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British Masonic elite (The Windsors) caught up in Nazi row....

King Amdo | 13.01.2005 11:11

The incredible thing about this is that this bunch thought that it was ok to have a 'Native and colonial theme!' (yup yup)...,2763,1389376,00.html

Just to reiterate, the Windsor vampire demons are the head of the freemasons (christian dodge temple builders here in racistpervertblightyworld. Why are they vampires?

...this is the actual definitive ritualbase for their 'trip'...

(Despite having solved the masons riddle, to the the so called 'peace convoy' though, of course, I'm just some scitizphrenic cunt of a 'punter' who's only role is to buy their adulterated hash.)


King Amdo