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comments on dead researchers and scientists (bio-warfare)

roderick | 13.01.2005 14:59 | Bio-technology | Social Struggles | Technology | London | World

follows are the comments i recieved in reply to a reposting of the news item concerning the death of yet another micro-biologist; from a list that i am a part of.

Thanks for the list Roderick. I saw where the UM Professor was
murdered the other day. I've been watching this list grow for a few
years now. Initially, the scuttlebutt concerned a conspiracy to
diminish experts that would know how to contain a large scale
biological attack. At the start of it all, three or four top ranked
experts where killed in a very short period of time, under very
suspicious circumstances as I recall. It's a far fetched notion, but
that's so often the case with these kinds of things.

Meanwhile, what do you do if you are caught in a biological attack?

Use `The War Watcher' vortal to keep an eye on Biowar news:

Here are some selected Biowar Survival links:

Biohazard: Preparedness and Response:

Fort Liberty: Biological Warfare

A Soldier's Viewpoint on Surviving Nuclear, Chemical and Biological

Biohazard: Military and Police Expert in Chem/Bio Response:

Surviving a Terrorist Attack -- Angelo Acquista, MD

Research Starters:

Biohazard: The Top Bioterrorism Disease Attack

Google: Surviving Biological Weapons

Personal Favorite Survival Sites:

Sparhawk (Long time friend of Earthwatchers)

FEMA Library: Preparation & Prevention

Captain Daves' Survival Center

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