Calling All Whistle Blowers.........
ANONYMOUS | 04.01.2005 10:02 | Repression
Anyone who knows how to contact Katherine Gunn and her support groups please have them contact for immediate assistance and aid......
Whistle Blower under attack by Department of Homeland Security and several other Federal Agencies for blowing the whistle on gross corruptions within several United States Federal Services........ "whistle blower protection laws" NIXED under Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act and present Administration spreading it out to all US Federal Services..... human rights abuses being carried out upon Federal Officers by other Federal Officers all in the sake of "privatization"........ and more....
Any other group or agency or media outlet who cares to help those who are fighting against enormous odds just to stay alive.... please contact ASAP......
Anyone who knows how to contact Katherine Gunn and her support groups please have them contact

Whistle Blower under attack by Department of Homeland Security and several other Federal Agencies for blowing the whistle on gross corruptions within several United States Federal Services........ "whistle blower protection laws" NIXED under Patriot Act and Homeland Security Act and present Administration spreading it out to all US Federal Services..... human rights abuses being carried out upon Federal Officers by other Federal Officers all in the sake of "privatization"........ and more....
Any other group or agency or media outlet who cares to help those who are fighting against enormous odds just to stay alive.... please contact ASAP......
