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Peace is here

Mahoud | 10.01.2005 21:05

Peace is here

Mahmoud Abbas has offered "the hand of peace" to Israel after his landslide victory in Sunday's presidential election. Mr Abbas urged a resumption of talks based on the internationally-backed "roadmap" peace plan. In defiance of those wanting more violence Abbas declared peaceful co-operation on the Egyptian model was the war forward for the Palestinian people.

Israel has welcomed the result and urged Mr Abbas to clamp down on militant Palestinian groups. Mr Abbas had earlier indicated he wanted to meet Mr Sharon as soon as possible. Israeli officials say Mr Sharon is prepared to hold security talks with the new Palestinian leader as soon as possible. US President George W Bush has also said he will invite Mr Abbas.

Analysts had said Mr Abbas needed a large margin of victory to push his agenda of peace talks with Israel and the Paelstinian people have given him that mandate. Mr Abbas has called on militant Palestinian groups, who boycotted the election, to end their armed uprising against the Israelis. He also made clear his wish to see so called "Peace Tourists" leave Palestine and the Occupied Territories saying,

"We have seen those with their own agenda in Palestine, those who have used the Palestinian struggle and people for their own purposes. We the Palestinian people will establish a peace, we ask you to leave us and let us settle a peace with Israel and the Israeli people"

Peace at last for the Israeli and Palestinan people is a real possibility.



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Well Well

11.01.2005 15:35

So now even the Palestinians are calling for the likes of the ISM to leave confirming what many have been saying for some time. The Palestinian / Israeli conflict is being used for their political ends and rather than helping the problem they are making it worse.

Of course if the Paestinians and Israeli do make peace I wonder what all these "Peace Activists" will do next ?


"Peace" Activists

12.01.2005 17:58

So called "peace" activists such as the ISM have done more harm than good to the cause of a free independent Palestine, by offering logistical support for palestiniane "peace" organizations such as Hamas.
We can only hope that peace is on the horizon, but we must remember that at the end of the 1990s, peace was in the air. israelis helped palestinians build farms for the export of products, factory zones and casinos. All designed to help the blooming palestinian economy. The bloody Intifada put an end to all of that. The result was 4 years of death and destruction and caused the need for Issrael to build a security fence to keep terrorists out. (A job that the PA would NEVER do)
