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Why do Homo sapiens Drive Cars?

Clint Clark | 04.01.2005 05:38 | Repression

Homo sapiens can be trained to do many tricks and learn many different skills. However, because we developed a complex "Word" language (attaching named sounds and actions to named concepts), we can also become tricked by those Alphas (male and female) who use our "Word" language as a weapon.


The non-Old Testament version of Homo sapien Domestication

1 - When their hands and nails are clean, why do Homo sapiens use eating utensils?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, it's was a tool to handle food that was too hot to be picked up with their hands, mouth, or feet.

2 - Why do Homo sapiens poop and pee in a toilet?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, they began to poop and pee in a toilet (a tool) to keep poop and pee from building up on the floor of a house and in the yard, where it can have a strong smell from the food they eat, and attract insects to break it down and turn it back into soil.

3 - Why do Homo sapiens bath?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, Homo sapiens bath because they wear clothing that prevents body perspiration and other body fluids or semisolids (poop, pee, semen, menstruation fluids) from evaporating away from the body and from dropping off the body, and because the time to bond with each other for the purpose of grooming, to removed body parasites and socialize with each other, became less available; first due to longer food finding time and later by the Ruling Class because it took time away from production output.

4 - Why do Homo sapiens wear clothing?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, Homo sapiens began wearing clothing to replace the fur they lost due to an adaptation strategy to rid themselves of a body parasite. Fur offered protection from the cold and from many biting insects. Later Homo sapiens wore clothing to prevent Worker Bees from sexually distracting each other during work, which took time away from production output. As a side note, the incident of rape is the same in cultures that use clothing and in the cultures that do not. In other words, wearing clothing has nothing to do with rape prevention.

Who benefits from this Adam and Eve clothing hoax? The Ruling Class and Old Testament religions. Clothing is expensive to make or to buy. An obscene amount, in the billions upon billions of dollars, are made each year in the textile clothing - apparel industry; and Old Testament religions insist that nudity is obscene? Now you know why. All those cultures throughout history who did not wear clothing due to climatic reasons, or during certain seasons, were normal (such as the Native North and South American Indians). Clothing-wearing cultures were, and continue to be, the abnormal cultures. If it's too hot outside to have clothes on, take them off; if it's not for a public health reason such as shared public seating, it's not even healthy for you to have them on in the first place.

5 - Why do Homo sapiens go to public schools?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, Homo sapiens go to public schools to learn to become good Worker Bees: (1) not talk, (2) follow the rules, (3) respect authority, (4) repress individualism and creative thinking, (5) wait in line, (6) eat on a schedule, (7) work on a schedule, (8) play on a schedule, (9) socialize on a schedule, (10) sleep on a schedule, (11) how to keep track of time, (12) how to blend in, (13) how to aggressively compete, (14) how to share, (15) how to self sacrifice, (16) how to put things away, (17) how to organize, (18) how to memorize, (19) how to ride on public transportation, (20) how to use a storage locker, (21) how to repress self gratification and immediate gratification, (22) how to ask permission, (23) how to respect the property of others, (24) how to think in a way that supports the Ruling Class - Worker Bee model, (25) how to listen to and read instructions, (26) how to fill out forms, (27) how to concentrate on boring information or a task for long periods of time, (28) how to sit still for long periods of time, (29) and how to line up straight for service in the military. Various topics are used to learn all of these good Worker Bee attributes, such as reading, writing, arithmetic, social studies, marching band, and science. And, Homo sapiens go to public schools so that adult Homo sapiens can have some time during the day to perform their Worker Bee functions, including buying goods and services, and pay less for child care.

The facts are that, except for socialization with other flora, fauna, and other Homo sapiens, along with life experience from living in their environment, Homo sapiens are born intelligent, including a knowledge of good and evil as defined by nature.

6 - Why do Homo sapiens marry?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, Homo sapiens marry, to slow the spread of sexually transmitted diseases whenever there is an outbreak in the community, to determine property ownership, to determine the disposition of wealth when one dies, so that inheritance tax can be collected and the remainder of the inheritance be passed on to churches -- temples -- mosques -- synagogues -- or relatives, so that more than one person will be responsible for debts -- which is an advantage to creditors, and so that non-married people have many less people to form their own non-blood related "families of choice" for loving friendships and have those friends around for assistance -- and so that they do not have to die alone among strangers. Who benefits from this wedding hoax? Old Testament religions and the Ruling Class. It is expensive to have a wedding. As of 2004, the average cost for a wedding is $22,000. SOURCE: Forbes Magazine. Issue April 5, 2004.

7 - Why do Homo sapiens worship?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, Homo sapiens go where other Homo sapiens gather, many times, no matter what the gathering group is doing to gather together. It's one of the cheapest places to take the whole family. At many of these gatherings, Homo sapiens get to sing (bond) with other singers and perform together live on stage. Single dwelling homes make it lonelier to live in a community, so Homo sapiens need a place to socialize. Homo sapiens network at church for economic reasons. It helps Homo sapiens to collectively reaffirm the Ruling Class - Worker Bee model and Old Testament hoax.

8 - Why do Homo sapiens feel guilt?

It is nature's way of helping us to continue our species, along with the environment we live in as an integral part of it, including our part of its maintenance (haven't you ever felt guilty cutting a tree down or draining a swamp teaming with life?). Even Atheists feel guilt, along with other cultures who do not practice Old Testament religions. It's biologically based and not socialized into us by way of Old-Testament-religion morality training. Both Homo sapiens and canines feel guilt, although canines are better at just experiencing only "present moment" guilt. Whereas today's Homo sapiens, have been known to re-experience guilt for a long period, abnormally past the moment the guilt event first occurred. I would speculate that this phenomena is due to either socialization (you should feel guilty for a long time) and reinforced by Old Testament religion, and/or due to our adaptation strategy of speech, which allows us the potential for self talk and self reflection, thereby re-experiencing the guilt event over and over (which is also truly absurd and not natural). We were not designed by nature to re-experience a guilt event over and over. Anyone who tells any Homo sapien differently has got a hidden agenda of trying to control that Homo sapien for various personal gains.

9 - Why do Homo sapiens use clocks and calendars?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, Homo sapiens originally used clocks and calendars for religious studies of astronomy, predictions, and sailing. Later on Homo sapiens used clocks and calendars to aide them in their role as Worker Bees and for war. Clocks and calendars are now used to support post 1850 technology. Except for the use of post 1850 technology, such as modern medicine, it is abnormal for Homo sapiens to use artificial and non-biological clocks and time keepers. The most efficient use of a Homo sapien's time during the day, week, or year, is to be a Homo sapien.

10 - Why do Homo sapiens bury their dead?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, Homo sapiens originally buried their dead to prevent the smell of decaying Homo sapien carcasses from attracting scavengers near to Homo sapien encampments and semi-permanent or seasonal villages. After the falsehood of kingships replaced democratic assemblies with the help of the Ruling Class to finance the raising of armies, Homo sapiens buried their dead as a way to propagate the hoax of land ownership, permanency, and immortality; first as a way to promote social stratification and later to the idea that each of us needed to own a piece of land (a plot) to be buried in at the end of our life. Who benefits from this hoax? Old Testament religions and the Ruling Class. It is expensive to bury someone. As of October 2001, the average cost for a funeral service is $6,200. SOURCE: Mortuary Management magazine, October 2001.

Are Dead Bodies Dangerous?
SOURCE: David Plotz. MSN. Aug. 23, 1999.

"News reports covering the earthquake in Turkey have emphasized the health dangers posed by the decomposing bodies of its victims. The Turkish government is digging mass graves, and Muslim clerics have suspended Islamic burial rules so that the country can dispose of corpses more quickly. Do these bodies endanger public health?"

"The rotting corpses of earthquake victims are a "negligible" threat to public health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)."

"A corpse is only a danger to public health if the victim died of an infectious disease. (In that case, the disease organisms can infect living people who come in contact with the cadaver.) But when someone dies of trauma, as most earthquake victims did, the decomposition process is harmless, if disgusting. Bacteria within the body--especially E. coli from the gut--immediately start to consume the flesh. Maggots hatched from eggs laid in the corpse also eat the cadaver, as can wasps, beetles, and other insects. Larger animals such as birds, rats, and dogs pick at unguarded corpses".

"The bacteria involved in decomposition are not dangerous, because living people already carry identical germs in their own bodies. The maggots and other insects, though revolting, also constitute no threat to public health. Rats do host fleas, which can transmit typhus, typhoid fever, plague, and other diseases. But rats endanger public health wherever they mingle with people: They are no more harmful when they feed on corpses than at any other time."

"Despite ancient fears of death’s "miasma," the foul odor emitted by the body as it rots is innocuous."

"Some reports hint that unburied corpses could contaminate Turkey’s water supply. This is not a serious danger. In a very few cases, bacteria from corpses can cause illness when they contaminate drinking water in large quantities. But water in Turkey is much more likely to be contaminated in other ways, especially ruptured sewer lines that dump bacteria into reservoirs and aquifers."

"Because the public health threat from corpses is minimal, the WHO has even urged Turkey to allocate more resources to aiding the injured and fewer to disposing of the dead."

11 - Why do Homo sapiens name each other?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, Homo sapiens are given names for tracking and reporting, such as in census reports, and for tax collection and property ownership purposes. The most noteworthy use of names was during the time of the Roman Empire. The first use of names is found, for obvious reasons, in Oral Tradition; so that story characters could be tracked by the listener throughout the story. Old testament religions used Homo sapien naming as a type of illusion to make myth (parable) characters seem more real and believable. This religious naming campaign for Homo sapiens was aggressive and relentless. Most Worker Bees, prior to the 14th century, had only a one name (sometimes with a region or place attached to it -- like Saul of Tarsus). Once you have a name and it's recorded someplace, you are no longer free. As they say these days, "You're on the grid." Yet, you would be surprised to found out how often and how well interpersonal (non-business -- non-money making related) communications are conducted without the use of a name.

12 - Why do Homo sapiens collect stuff (caching behavior)?

Caching behavior means: planning for the future regardless of present need. Our 135,000-year co-evolutionary partners, canines, display moderate caching and retrieval behaviors. Homo sapiens cache what is not normally found in abundance in their environment. Naming just a few examples, chipmunks, squirrels, birds, ants, and primates with cheek pouches, cache food for retrieval later. Homo sapiens cache food, money, dead butterflies, dolls, stuffed bears, jewelry, music CDs, movie DVDs, coins, postage stamps, empty beer cans, and just about anything deemed worth saving. Who benefits from Homo sapien caching behavior beyond moderate food, mate, shelter material, and clothing caching? In other words, when it comes to property ownership, especially property that depreciates in value, who benefits the most when Worker Bees cache? If you are still stumped, whose wealth went up, when at the same time, your wealth went down? Who has trained you, reinforced everyday by billions of dollars in advertising, to cache beyond your basic (seasonal) needs; and that this absurd additional caching is normal for Homo sapiens?

13 - Why do Homo sapiens drive cars?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, Homo sapiens drive cars because all the land of our planet is illegally owned by way of a hoax. The illegally owned land has been turned into agriculture land to create a predictable food source, and most importantly to the Ruling Class, generate wealth by selling and trading the extreme amounts of excessive food production. Homo sapiens are designed to walk around and look for food in groups. However, since the land has been artificially changed for agricultural wealth generation and trade purposes, we are unable to do what we have been designed to do naturally. Instead, we are forced to earn money to buy food, water, shelter, and a place to poop or pee. Under the current absurd and cruel Ruling Class - Worker Bee system, earning money in most cases requires driving a car to get to work to get the money to buy the food, water, shelter, and a place to poop or pee. If our planet's land was allowed to revert back to its natural growth, along with the return of animal habitats, there would be more than enough food to feed every Homo sapien on the planet. On a related note, the idea of "permanency" is abnormal and harmful to the evolution of our species.

14 - Why do Homo sapiens talk?

Although it is not normal for Homo sapiens to do so, Homo sapiens, like some other animals on our planet, have speech capabilities, sound mimicking capabilities, whistling capabilities, and vowel singing capabilities. Homo sapiens are taught to talk because it makes the domestication of Homo sapiens easier. The study of "isolated children" and "feral children" tell us, without a doubt, that talking is not a normal trait for Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens left without the modeling of talking behaviors, do not learn to talk by themselves. That is a fact. And once we are taught to talk, speech can be used to guilt us, shame us, alter sensory facts (distort reality), and make us fearful; more than just the use of facial expressions, tone of a vocalization, and body language. A side effect to this training is that we will use language for "self talk" and "self reflection," many times in a negative and self-behavioral reinforcement way (to keep ourselves domesticated as defined by the Ruling Class and Old Testament religions).

However, because we no longer groom and are still social animals, we have replaced grooming with talking; and in social settings we present portions of ourselves verbally for inspection or rejection (grooming) for the purpose of bonding and safety reconnoitering. In fact, a Homo sapien that does not present themselves for grooming in this new verbal way, is considered to be antisocial.

15 - Homo sapiens can be trained to do many tricks and learn many different skills. However, because we developed a complex "Word" language (attaching named sounds and actions to named concepts), we can also become tricked by those Alphas (male and female) who use our "Word" language as a weapon.

There is nothing more accurate, legal, or normal on our planet than nature. Any domestication that is contradictory to nature is abnormal, illegal, and inaccurate; and most important, makes someone wealthy or protects someone's wealth or property somewhere within the domestication system. That is a fact. You can count on it. It is buried and concealed either intentionally or unintentionally, but the preservation of wealth (saves money or time), the protection of wealth (military defense), or the generation of wealth will always be whatever is on the other side of the equal sign in the equation: domesticated behaviors minus non-domesticated (nature or feral) behaviors:

Domesticated Behaviors (-) Non-Domesticated Behaviors (=) Worker Bee Abuse (WBA) for the purpose of preservation, protection, or generation of wealth.

Nature tells us when to pee, when to poop, when to have sex, when we are ready to make babies, when we are sleepy, when we need to shift positions and not sit still, when we are bored, when we need to drink water, when we need to eat something, when we are freighted, when we need to run from danger, when we need to make noises or talk, when we need to do something, when we need to do nothing, when we need to share, when we resent sharing, when we need to strike out, when we need to protect ourselves, when we need to go, when we need to arrive, when we need to play, when we need to touch another, when we need to cuddle, when we need to be sad, when we need to laugh out loud, when we need to fart, when we need to sneeze, and the list goes on and on. If it is a behavior not observable in Bonobos or Chimpanzee society, then it is most likely WBA by way of Ruling Class domestication c.6,500 with the development of kingships, priests (ghosts, gods, spooks, spirits), and a ruling class to steal the land and its resources, along with its predictable food source, the invention of agriculture and animal domestication.

In our fellow Animal Nations on our planet, there are a number of different hierarchy systems in use. The most important difference to remember between our current Homo sapien hierarchy system and their species hierarchy systems, it that in their systems, the members are not forced to be un-authentic or abnormal. Males members are not required to mutilate their penis as a sign of submission. Female members are not required to mutilate their genitals. No member is forced into an army; it's on a volunteer basis. Freedom to (1) be who they are as nature has designed them to be and (2) to take care of themselves as nature had designed them to do is normal and all members support those behaviors. If some member was acting contrary to those natural behaviors, they would most likely be banished or thrown out. Old Testament religions and members who practice these behaviors are behaving contrary to normal and natural behavior. And in the primate species, using a Ruling Class - Worker Bee system is contrary to normal and natural behavior. If you were seen as the Alpha Male (either female or male person) for all of the Homo sapiens on our planet, what would you do with members that are behaving contrary to normal and natural behavior? If you chose banishment, you would be well supported; because for about the last 8,000 years of our species history, Jews, Christians, and Mormons are very familiar with how their contrary-to-normal-and-natural behavior has resulted in their banishment from healthy and normally behaving Homo sapiens on our planet.

Related Reading:
Guns, Germs, and Steel by Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Jared Diamond, Ph.D.
Liberating The Caged Human Animal by Dr. Peter Hercules MD


Clint Clark
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05.01.2005 14:28

...and i suppose that nature also decides when it's a good time to post an article (using this unnatural language device) on the internet...
