Time for RETHINK
Ilyan | 16.01.2005 18:17 | Ecology
Read http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/programmes/horizon/dimming_prog_summary.shtml
and start working on your last principles.
and start working on your last principles.
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What no first Principles?
16.01.2005 22:04
The transcript is http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/programmes/horizon/dimming_trans.shtml
Please substantiate
16.01.2005 22:12
chemtrails are NOT contrails
17.01.2005 15:17
Chemtrails are something dreamed up by paranoid delusional nutters that, sadly, this world is full of. They are claimed to contain all sorts of exotic chemicals to control our minds etc (yawn). Contrails - CONdensation TRAILS - are the white streaks left behind by high altitude jets. These are composed of... wait for it... WATER in microcystalline ice form and also the inevitable CO2 cos it's just a hydrocarbon fossil fuel being burned. This is why they appear bright white, cos they reflect the sunlight so well. It was these - CONtrails - that the horizon prog was talking about and that are thought to contribute to global dimming cos they reduce the intensity of sunlight reaching the earth's surface.
OK lesson over. You can resume reading up on Jews and lizards controlling the world from the grassy knoll by filling the upper atmosphere with mind control chemicals.
a scientist (not psueudo like you)
Yeh, whats been hidden?
17.01.2005 16:31
As to the subject itself, its fucking terrifying. With massive repercussions for food supply, migration, war, inequality, authoritarianism etc etc.
Polluting industries MUST be smashed NOW! Fuck lobbying, mass direct action and resistance is needed.
Climate Chaos is here now, we cant stop it, but we can mitigate the effects and make it a little less worse than it allready will be.
Links must be made again between anarchists/anti-authoritarians/anti-statists and eco-activists, as well as eco and noborders stuff, eco and global food/trade/agriculture stuff. Cos all these fights are about to get a little bit harder due to climate chaos....
Noborders - April 2nd - airports anyone? Link climate chaos, migration and local expansion resistance?
Destroy Dsei Arms fair - Day of Action - 21st March?
Euro Mayday
G8 Summit - July 6-8th, Scotland and global
Climate Chaos global day of action July 8th
and most importantly - daily resistance in our communities - build it!
In Love n Rage.
Homepage: http://www.dissent.org.uk
17.01.2005 16:37
Anyway, this subject is being discussed on the anti-authoritarian boards at www.enrager.net if your interested (in the introductory thought forum)? We could use a litlle scientific input!
Personally I agree with the above post, this (climate chaos and its related effects) can be a uniting and defining struggle in history, or a terrible outcome if we lose.
Substance for rethinking
17.01.2005 20:47
A comment to an item in indycymru was published to UKindymedia to alert more people about Global Dimming, and vanished. Perhaps it is hidden.
A report about the Conspiracy that planned to crush the "The Vanguard of the Working Class" - the NUM that was up as a comment to a Schnews item on UKindymedia about the Miners' Strike also vanished some time ago.
An item about the Canary Islands volcano with a potential to hit N.Y., N.Y. with a fifty meter wave that was on indycymru and then posted on UKindymedia has also vanished.
Were they hidden, or is there bug, or is there enemy action?
There is one person I know of who has editorial rights on indycymru who also had/has the same on UKindymedia. So it is possible that those deletions are the work of one person working to a private agenda, as the Canary Island material on indycymru has also vanished.
If it is not posible for an editor to make a deletion on UKi but only hide, then someone else has hacked in to suppress the spread of alarming news.
This is the item that was sent to UKi but did not appear, I do not know under what title it was sent:
"by Ilyan on Jan 14, 2005 - 09:34 PM
Those who saw last night's Horizon program "Global Dimming" might be itching to string up any politician talking about development, unless the development is to do with coping with the horrific consequences of climate change now being caused by development.
The Global Commons Institute warned years ago of what must be done. We now have the fantastic situation that we depend on pollution in the air to protect us from huge increases in temperature which could easily reach a level that crops fail all over the world.
There were Scientists whose work became alarming when they had the two days of aviation free sky after 911. They saw immediately how the temperature is affected. And that if there were no particles being dumped into the higher atmosphere, the surface temperature whould shoot up to methane releasing levels with fatal consequences.
A Global economic crash, deeper than that of the 1930s might now be the only chance for survival. Not just for mammalian life, but for insects and fish and birds. Restart evolution from the microbes.
Or stop burning fossil fuel.
Does anyone have a photo from Selar protest site of a sign being painted on an old door that started "God spent billions of years putting the carbon in the ground that we might have Oxygen to breathe - ..." That was one of the first things thrown onto the fire by the evictors, does anyone recall how it ended.. Someone took a photo of it being made."
God botherers might note another comment on I/c:
".. .. no use praying, I hear God went swimming with the Dolphins, and has been deafened by people making huge noises under the sea to search for Oil under the sea floor."
does not make clear whose writing is unscientific. IMCer, going on to last principles, or returning to first principles. Now that so many Scientists have sold out Scientific principles for profit it is not surprising that we have an anonymous Scientist.
I posted this it seems yesterday, it did not appear, and I emailed it and more to imc-uk-reports five hours ago. I now try to contribute this comment again.