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Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Jan Falkowski Charged with Rape

Bill Dowling | 28.12.2004 21:11 | Health | Social Struggles | London

Dr Jan Falkowski, Consultant Psychiatrist at St Clements Hospital, Bow has been charged with Rape.

Respected Consultant Psychiatrist and sports personality Dr Jan Falkowski has been charged with Rape by an as yet unnamed accusor. Dr Jan "The Man" Falkowski is known for working hard and playing hard - mainly on boats of all description. He has been suspended from duties at St Clements Mental Hospital since august 2004 but has occupied his time since by winning races in Sicily.

Following the shameful pillorying of John Leslie, is it not about time that the accused be afforded some degree of anonymity? The accusor is given full incognito status. Why should the accused be treated as a second-class citizen. I only met John Leslie once - at a media mafia party - and his behaviour was beyond reproach; I never even saw him with a drink in his hand all night.

Bill Dowling MSc.
Member of the Board Of Trustees, Mind in Tower Hamlets.
13 Whitethorn Street, London E3

Bill Dowling
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  1. Article about Dr Jan Falkowski Suppessed by Scardy Cats — Bill Dowling