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endsocialinjustice | 02.01.2005 13:37 | Ecology | Globalisation

Yesterday Channel Four reported how poor Tsunami victims effectively seafaring villagers on the coastland in Thailand had not received aid because rich tourists were being given preferential treatment. This is even more unacceptable given that western governments are already making efforts to help citizens in their own areas leaving poor people with little or no assistance. In this instance, it would be best to support organisations like medecins san frontieres who are make a point of going into all areas and ensure everyone receives fair and equal treatment.

I would also like to help people hit by the Tsunami disaster but I do not want to prop up dodgy organisations acting as charities unless they can show that they are not discriminating and they are seeking to give people a sustainable life after they have assisted them in this terrible disaster. MSF is one of the few organisations that can do this with professional staff.

MSF has sent mobile teams in Banda Aceh and brought a mobile clinic to the remote coastal town of Lhok Timon in the North Sumatra region of Indonesia. The team was dropped by MSF helicopter, with materials for medical consultations. They also brought 120 kilos of rice to a population of 1,500 people who, for five consecutive days, have been living on coconuts and bananas. According to the MSF team, the population is living in appalling conditions, with around 20 families to one a hut and people being forced to use plastic bags for additional shelter.


A full charter of 32 tonnes of medical and water and sanitation equipment has been dispatched. An eight person team has gone to Banda Aceh on the northern Sumatra coast. The team includes three nurses and two doctors - all Indonesian - plus one logistician. This team brought another 3.5 tonnes of medical supplies.

More staff are available for immediate departure and will be dispatched according to MSF reports from the region.

Malaria and dengue fever are anticipated to be serious problems. The desalination of water supplies will have to be a priority because salt water is contaminating fresh water supplies. Plans to provide psychological support for survivors.

Sri Lanka

The functioning hospitals are inundated with injured people. Homeless and displaced people are a constant and the enormity of the devastation means large numbers of corpses remain in the open.

The most affected areas are reported to be Matara, Kalutara, Galle and Hambantota in the south east. In the northeast are Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Jaffna.

In total 12 expat staff have been deployed to the region in three separate teams. Another 17 staff are on standby to be deployed depending on the information gathered by the exploration missions.

A six person MSF team has been dispatched (three from the UK, the rest from Japan) and includes a surgeon, doctor, nurse and two logisticians. The team is designated for the north east region of Sri Lanka where MSF had recently been active.

Batticola, a coastal town, will be the first destination.

Sri Lanka, a key target country for MSF operations, also has ten volunteers, based in Australia, on standby.

Additional staff have already arrived in Colombo and a medical doctor is en route. There priority is to conduct an exploratory mission of the area today (Dec 29). An additional seven staff, based in Spain are on standyb.

A third team is also en route.


In Thailand, MSF staff are conducting exploration missions of the affected Phuket region. Non-food items are being assembled for distribution.


MSF Belgium has two doctors doing an explo in Penang and will be visiting coastal towns immediately.

Myanmar (Burma)

MSF is sending a team to carry out an exploratory mission in Myiek, in the far south of Myanmar.


MSF Belgium has a two person team carrying out an explo in parts of Southern India. They arrived December 27 in Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu. The government and local people are organizing health care, food distribution and the cleaning up operation. Fortunately there is no shortage of safe water in Chennai. 220 wounded arrived at the Government hospital in the last couple of days for minor injuries.

The MSF explo team has travelled further south to Nagapattinam, the worst hit district. The coastal areas have been severely affected and families are still looking for missing people. There has been a strong response from the government and local communities. Bodies have already been collected and burnt. They are re-establishing the electricity supply in order to get the water pumps running again with clean water.

The Ministry of Health has mobilised extra staff and have set up 'health camps' where access is free for everyone. On first examination, the hospitals seem to be well supplied with drugs and materials. The principal problem for the community at the moment seems to be psychological trauma.


Field teams in all countries where we are present, as well as Somalia and Kenya, are investigating damage.



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MSF Website

02.01.2005 21:50

The MSF website is:

- Homepage:

Via Campesina grassroots self-help tsunami appeal

03.01.2005 09:03

Tsunami Relief: Via Campesina

by source: Via Campesina - 02.01.2005 17:40

EMERGENCY: Please donate to Via Campesina Tsunami relief and reconstruction fund

Via Campesina launches initiative to raise funds for self-help by affected communities

Please support fisherfolk and peasant communities in their own relief and reconstruction from the Tsunami disaster

Via Campesina ( - the global alliance of peasant, family farmer, farm worker, indigenous and landless peoples organizations, and other rural movements - calls for solidarity with the millions of people affected by the tsunami disaster and is launching a global fundraising campaign to channel assistance to affected communities of fisherfolk and peasants, for their own relief and reconstruction efforts, through grassroots organizations.
We ask for your donation for direct emergency support to provide basic needs of food, clean drinking water, shelter and health care to affected fisherfolk and peasant families, as well as to help us initiate the long term work of reconstructing our own communities and rebuilding our livelihoods.

Make a secure on-line credit card donation now by clicking on:

The relief philosophy of Via Campesina is that our communities should participate actively and be the key actors in the re-construction process, and that our fisherfolk and peasant organizations should play a key mobilizing and supporting role.Via Campesina wants to give our communities and organizations the political support they need in this process, and to help get the funds we need for reconstruction. The funds raised in this campaign will be used to strengthen local communities as the key actors in this process.

The success of local, self-organized, civil society disaster relief efforts in previous disasters in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, contrasted with government inefficiency and top-down, demobilizing programs, has often marked a key stage in the empowerment and growth of large, popular, grassroots, civil society social movements by which previously marginalized people take control of their own lives. Let us work together at this time, and let us do so in ways that help build self-sufficiency, grassroots organization, and peoples power for the future.

In addition to the millions who have been displaced or affected, many tens of thousands have lost their homes and fishing equipment or farming tools. Fisherfolk have lost their boats, and the land of peasant families has been contaminated, their crops destroyed and
their farm animals lost.Your donation will help us get back on our feet.

Examples of actions already underway:

- In Indonesia, the National Federation of Indonesian Peasant Organizations (FSPI), a member of Via Campesina, together with a number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), has created a civil society relief team that is now working in Aceh (with an estimated 25,000 dead and many times more missing and/or homeless) and in North Sumatra (5,000 dead) provinces to distribute supplies, and to carry out search and rescue missions for missing people. The situation in dramatic, and at the moment (30 Dec) there is no direct communication with many areas.

- In Sri Lanka, perhaps the country worst hit by the tsunamis, the National Organization of Fisherfolk (NAFSO) has sent 5 teams to affected areas for relief work and help communities start the task of reconstruction. They have organized fact finding missions and are now defining how to cope with the urgent relief needs while communities plan and begin to carry the medium term work of rehabilitation.

Make a secure on-line credit card donation now by clicking on: or


1. If you are in Europe, you can deposit funds in the following account:

Account number: 3035 0022 4202 2005 5606
Beneficiary: Via Campesina-Honduras
IBAN code: ES23 3035 0022 4202 2005 5606
Bank: Caja Laboral
Bank address:Calle 8 de enero, Guernika, Pais Basco (Basque Country)
Tel: +34 94 625 0098
Fax: +34 94 625 6662

Please send an email alerting us of your donation to: nico.verhagen at

2.If you are in the United States (and/or have US dollar denominated checks or money orders), and want to donate by mail:

Please make your check out to "Via Campesina/CENSA" and mail it to:

CENSA/Via Campesina
2288 Fulton Street, suite 103
Berkeley, CA 94704 USA

3. If you want to make a bank wire transfer for the relief campaign, you can wire funds to:
NOTE: the funds must be transferred to the First Union Bank in the USA, where the Banco Grupo El Ahorro Hondureño (BGA) has an account. In the communication with the transfer you have to put in the data of the final beneficiary.

a. Data of the final Beneficiary Bank
- Bank: Banco Grupo El Ahorro Hondureño (BGA)
- Name of Beneficiary: Pedro Rafael Alegria, Maria Concepción
Betanco, Via Campesina
- Account Number at BGA: 107 108 6292
- Telephone: ( 504 ) 235-9915 and 239-4679
- Country and City: Honduras, Tegucigalpa M.D.C.

b. Data of the Bank in the USA
- Bank: First Union Bank (now called Wachovia)
- ABA Code 026005092
- Swift Code B/C: PNBP US 3N NYC
- Account Number: 2000192001436
- Name: Banco Grupo El Ahorro Hondureño (BGA)
Please send an email alerting us of your donation to:
viacampesina at

4. If you want to make a bank wire transfer for relief specifically in Indonesia, you can wire funds to:
Bank: Standard Chartered Bank
Swift Bank Code: SCB LIDJ XAXXX
Address of Bank: Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 17 North Sumatera, Indonesia.
Account number : 047-1-005467-2
Name of Payee : Sintesa (Yayasan Sinar Tani Indonesia)

Please send an email to alert us of your donation to: ilubis at

Via Campesina (
