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Racial selection of Asia disaster victims

ui | 29.12.2004 20:35

Whites-only 'aid' to tsunami disaster areas.

Perhaps 2% to 4% of the victims of the tsunami are European tourists, and that is far higher than in most 'third-world disasters'. (Often these disasters are in remote and very poor areas, with no tourism of any kind).

The tsunami killed disproportionately large numbers of tourists, for the simple reason that they were concentrated on the beach, and at beachside hotels. The immediate response of EU governments has been very slow, but not only that.

It has also been thoroughly racist, and that is much more visible than in a 'normal' overseas disaster. The German government and military operated probably the worst racist policy. Military planes with medical teams were sent to Thailand to treat Germans only, and fly them back to Germany. Everyone else - including apparently citizens of other EU countries - were to be left to die, if no-one else helped them.

However Britain, France, and the Netherlands are operating similar policies - aid to own nationals only, including medical aid and flights home for the injured. All of them are therefore turning away local people, and excluding them from medical treatment.

In Thailand, the medical services are apparently able to cope with the injured. However that is definitely not the case in Sri Lanka, where there are still large numbers of untraced western tourists, along with hundreds of thousands of displaced coastal inhabitants. There will probably be a repeat of the racist policies there.

There is a deafening silence from NGO's and anti-racist organisations, and the media, on this issue.

Apart from the ethical aspects, it is simply absurd to go 'digging in the wreckage' on the basis of national origin, Swedish teams to dig out Swedish bodies, German teams to dig out Germans, British teams to dig out British bodies, and so on. It is absurd that medical disaster help is being segregated, on racial and ethnic and national lines. Worst of all, it is only going to places where there were western tourists.



Display the following 52 comments

  1. makes sense?? — manson fan
  2. racist scum — evry1
  3. rascist wankers FUCK OFF — xxxx
  4. Interesting but sources please — Mark Watson
  5. British police team on racist mission — 00
  6. Nightmare in Paradise... — King Amdo
  7. Oi King Amdo get yer facts straight — William
  8. Well thanks for correcting me cunt... — King Amdo
  9. Article without sources — Pete
  10. Article without sources — Pete
  11. Where is the 'Leader?' — Bah Humbug
  12. stop being so daft. — Guevarista
  13. response to the second comment — gatsby
  14. No, think what you'd actually do on the ground... — King amdo
  15. wtf!Manson u dumb bitch — mastro
  16. Racism Is Everywhere — ReDz
  17. It's not so straightforward — JL
  18. get real! — god
  19. Optermisers and raceschisms — Pa Hanna
  20. raceschizums and optiMisers — Pa hanna
  21. You struck the root — Collin Baber
  22. Nationalist; not racist. — John Hancock
  23. garbage — josh
  24. Yup- Lots of racism going on! — Not very surprised
  25. Obsurd — Zeitgeist
  26. own kind and nationals — Mouse
  27. Some Minor Corrections — Danny
  28. The Queens Speech — Pa Hanna
  29. Sources? Did someone mention the lack of sources? — Micha
  30. new totalitarianism or so called democracy against humans — aris fotiadis
  31. Answer to UI — Law
  32. are lying. — Magnus
  33. confusion — Harald Wolf
  34. Biggest Pile of Shite I've Ever Read — Depressed
  35. Muslim aid forthcoming for all victims? — Val
  36. driscrimination by another name... — bigl
  37. driscrimination by another name... — bigl
  38. It's always good to criticize — S
  39. privaledge — bigL
  40. Discussion Not Belligerence — Julian T.
  41. where did it all go wrong? — guevaristsa
  42. Common Sense — An Asian
  43. Not Necessarily Racist — Bob Smith
  44. Nationalism is Analagous to Racism — Gumball Machine
  45. a good government ensures the safety of its citizens — Silent B
  46. a goos government is the citizens of the world — and works toward the safety of all
  47. SOURCES — Mark Watson
  49. If you're a Chrisitian, Don't Forget, "God Doesn't Like Ugly." — EC
  51. ? — JR
  52. not racial but rational — Ann