Tsunami Relief Cymru - What can you do?
Gareth Strangemore-Jones | 02.01.2005 02:26
The newly-formed Tsunami Relief Cymru (
http://www.TRCymru.org) is calling on creative talent across Wales to participate in a series of awareness and benefit events around Wales to raise funds for Oxfam International’s efforts to help victims of the Boxing Day earthquake in South East Asia and the devastating tsunami tidal wave.

TRCymru aims to be a platform for artists and performers to contribute their skills to the cause. Whatever your talent, whether you’re a band, a DJ, an artist, an actor, a writer or a film-maker and looking to make a difference, then contact us. Are you a sound or lighting engineer, an electrician, web designer, a promoter, a poet, a rapper, a juggler or journalist looking to chip in, then contact us. We also need partner organisations, charities, campaigns, networks and individuals to tell us what they can do.
TRCymru’s Launch Event at The Coal Exchange, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff on Saturday January 22nd features a host of top acts from around Wales. Any acts wishing to join this bill should get in touch as soon as possible as the line-up will be announced by the end of next week.
Entry is by donation of at least £9 / £6 concessions and there will be information and stalls, a healing area and much more, including food donated by some of Cardiff’s Indian, Sri Lankan and Thai restaurants and takeaways.
Welsh Wave of Creative Compassion
Tsunami Relief Cymru promises “an array of creative expression and compassion” at this and other events being planned from Abertillery to Anglesey and Penarth to Pembroke. It will create “a Welsh wave of support sweeping across the country”, culminating in the biggest ever charity gig in Welsh music history at The Millennium Stadium in June. The leading names of “Cool Cymru” are being approached along with international headline acts to fill the stadium.
TRCymru has already united support from a wide range of stakeholders. Companies, local authorities, organisations and individuals are being approached to provide goods and services in kind or to second staff for administrative, fundraising and other roles before, during and after the events.
What can you do?
If you can help in any way – perhaps you have a venue, a marquee, an act, a sound system, a van or absolutely anything that can help put on an event of any description or if you want to volunteer to work for this or other events, contact:
Gareth Strangemore-Jones
Tsunami Relief Cymru
(T) 02920 705716
(M) 07915 386690
(W) www.TRCymru.org
• More than 125,000 people are confirmed dead across several countries in South East Asia, including Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and The Maldives following the devastating underwater earthquake.
• The death toll is rising fast and could top 200,000. It is feared that as many will die from diseases spreading due to contaminated water supplies and the breakdown of public health and sanitation systems.
• More than 5 million people are homeless.
• Oxfam International is working with the Disasters Emergency Committee and others battling against immense logistical problems to distribute clean water, food and medical supplies to the areas of Asia that need it most.
• The global effort to mobilise humanitarian aid is already the largest emergency relief operation ever mounted.
• Oxfam has also warned that this disaster may draw public attention and much-needed funds from other humanitarian crises such as that in Sudan and Congo.
About Oxfam
Oxfam believes that in a world rich in resources, poverty isn’t a fact of life but an injustice which must be overcome. We believe that everyone is entitled to a life of dignity and opportunity; and we work with poor communities, local partner organisations, volunteers, and supporters to make this a reality. Oxfam's goal is a world where every person is secure, skilled, equal, safe, healthy and heard. For more information, see
http://www.oxfam.org.uk .
About The Coal Exchange
One of the most remarkable transformations in Cardiff Bay has been that of The Coal Exchange in Mount Stuart Square, from commercial hub to arts and entertainment centre. Its imposing facade speaks of the days when Cardiff was growing fast to become the greatest coal-exporting port in the world – its wealth built on the “black gold” dug from the earth by the miners of the Rhondda and the neighbouring valleys.
Famous as a superb music venue, The Coal Exchange is a favourite for classical concerts, The Worldport Festival and very special Rock and Pop gigs, including massive performances from Robert Cray, Van Morrison, P.J.Harvey, Kelly Jones, The Manic Street Preachers, Lost Prophets, Hundred Reasons, Nils Lofgren, Feeder and Wheatus to name but a few.
On the Dance front, all the major local brands have visited The Coal Exchange including Time Flies (who took their name from the “Tempus Fugit” legend inscribed below our magnificent clock), Bulletproof, Hustler and L’America. For more information, see www.coalexchange.co.uk.
About Campaign Promotions
Campaign Promotions is a PR, Communications & Events Company that specialises in promoting Launches, Start Ups, SME’s, Charities and Campaigns. For more information call 02920 705716.
Tsunami Relief Cymru / Campaign Promotions
(T) 02920 705716
(M) 07915 386690
What can you do?
TRCymru’s Launch Event at The Coal Exchange, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff on Saturday January 22nd features a host of top acts from around Wales. Any acts wishing to join this bill should get in touch as soon as possible as the line-up will be announced by the end of next week.
Entry is by donation of at least £9 / £6 concessions and there will be information and stalls, a healing area and much more, including food donated by some of Cardiff’s Indian, Sri Lankan and Thai restaurants and takeaways.
Welsh Wave of Creative Compassion
Tsunami Relief Cymru promises “an array of creative expression and compassion” at this and other events being planned from Abertillery to Anglesey and Penarth to Pembroke. It will create “a Welsh wave of support sweeping across the country”, culminating in the biggest ever charity gig in Welsh music history at The Millennium Stadium in June. The leading names of “Cool Cymru” are being approached along with international headline acts to fill the stadium.
TRCymru has already united support from a wide range of stakeholders. Companies, local authorities, organisations and individuals are being approached to provide goods and services in kind or to second staff for administrative, fundraising and other roles before, during and after the events.
What can you do?
If you can help in any way – perhaps you have a venue, a marquee, an act, a sound system, a van or absolutely anything that can help put on an event of any description or if you want to volunteer to work for this or other events, contact:
Gareth Strangemore-Jones
Tsunami Relief Cymru
(T) 02920 705716
(M) 07915 386690

(W) www.TRCymru.org
• More than 125,000 people are confirmed dead across several countries in South East Asia, including Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and The Maldives following the devastating underwater earthquake.
• The death toll is rising fast and could top 200,000. It is feared that as many will die from diseases spreading due to contaminated water supplies and the breakdown of public health and sanitation systems.
• More than 5 million people are homeless.
• Oxfam International is working with the Disasters Emergency Committee and others battling against immense logistical problems to distribute clean water, food and medical supplies to the areas of Asia that need it most.
• The global effort to mobilise humanitarian aid is already the largest emergency relief operation ever mounted.
• Oxfam has also warned that this disaster may draw public attention and much-needed funds from other humanitarian crises such as that in Sudan and Congo.
About Oxfam
Oxfam believes that in a world rich in resources, poverty isn’t a fact of life but an injustice which must be overcome. We believe that everyone is entitled to a life of dignity and opportunity; and we work with poor communities, local partner organisations, volunteers, and supporters to make this a reality. Oxfam's goal is a world where every person is secure, skilled, equal, safe, healthy and heard. For more information, see

About The Coal Exchange
One of the most remarkable transformations in Cardiff Bay has been that of The Coal Exchange in Mount Stuart Square, from commercial hub to arts and entertainment centre. Its imposing facade speaks of the days when Cardiff was growing fast to become the greatest coal-exporting port in the world – its wealth built on the “black gold” dug from the earth by the miners of the Rhondda and the neighbouring valleys.
Famous as a superb music venue, The Coal Exchange is a favourite for classical concerts, The Worldport Festival and very special Rock and Pop gigs, including massive performances from Robert Cray, Van Morrison, P.J.Harvey, Kelly Jones, The Manic Street Preachers, Lost Prophets, Hundred Reasons, Nils Lofgren, Feeder and Wheatus to name but a few.
On the Dance front, all the major local brands have visited The Coal Exchange including Time Flies (who took their name from the “Tempus Fugit” legend inscribed below our magnificent clock), Bulletproof, Hustler and L’America. For more information, see www.coalexchange.co.uk.
About Campaign Promotions
Campaign Promotions is a PR, Communications & Events Company that specialises in promoting Launches, Start Ups, SME’s, Charities and Campaigns. For more information call 02920 705716.
Tsunami Relief Cymru / Campaign Promotions
(T) 02920 705716
(M) 07915 386690


What can you do?
Gareth Strangemore-Jones
Hide the following 8 comments
A better idea
02.01.2005 14:02
Music Lover
Well Said
02.01.2005 17:49
These people need the money now. I'm sick of these type of concerts, they're always bollocks and the only reason most of the acts turn up is either for publicity or for their own ego. The DEC website is easy to use and secure. Give money now, the benefit is already reaching the victims. Never mind the whole "I only support certain charities" DEC is making a difference now. You can go back to worrying about the latest fashionable animal rights support group or vegan workshop when this is over.
Please give money NOW !
Animals lost too
03.01.2005 11:27
Why are people considered the priority ?
One for the Knockers
03.01.2005 17:09
This is not instead of donating money, this is as well!
Yes, donate your cash to DEC as they will be the ultimate recipients of funds raised by us via Oxfam. We are working with Oxfam because people know who they are.
If you are sick of these sorts of events, simply don't go to them any more :)
The people who organise them don't want you to come, the bands who play them don't want you to come and neither do the audiences.
In three days, we've pulled together:
1) The biggest indoor stadium in Europe (The Millennium Stadium in Cardiff)
2) The logistics of putting together a stadium gig (Stage, Sound, Lighting, Catering)
3) A line-up not seen on one bill since Live Aid
4) Volunteer support
5) Admin & Marketing
6) Welsh Media backing
7) Almost every decent venue in Wales
8) Acts to put in them
For more, see
If you have any more imaginative ways of helping...just do it!
Gareth Strangemore-Jones
Tsunami Relief Cymru
(T) 02920 705716
(M) 07915 386690
(W) www.TRCymru.org
What can you do?
Gareth Strangemore-Jones
Who ?
03.01.2005 22:32
So who will be there then. The website link only listed those who had been invited.
Query about Via Campesina
04.01.2005 00:36
> Via Campesina
> EMERGENCY: Please donate to Via Campesina Tsunami relief and reconstruction fund.
> Via Campesina launches initiative to raise funds for self-help by affected communities.
> Please support fisherfolk and peasant communities in their own relief and reconstruction from the Tsunami disaster. Via Campesina
> We ask for your donation for direct emergency support to provide basic needs of food, clean drinking water, shelter and health care to affected fisherfolk and peasant families, as well as to help us initiate the long term work of reconstructing our own communities and rebuilding our livelihoods.
> Make a secure on-line credit card donation now by clicking on:
I do not have the time to see if this is already posted here. It is more elaborately up on Indycymru. The priorities are water and drugs now, food in days, and self sufficiency restored as soon as possible. Whish is where this lot might come in:
> " ... The relief philosophy of Via Campesina is that our communities should participate actively and be the key actors in the re-construction process, and that our fisherfolk and peasant organizations should play a key mobilizing and supporting role. Via Campesina wants to give our communities and organizations the political support they need in this process, and to help get the funds we need for reconstruction.
> The funds raised in this campaign will be used to strengthen local communities as the key actors in this process.
> The success of local, self-organized, civil society disaster relief efforts in previous disasters in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, contrasted with government inefficiency and top-down, demobilizing programs, has often marked a key stage in the empowerment and growth of large, popular, grassroots, civil society social movements by which previously marginalized people take control of their own lives. Let us work together at this time, and let us do so in ways that help build self-sufficiency, grassroots organization, and peoples power for the future.
> In addition to the millions who have been displaced or affected, many tens of thousands have lost their homes and fishing equipment or farming tools. Fisherfolk have lost their boats, and the land of peasant families has been contaminated, their crops destroyed and their farm animals lost. Your donation will help us get back on our feet ..."
Note that in some places "security forces" are taking full advantage to get at "subversives"
Big names? Who cares, just come along and support it!
06.01.2005 10:58
People like Sting, if he were to perform, would not be bothered with the 'publicity' as someone on this forum put it, he couldn't care less as he is famous enough. So people like he and others would be literally giving hundreds of thousands of £ for this effort. So you should not criticize those who are giving their time, money and hearts to this effort.
Just get on with it and help it by only saying positive things about this moumental task.
I can't believe that some people are being negative about this?
We have come to live in Wales from Australia and will do anything to help this effort all five of us. So come on Welshies and you Poms out there, get off of your butts and do soemthing.
Erle Montaigue
The Millennium Stadium's Tsunami Relief Cardiff
10.01.2005 13:39
The line up includes:
Eric Clapton
The Manic Street Preachers
Jules Holland and The Rhythm & Blues Orchestra (watch out for surprise guests)
Snow Patrol
Badly Drawn Boy
Aled Jones
Katherine Jenkins
More follows...
See www.millenniumstadium.com for more info and ticket details.
For more info on Tsunami Relief Cymru events or to help, please see www.TRCymru.org
Gareth Strangemore-Jones