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2005 Anarchist Horoscopes

Freedom | 31.12.2004 13:29

What will the next year bring for working class radicals and activists? MaJick John tells all in his 2005 Annual Horoscopes...

Aries: (March 21—April 19)
You want a change in your life. Unfortunately the transition to 2005 will not bring this for you. Apart from initially forgetting to change the year whenever you write the date for the first few weeks, your dreary existence will continue very much as before

Taurus: (April. 20—May 20)
Taurians are highly concerned with personal wealth. However since Freedom filters out all subscribers from bourgeois areas we know that your personal “wealth” is largely contained in your labour power. That’s right: your ability to work. And let’s be honest: you’re a no-good slacker. With a bad attitude. And no skills.
Mate - it’s not looking good.

Gemini: (May 21—June 21)
2005 will be a year of great intellectual growth for you. In March you finally realise you should put your trousers on *before* your shoes, and daily life instantly becomes less of a struggle.

Cancer: (June 22—July 22)
Next winter you will be drenched with water by a driver who thought it would be amusing to soak your hippy arse by driving through a huge puddle outside your squat. That evening you find yourself not being immediately spurned by all members of the opposite sex, and it slowly dawns on you that maybe, just maybe you should start to shower.

Leo: (July 23—Aug. 22)
One drunken evening, well into dusk, you and a comrade arguing the relative merits of anarcho-communism and anarcho-syndicalism in modern Britain will be struck by the Earth-shattering revelation that they are in fact exactly the same. Fortunately however you will have forgotten this by morning, much in the same way as when you dream the meaning of life, but come the next day you can’t quite put your finger on what it was… But hey at least the other people in your Federation will still talk to you.

Virgo: (Aug. 23—Sept. 22)
A few days into the new year, living in Paris, you leave the Dyelo Truda group. You concoct a plan to gain entry to the Soviet Union by writing articles implying sympathy with the regime. You get a strange sensation you are living out the last year in the life of Peter Arshinov, but shake off the doubts as you cross into the USSR and help organise anarchist groups. As you are taken to be executed you realise you should have listened to them.

Libra: (Sept. 23—Oct. 23)
2005 will bring many great things for you. After a fun-filled New Year break you will find a computer error has tripled your wages and redefined your job description to underwear-appraiser for the stars. You get off with the trophy partner of the editor of a well-known trendy lifestyle magazine and get whisked around the world on their Lear jet, snorting cocaine with Chomsky and spreading the word of libertarian communism across the globe. (What a happy coincidence: I’m a Libra! – Ed)

Scorpio: (Oct. 24—Nov. 21)
Your brief spring dalliance with a Trotskyist group of paedononces ends as swiftly as it began after an argument about R Kelly takes a nasty turn.

Sagittarius: (Nov. 22—Dec. 21)
You will finally find the solution to world hunger, poverty, boredom and alienation which has always been just around the corner. Then you’ll discover the secret to cold fusion and a cure for AIDS before, in a cruel twist of fate, being caught by some hungry escaped piranha in the Thames and eaten alive.

Capricorn: (Dec. 22—Jan. 19)
Your dreads begin to fuse together as the year begins. As the months pass and interconnections spread, covalent bonds form between billions upon billions of dread molecules, as faint chemical and static electrical impulses begin to course their way across the surface and by November your lone uber-dread has become self-aware. Upon gaining intelligence it decides to get itself a haircut.

Aquarius: (Jan. 20—Feb. 18 )
Your next year’s experiment in free love will find you 2m inside the perimeter of Lakenheath, legs akimbo and pants around your ankles when you realise that Poison Ivy isn’t just an affectionate horticultural nickname…

Pisces: (Feb. 19—March 20)
At work next year, with Jupiter rising in the fourth quadrant, you will be exploited by a tall, dark character masquerading as a friend. With the guise of helping you he in will in fact get you to work for him, while only paying you a small fraction of the value of your labour, keeping the surplus for himself and expanding his empire of control.

The above piece is taken from Freedom, Anarchist News and Views, 11th December 2004. For a free sample copy email subs AT

Happy New Year to all Indymedia users from all of us at Freedom Press!

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Hide the following 9 comments

The only gay in the village/movement(?)

31.12.2004 15:27

This would've maybe been a bit more amusing minus the heterosexism...

"That evening you find yourself not being immediately spurned by all members of the opposite sex..."

Seriously though, it is a bit anoying for those of us in the anarchist/anti-capitalist movement who don't identify as 'straight' to be constantly confronted with this sort of (unintentional and clearly non-malicious) heterosexist comment, i.e. comments premised upon the idea that all those around are heterosexual. It contributes much more heavily to a feeling of exclusion than a more blatent homophobic comment would do (if only because it would be much less likely to be tolerated). If this movement is to develop into one capable of transforming the world into one in which 'difference'(in terms of sexuality, gender, ethnicity/race, etc...) no longer provides the foundations upon which social hierarchies are constructed dividing people against one another, we need to be much more conscious of the language we use and - more importantly - the assumptions which that language exposes.

grumble, grumble

The reason being

31.12.2004 21:00

The reason being freedom is run by white middle class boys playing at being political hence this amusing & wry sideways look at life.

[] ][ []


31.12.2004 23:45

"Scorpio: (Oct. 24—Nov. 21)
Your brief spring dalliance with a Trotskyist group of paedononces ends as swiftly as it began after an argument about R Kelly takes a nasty turn." LOL

A Scorpio

Ha ha

02.01.2005 14:26

I'm a Libra too :D

About the heterosexism, it seems like it was more a thoughtless throwaway remark than a discriminatory comment.


I know, but...

02.01.2005 21:22

Yeah, I know. I'm sure it was a throw away comment, and I didn't want to imply that it was malicious, or actively intending to be discriminatory. But to be honest, the fact that it was a throw away comment was sort of my point, i.e. that people don't stop to think about what's implicit in the things which they say and write. I don't want to make a massive deal out of the whole thing, but I can't really see a way of getting past the fact that (in my personal opinion, as someone who doesn't identify as heterosexual) that there is a lot of implicit heterosexism which exists within 'the movement' and that it doesn't seem to be going away, without calling people on it when I come across it.

This isn't supposed to be an accusation of Freedom being old bigots or something, it's the sort of comment which I'd expect to come across anywhere. But I do think it is worth thinking about. Language serves a really important function is reproducing dominant values, to which I think heterosexism definitely belongs.

grumble, grumble


03.01.2005 23:56

>The reason being freedom is run by white middle class boys playing at being political hence this amusing & wry sideways look at life.

are you just offended because your a paedo? (genuine question)


suddenly pissed off

04.01.2005 03:00

For fucks sake - mentioning heterosexuality is not discriminating against other sexualities! This is the kind of PC bullshit that really pisses me off - and is the real middle-class element of the anarchist movement; a complete drain on every action made by activists in all areas - completely counterproductive, egotistical and counterrevolutionary. And its boring as fuck too.

The person who says mentioning heterosexuality is middle-class...are you saying that it is working class to be gay or something? You asked the working classes about this attitude? Or the middle classes for that matter? Is this a new way of viewing class? What kind of twisted logic world do you live in? If the article had said something blatently homophobic, heterophobic, discriminatory - whatever - then sure go criticise it. Stop seeing discrimination behind every word and every meaning - its pointless, annoying and sad and gets in the way of actually doing something about REAL discrimination by making people think that a lot of us are whining about nothing. Grow up.

but not too seriously

bloody hell

04.01.2005 15:03

Why all the bitching always?

Come on that was fucking funny, can't we just laugh rather than talk shit about people?

The person "[][[]]" is probably a cop...

much ado


04.01.2005 17:16

Anti-heterosexualism is the new disease in the so called "movement"! That is why the "movement has decayed. For fuck sake, stop using anarchism label to promote your isms!
