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Triabl people under threat in the USA....assistance required....

King Amdo | 31.12.2004 15:01 | Anti-racism | Ecology | Social Struggles | London

I was given a Eagle Feather from the annual protest sundance on Dine'h Triabl land by Daniel Zapata during a eco protest in North Wales a few years ago. He is a long time campaigner for the Dine'h. He himself is Chicano Chichimeka. he's not a 'plastic'. this is a real Native American sundance, not some sort of new age hippy blag/theft puesdo sundance. He said it was for all my family. That means you all! The Dine'h and Hopi traditionals (against corporate rape/pro tribal traditional way) are resisting rape of the Tribal Temple by 'the beast'...

This is a good starting point for this campaign. These are amazingly sound people...people of beauty!

Please help in any way you are it funds for supply or you physical presence. Go check out real tribal culture my animal liberation collegues...they don't mind if you want to eat vegan...though only a western fool would do so!

Thank you,


Jah Love.

King Amdo


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King of fools

02.01.2005 00:51

> "Go check out real tribal culture my animal liberation collegues...they don't mind if you want to eat vegan...though only a western fool would do so!"

So the only people to eat vegan are western?

I think not fool. Self proclaimed King - ha
racist twat
