- and globally hundreds of millions more people - already say the US et al should withdraw from this war. These are not uncaring isolationists, but thinking people who know better than to kill and die for a mistake, to throw good money after bad, and to ruin the little which is left of the US's good name and image in the world.
These tens of millions of Americans - and many more people in the rest of the 199 countries surrounding the US - are often, and through manipulation - completely unrepresented. Nor allowed to get any influence in the political process and biased c.q. brainwashing mainstream media, which are in majority owned by the same global mega-industries, which are instigating and advocating the wars.

It is time that the american - and overwhelming global - frustration of the majority who consider the US and it's 'allies' warfare a mistake, be met with more than cowardly silence in the halls of power of the bad geniuses of the so called 'New World Order'.
To those who say the war must continue three, five or 10 more years, we demand to know what will be left of countries like Iraq and many others they claim 'to have saved' (in order to destroy it?) or say they are in the process of 'saving'? The time for global resistance has come a long time ago, fomented by the US global killing spree for profit, a.k.a. "War on Terror'. But the terror - in and by the US - is 'homemade'.

What loss in lives, what cost in money wasted, what level of anti-American/Israeli hatred in the world, are they willing to bear? Pretending they are Canadian or some other 'not-so-hated-nationality', to ensure safe passage and stay overseas?*
To those who consider the war a mistake but still fear the consequences of military withdrawal, we ask these questions: when will enough be enough? If not now, when?
We further believe the struggle to stop the occupation of Iraq is a first and essential step to unite forces against the U.S. government's and some 'allies' current political designs for global dominance.


We all oppose any ambitions anywhere to create an empire dominated by any state or states, supported by their own collaborating warmongering media and US/Israeli global networks of capitalism. Like the Barak government 'holocausting' the Palestinians for decades.

Nor do we believe that the issue of terrorism can be addressed by permanent war, increased secrecy and suspensions of democratic liberties, but principally through an all-out effort to bring hope to billions of people now festering in humiliation and poverty.
We stand with those who believe in the reality of a multi-polar and multi-cultural world, and especially with those who believe "another, better world is possible".

Through social people's movements in every country - fighting for enforceable standards of human rights, fair trade, social justice and environmental protection, and for new institutions that foster a just distribution of global wealth and power and respect for the dignity of the human spirit.

The challenge - for all of us in the whole world - is to imagine, strive for, and begin to live a better life beyond an 'Empire' altogether.

[FPF-text-HR - and end]

''Look out world, here come the Americans again'':
Paul Harris - Canada - Url.:

BBC - 'The Iraq war is illegal' says UN-Annan - Url.:

Pretending to be Canadians, to ensure safe passage overseas - Url.:

Tom Hayden biography - Url.:

Original 'Appeal'-text US version - Url.:

Martin Luther King's Acceptance Speech, on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Peace Peace Prize in Oslo, December 10, 1964 - Url.:

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
FPF (at)

The Dutch author has this far worked abroad for 4 decades for international media, as a foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East.

Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! ( Former) US Senator Hollings agrees:

Evil triumphs when good men, women and we journalists remain silent: - - Let's fight today, because tomorrow it may be too late...

Help the troops come home ! We need them badly to fight our 'governments':


FPF - COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. - Url.:

Foreign Press Foundation


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20.01.2005 13:05

oh yeah. they're really nice people. i think i like the Illuminati and the One world Global Military Police State.

human beings are stupid. let's face it. we need strong leaders to help us behave in orderly ways -- we're just gonna die anyway -- in the interim, strong Fuhrer figures like George Herbert Walker Bush can rule behind the scenes.

I know that Dubya is a helpless patsy follwing his father's orders and i don't care.
I feel protected, sheperded, owned and enslaved. you KNOW you want him to RULE you. just give in.

resistance is use less.

It feels good, it feels right and natural.
prudent, stay the course, no changing horses in midstream. why not just do what the illuminated Luciferians tell us to do?
Virtue is so corny.
Evil's cool.
Darth Vader!
now THERE'S a leader.

who would want anything else?

how arrogant to reject those who have the mandate of the people and the divine birthright of Illumination?

anyone who rejects their right to dominate with the cold iron hand of death is probably stupid or insane.

Like those damn 'joooze' -- they should have just marched off into the showers cause Hitler said so. hitler was righteous, and so was Bush -- I mean Prescott Push when he finded the Auschwitz act of liberating them 'jooze' from their bodies!

stupid 'joooze.' you know the jews control all trhe world's synogogues. It's a copnspiracy i tell you. someobody ought to tell Our President. he's so RIGHTEOUS. he'll find a Final Solution.

I like the way he's eradicating those damn raghead mooslims. can't STAND those damn MOOSLIMS.

pretty soon our Illuminated masters will set their sights on the christians. It's already getting hard for Christians of sincerity to get by in the world.

they won't gain the world to lose their souls, obstinate pious jackals. don't they read their own doctored and censored version of the truth?

if only more christians would adhere to the letter of the law and reject the spirit of it like they are supposed to in our long range Illuminated plan for world domination? Oh, but they will, they will.

before the end. WE, THE ILLUMINATI, BORN WITH THE DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS! WE SHALL TRIUMPH AND CRUSH ALL THAT OPPOSE US1 Bush will be used for his value as a face trusted by the guullible and when he's done...we'll wring him out like a dishrag and find another sappy and convincing figurehead to front our..."special plans." EWIGE BLUMENKRAEFT!

i admit that Bush has done a good job with this latest holocaust of the arab semites. we made the joooze crazy back in the forties and now they are doing just what our great dictator and poster child for socialist direct action adolf hitler (hail ceasar! Long LIve Dictator Bush and the Fifth International! Sieg Blair!) did to destroy that hated spectre 'democracy'.
I personally see through that subvcversive little pprince harry. he des[ises his daddy for letting his mopther die and he rekjjects his birthright and all that it stands for. what a coward. i say make him king tomorrow. AND queen. we need a hermaphopridte on the throne! that's really the point. it will send a strong message to everyone to stop breeding and become as GAY AND STUPID AS POSSIBLE. He hates his lif e and teh set up they have created for him and he is obviously cryiong out for help like any opther teen in a frustratingly un free situation.

no dice, son. you were bred to rule and now you must RULE! It's okay. no one cares about your feelings and no one ever will. except "Bob".
remeber, resistance is useless! expectorate! expectorate!

i'm so glad we got people to shy away from the idea of being 'politically correct.'
Now no one has a corret understanding of politics!

they think anarchism is socialism - they think constitutional republic is representative demorcacy -- or else they don't care!

we have shafted them all. i am so glad we are The Illuminated Decievers of the World. we'll rule their entire precious "new age" too. there won't be anything new about it but gadgets.

every time we extinct another one of their precious animals we give them new gadgets! it's better than bread and circuses, man...we RULE!

us , the Illuminated Old world order. that was a stroke of genius, telling them it was gonna be a new world order. it's said NOVUS ORDO SECULORUM on teh great Seal for quite along time...but they're sheep. they still call the new testament new and it's two thousand years old!

we RULE. and we're puttin' em in graves!

that was swell wiping out the canadian wolverine and giving them cell phones. they didn't even notice. we RULE. Hail, Satan!

our best coup is the utter lack of religious understanding. how will they ever get out from uunder our heel!? t5hey won't probably. Stinking huippies!

I'm glad that We, The Illuminated, are the secret masters of the world all we need to do is continue our plan of total denial!

and condi! that's...that's just great. She's probably the best secretary the "White" House(HA HA HA YOU LOUSY NIGGERS!) has ever had! i'm sure her typing skills are excellent and i bet she sucks cock better than Monica Lewinsky!

We'll let that one go unreported.

Clinton was acting like he actually was about to defect and start giving people tax breaks -- people who weren't already too filthy rich to care!we had to create an effective plant -- one that would actually fall in love with him so the sting would be that much more damaging -- and actually erode human feelings. We ARE the International Anti Love Conspiracy -- Aint No Stoppin' Us Now!
We rule.

bard the bowman
mail e-mail:


20.01.2005 13:06

oh yeah. they're really nice people. i think i like the Illuminati and the One world Global Military Police State.

human beings are stupid. let's face it. we need strong leaders to help us behave in orderly ways -- we're just gonna die anyway -- in the interim, strong Fuhrer figures like George Herbert Walker Bush can rule behind the scenes.

I know that Dubya is a helpless patsy follwing his father's orders and i don't care.
I feel protected, sheperded, owned and enslaved. you KNOW you want him to RULE you. just give in.

resistance is use less.

It feels good, it feels right and natural.
prudent, stay the course, no changing horses in midstream. why not just do what the illuminated Luciferians tell us to do?
Virtue is so corny.
Evil's cool.
Darth Vader!
now THERE'S a leader.

who would want anything else?

how arrogant to reject those who have the mandate of the people and the divine birthright of Illumination?

anyone who rejects their right to dominate with the cold iron hand of death is probably stupid or insane.

Like those damn 'joooze' -- they should have just marched off into the showers cause Hitler said so. hitler was righteous, and so was Bush -- I mean Prescott Push when he finded the Auschwitz act of liberating them 'jooze' from their bodies!

stupid 'joooze.' you know the jews control all trhe world's synogogues. It's a copnspiracy i tell you. someobody ought to tell Our President. he's so RIGHTEOUS. he'll find a Final Solution.

I like the way he's eradicating those damn raghead mooslims. can't STAND those damn MOOSLIMS.

pretty soon our Illuminated masters will set their sights on the christians. It's already getting hard for Christians of sincerity to get by in the world.

they won't gain the world to lose their souls, obstinate pious jackals. don't they read their own doctored and censored version of the truth?

if only more christians would adhere to the letter of the law and reject the spirit of it like they are supposed to in our long range Illuminated plan for world domination? Oh, but they will, they will.

before the end. WE, THE ILLUMINATI, BORN WITH THE DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS! WE SHALL TRIUMPH AND CRUSH ALL THAT OPPOSE US1 Bush will be used for his value as a face trusted by the guullible and when he's done...we'll wring him out like a dishrag and find another sappy and convincing figurehead to front our..."special plans." EWIGE BLUMENKRAEFT!

i admit that Bush has done a good job with this latest holocaust of the arab semites. we made the joooze crazy back in the forties and now they are doing just what our great dictator and poster child for socialist direct action adolf hitler (hail ceasar! Long LIve Dictator Bush and the Fifth International! Sieg Blair!) did to destroy that hated spectre 'democracy'.
I personally see through that subvcversive little pprince harry. he des[ises his daddy for letting his mopther die and he rekjjects his birthright and all that it stands for. what a coward. i say make him king tomorrow. AND queen. we need a hermaphopridte on the throne! that's really the point. it will send a strong message to everyone to stop breeding and become as GAY AND STUPID AS POSSIBLE. He hates his lif e and teh set up they have created for him and he is obviously cryiong out for help like any opther teen in a frustratingly un free situation.

no dice, son. you were bred to rule and now you must RULE! It's okay. no one cares about your feelings and no one ever will. except "Bob".
remeber, resistance is useless! expectorate! expectorate!

i'm so glad we got people to shy away from the idea of being 'politically correct.'
Now no one has a corret understanding of politics!

they think anarchism is socialism - they think constitutional republic is representative demorcacy -- or else they don't care!

we have shafted them all. i am so glad we are The Illuminated Decievers of the World. we'll rule their entire precious "new age" too. there won't be anything new about it but gadgets.

every time we extinct another one of their precious animals we give them new gadgets! it's better than bread and circuses, man...we RULE!

us , the Illuminated Old world order. that was a stroke of genius, telling them it was gonna be a new world order. it's said NOVUS ORDO SECULORUM on teh great Seal for quite along time...but they're sheep. they still call the new testament new and it's two thousand years old!

we RULE. and we're puttin' em in graves!

that was swell wiping out the canadian wolverine and giving them cell phones. they didn't even notice. we RULE. Hail, Satan!

our best coup is the utter lack of religious understanding. how will they ever get out from uunder our heel!? t5hey won't probably. Stinking huippies!

I'm glad that We, The Illuminated, are the secret masters of the world all we need to do is continue our plan of total denial!

and condi! that's...that's just great. She's probably the best secretary the "White" House(HA HA HA YOU LOUSY NIGGERS!) has ever had! i'm sure her typing skills are excellent and i bet she sucks cock better than Monica Lewinsky!

We'll let that one go unreported.

Clinton was acting like he actually was about to defect and start giving people tax breaks -- people who weren't already too filthy rich to care!we had to create an effective plant -- one that would actually fall in love with him so the sting would be that much more damaging -- and actually erode human feelings. We ARE the International Anti Love Conspiracy -- Aint No Stoppin' Us Now!
We rule.

bard the bowman
mail e-mail: