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evidence and commentry regarding ritual racist child abuse in the UK etc....

King Amdo | 31.12.2004 14:40 | Oxford

Hi again!

Putting the 'overstanding' of 'babylon' (read christian) vampire system up here for all to see...

By the way, Could SAUL GOODE, of East Oxford Volunteers Beauro please contact me regarding my record collection that I left with you in 1992 for safe keeping before going of travelling. I'd appreciate those disks Saul, they hold good memories of my time in Oxford. Arh! Days of innocence.

You have my address mate.

By the way, Could SAUL GOODE, of East Oxford Volunteers Beauro please contact me regarding my record collection that I left with you in 1992 for safe keeping before going of travelling. I'd appreciate those disks Saul, they hold good memories of my time in Oxford. Arh! Days of innocence.

You have my address mate.


King Amdo


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  1. Keep taking the Clozapine mate.... — Nursey