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Iraq is going to be cut off, URGENT!

The Iraq Solidarity Campaign | 02.01.2005 12:14 | Social Struggles

in a shocking twist to the events in Iraq, the Iraq Solidarity Campaign has learnt that all communications with Iraq are going to be cut!

We are writing to confirm that Iraq is going to be further isolated from the wider world as they are going to have there telephones, internet and other items of communication and need cut off, from (what sources have told us) the 4th January 2005 until after the elections on the 30th.

This was confirmed to the Iraq Solidarity Campaign by a source in Baghdad early this morning 2/1/05 who also informed us that she will also be isolated from her father, brother and sisters who now live out side of Iraq.

This will also effect many other Iraqi's, as there is a population of a around three million people all over the world who do not live inside of Iraq and they too will also be isolated and seperated from friends and loved ones.

What you can do to Help!

The Iraq Solidarity Campaign would like to encourage all people to contact their members of parliament, local press, radio and TV stations, community and religious organisations, Trade Unions and Anti-War Groups to inform and protest against this act by the USA of isolating an entire country from the world and seperating families and loved ones.

We also advise that members of the Iraqi Community should also contact their friends and families before the 4th January (although we have not yet had confirmation that this is the exact date) and seek to maintain some kind of contact until after the elections. We would also ask that members of the Iraqi Community also write and make phone calls of protest to their nearest re-opened Iraqi Embassy aswel as to their members of the British Parliament.

The Iraq Solidarity Campaign condemns this act of, what can only be termed as aggression by the occupying authorities and we demand that all communications be maintained at all times without interference.

yours sincerely,

Mr. Hussein Al-Alak
The Iraq Solidarity Campaign (UK)

Iraq Solidarity Campaign (UK)
C/o Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street,
Ancoats, Manchester, M4 7HR, the UK.

Tel: 0161 882 0188 / 07946 783 801


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Evidence ?

02.01.2005 17:57

"This was confirmed to the Iraq Solidarity Campaign by a source in Baghdad early this morning"

So your source for this "information" is ? This type of scare story has been running about Iraq for months and time and time again nothing happens. Iraq is not "cut off". Journalists, NGO's, UN officials and others move easily in all parts of Iraq except in two small parts of Bagdad and a couple of surrounding towns. The last remnants of B'ath Party thugery is fighting to prevent the free elections aided by extremist Islamic elements but the new Iraqi Army and Police Force backed by US and UK troops is slowly gaining control. The people of Iraq are free of the tyrant Saddam and now need your help in rebuilding.

This type of lie helps them not a bit.

Iqbail Rashanji

Iraqis free??

02.06.2006 13:17

For the comment about "iraqis being free" you sound like you have been paid to say that by the CIA, Mossad, Mr. Allawi, SCIRI, Ahmed Chalabi and Dawa.

Its funny that it is always the Iraqis, who are willing to keep there jobs and houses in the UK, whilst voting in the elections without going back, alongside those being protected in the green zone in Baghdad who are going around claiming "Iraq is free".

For all of those who do believe Iraq is free, I have one question, why the hell dont you go back????

Quite clearly you no longer feel threatened, if you can line up at a polling station, hand over your details to the new Iraqi government, you no longer need asylum here in the UK and should return to the safety and freedom of Iraq.

If you dont think Iraq is free, then stay here!

The choice is yours.

annon Iraqi