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just don't buy it

nick watson | 15.01.2005 21:32

campaign postcard.


nick watson
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destroy the american economy

16.01.2005 01:41

and put millions out of work all over the world

[ps - don't Intel and AMD make all these processor chips? You'll have shut down Indymedia ...]


US economy

16.01.2005 12:21

you think we can't survive without these free market parasites? think again.

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Boycott everything!

16.01.2005 14:08

... except, I dunno, fairtrade organic Zapatista coffee and Palestinian olive oil. And only then if it's been brought here by bicycle.

Tricky innit, all countries do awful things and contain / spawn companies which do awful things. ..

Boycott Britain and ship everything in from, er, I dunno, Sweden! Oh bugger, that doesn't work does it. Local markets can be cool, although I wish they were more local than a mile away, were open 24-7 and sold gin. Share more stuff! A wrap of skag between friends is much cheaper than the boozer.

Boycott 'orrible companies in Britain! Ok sounds good.
Boycott similar companies anywhere! Cool.
Buy less stuff in general and put your money into starting housing co-ops with secret underground bunkers! Brilliant.

What are we buying from the US anyway? Lists of products are helpful. Is it glorious brand-name stuff like soft beverages and Mickeysoft? There's enough reason to boycott them already without worrying about where they're based... or is it more likely that it's our guv'mint and big nasty firms that do most of the trading with the US? In which case let's just get rid of them first before moving onto the really hard choices like drinking vodka neat in the local.


uk ramblers association
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16.01.2005 14:47

>>Tricky innit, all countries do awful things

they do. either sit back in the comfort of your cosy life and play the rebel or get on board and bring the empire down.

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how low can you go?

16.01.2005 15:13

This is one of dumbest campaign I have seen in a while. This has nothing to do with somehow "left" criticism of capitalism- it is just pure resentment. Capitalism itself is to blame- no matter in what flag it comes if it is american, german, british or whatever but blaming everything on the "evil USA" is somehow very close to conspiracy theories, right winged ideology or islamist djihadism.
Fight the game- not the players!


still not buying it

16.01.2005 15:42

>>Fight the game- not the players!

no. fight the players. the driving forces of global free market capitalism are the corporate front men law makers in washington and the US military. the US, unlike the other places you mention, is not just a country, it's an empire. and that makes a difference. 'resentment'? what?? only an american could say that. rupert murdoch - personal fortune $6.9bn - also describes himself as a libertarian.

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I like "fight the game not the players" but...

16.01.2005 15:54

Yeah blatantly all countries do 'nasty things' but let's face it: right now, the USA is the biggest baddest bad-ass muthaf**ker in great geo-political game. If we're to pick a scape-goat it might as well be the USA.

As long as we don't move onto fascist "hate all americans" ideology - as long as we realise it's the system not the people.


destroy the world economy

16.01.2005 17:00

Destory the American economy, and you don't only destroy your own - you will put literally billions out of work in the third world. Who do you think they export to? And if America can't afford to import ...


lets take a poll

16.01.2005 18:52

6bn of us on the planet - on a show of hands, bring down the empire- yea or nay?

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LOCALISE the world economy!

16.01.2005 19:09

The development model that says that third world countries should attain "economic growth" by orientating their economies towards production for export to the rich west is problematic to say the least. It means they are dependent on us, so that a) if we experience difficulties they go under and b) it means we can fuck them about and demand lower and lower prices and wages.

Don't get too worried though, about the catastrophic affect of our Boycott the US campaign. It's not as if it's going to catch on or anything! ;-)


oh dear

18.01.2005 16:23

_ _ said:

>> the driving forces of global free market capitalism are the corporate front men law
>> makers in washington and the US military.

and London? Tokyo? Berlin? please.

>> rupert murdoch - personal fortune $6.9bn - also describes himself as a libertarian.

and George W Bush a Christian. If some wanker calls himself a libertarian then suddenly all anarchism becomes irrelevant? i consider this analysis very simplistic. but then you might criticise me of being 'american', cos only an 'american' could say that, right?
