Thessaloniki Solidarity Demo this Saturday!
W@ | 05.01.2005 01:54
On Saturday 8 January we call all those that have supported and shown solidarity with the hungerstrikers of thessaloniki to meet at the Greek Embassy in London. We have chosen the embassy because it is the symbol of the greek state in London. We hope as many people can attend and make their presence felt.
>>Days of action in solidarity with Thessaloniki trials - 8th-13th Jan 2005
At the EU summit in Thessaloniki in 2003 130 were arrested for their part in the demonstrations. 7 are still facing charges (including Carlos, one of the hungerstrikers jailed in the period immediately following the summit) & are due to go to trial on 13th january 2005. International days of action are being called for the 8th - 13th january 2005.
On the 8 January we call all those that have supported and shown solidarity with the hungerstrikers of thessaloniki to meet at the Greek Embassy in London. We have chosen the embassy because it is the symbol of the greek state in London. We hope as many people can attend and make their presence felt.
1A Holland Park
London, W11 3TP
Tel: 020 7229 3850
Fax: 020 7229 7221
(nearest tube Holland Park)
From the station, cross road, turn left, first right and follow road round
We encourage other groups and individuals to organise solidarity demos (no matter how big or small!) for the week leading up to the trials) and to report on your actions and email
>>For background on the events of thessaloniki in June 2003 see:
>>You can find your local Greek embassy/consulate here:
At the EU summit in Thessaloniki in 2003 130 were arrested for their part in the demonstrations. 7 are still facing charges (including Carlos, one of the hungerstrikers jailed in the period immediately following the summit) & are due to go to trial on 13th january 2005. International days of action are being called for the 8th - 13th january 2005.
On the 8 January we call all those that have supported and shown solidarity with the hungerstrikers of thessaloniki to meet at the Greek Embassy in London. We have chosen the embassy because it is the symbol of the greek state in London. We hope as many people can attend and make their presence felt.
1A Holland Park
London, W11 3TP
Tel: 020 7229 3850
Fax: 020 7229 7221
(nearest tube Holland Park)
From the station, cross road, turn left, first right and follow road round
We encourage other groups and individuals to organise solidarity demos (no matter how big or small!) for the week leading up to the trials) and to report on your actions and email

>>For background on the events of thessaloniki in June 2003 see:

>>You can find your local Greek embassy/consulate here:

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