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What the British people want

Angela | 09.01.2005 20:34

A recent poll has found that 96% of the public do not think that new Home Secretary Charles Clark should concentrate on enforcement of the hunting ban in the coming year.

The poll asked: Charles Clarke has taken over as the new Home Secretary. Do you think his priority for the next year should be?

Asylum/ illegal immigration 34%
Tackling anti-social behaviour 33%
The war against drugs 13%
The war against terror 10%
Enforcing the ban on hunting with dogs 4%
Don't know 7%



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Just proves how much control the zionist media really has

09.01.2005 22:02

Was that a poll of zionist-nazi Murdoch-controlled Sun readers?

Keep worrying about asylum seekers while Blair spends all your money on wars for "israel" instead of hospitals and schools ....

Polls reflect the poor diet of "news" that the mass media force feeds the public - and who controls the media? If you read the zionist rag "The Telegraph" you are reading Richard Perle & Henry Kissenger's propaganda.

EXTRACT: (Source below)

Newspapers in Britain, like other media industries, are today characterised by an OLIGOPOLY (a small cluster of powerful companies controlling a large market).

The largest company is Rupert Murdoch's NEWS INTERNATIONAL, enjoying a 35 per cent of circulation via The Sun, The Times, The Sunday Times and The News of the World.

Murdoch's influence on the newspaper industry has been huge since the 1980s. He introduced the kind of tabloid journalism style we are now so familiar with when he took over The Sun. He then moved operations from Fleet Street to WAPPING in East London, and with the support of Margaret Thatcher's government, used the move to remove the power of the then strong PRINT UNIONS.

The Conservative Government had wanted to reduce union power and introduce deregulation so that entrepreneurs and businessmen like Murdoch would have more freedom to run media organisations like his newspaper and BSkyB.

Whether you see 'the Murdoch Effect' as an increasing choice and offering the kind of 'info-tainment' that the British public really wants, or a 'dumbing down' of our national news provision depends on your point of view. There is a saying that 'the British people get the press they deserve'.

Angry Manc
mail e-mail:

New poll asks

09.01.2005 22:41

Charles Clarke has taken over as the new Home Secretary. Do you think his priority for the next year should be?

To top himself?

To get off with Cherrie Blair or try at least?

To throw eggs at cabinet ministers at question time?

To fart loudly when he is interviewed by the tv?

To speak and act like a dumb ass authoritarian windbag?


Defying ID

09.01.2005 23:23

Hmmm, I smell right wing BS.

Why wasn't the biggest issue, ID cards and the national database included in this dodgy poll?

Who commisioned and payed for this so called poll?

No Names
- Homepage:

Dodgy Countryside Alliance methodology

10.01.2005 11:51

Firstly, this poll is not referenced, so it might just be the product of 'Angela''s imagination. Assuming someone did this poll, the methodology is clearly designed to give the desired result, similar to previous CA polling.

Firstly respondants are asked to pick *one* thing which they beleive the Home Secretary should focus on. Already, this poll loses all touch with reality - cabinet ministers are responsible for many issues. Then when only 4% respond that the ban on hunting with dogs is more important that 'Asylum/ illegal immigration', 'Tackling anti-social behaviour', 'The war against drugs' and 'The war against terror' it is claimed that "96% of the public do not think that new Home Secretary Charles Clark should concentrate on enforcement of the hunting ban".

Why not just ask 'do you think that new Home Secretary Charles Clark should concentrate on enforcement of the hunting ban?' if this is what you'd like to know, rather that resort to statistical gymnastics? Afraid how an honest question might be answered?


fake numbers

11.01.2005 16:27

you cannot say that 96% are against if that was not th f********** question. the only truth you found is that 4% of people think it is the MOST IMPORTANT PRIORITY.

wake up please

numbers man

What kind of poll is that!

14.01.2005 15:09

I hate these polls, they don't really have any meaning, but they end up being quoted all over the place - it's bullshit propoganda, mixing up the issues.

The questions are made to make sure that they get the answers that they want.
