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Protestors arrested at MOD

Virginia Moffatt | 28.12.2004 14:28 | Anti-militarism | London

6 anti war protestors were arrested today for digging graves and spraying anti war messages at the Ministry of Defence London UK

Press Release 28th December 2004

Protestors Arrested at Ministry of Defence

Six Christian anti-war protestors were arrested this morning (28th December) at the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in Whitehall protesting at the continuing war in Iraq. The six - arrested for Criminal Damage – were digging graves in the lawn of the MoD. In addition 2 people attempted to spray, ‘Remember the Innocent’; ‘Slaughter of the Innocent’ and ‘Stop the War’ onto the MoD walls and "God Forgive Us" was sprayed on the ground. The entire event was witnessed by 15 supporters and a large number of appreciative tourists. Video footage of the action was siezed by the police as evidence, photos will be available later in the day

The six acted on the Christian Feast of The Holy Innocents, when Christians around the world remember the mass slaughter by King Herod of innocent children as he tried to murder the child Jesus. A spokesperson for the group, Chris Cole (41) said, “2000 years ago innocent children were killed by the powerful in an attempt to keep a firm grip on their authority. Today, children continue to be killed in Iraq in an illegal and unjustified war. We mourn the killing of innocent lives by protesting at the MoD here in Whitehall.”

The six arrested, Fr. Martin Newell, Chris Cole, Angela Broome ; Liz Yates ; Sr Susan Clarkson and Scott Albrecht are being held at Charing Cross Police Station.

Virginia Moffatt
- e-mail:


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Photos from MoD grave digging

28.12.2004 20:31

Digging the Graves
Digging the Graves

Chris Cole & Martin Newell arrested
Chris Cole & Martin Newell arrested

Angela Broome kneels in prayer by the graves
Angela Broome kneels in prayer by the graves

Photos from today.

Maria Albrecht


28.12.2004 20:44

All arrestees released on bail to come back in Jan

Chris Cole
mail e-mail:

The Christian religion is inherently a constcruct of negative karma...

28.12.2004 22:48 is 'their' religion...the 'post roman establishment'...and there is no point at all trying to some sort of 'nice' christianity. The whole thing stinks.

I give you number thirteen.

I rest my case.

blessed be.


King Amdo

Well Done - Great Action

29.12.2004 08:14

A great action right in their face - fantastic.

King A dude - give it a rest eh?! you don't have to comment on every single posting on indymedia - i think we know your views now :-)


Militant direct action is the way forward

29.12.2004 08:30

The government didn't listen when one million people marched against the war two years ago. They still didn't listen when the Lancet anounced that the governments illegal war caused 100,000 deaths. So Militant direct action against the war is the only way forward. By the way the arrest of those protesters just shows how sick the police are. They should be arresting Tony Blair and memebers of his government for war crimes over the death of 100,000 Iraqis!

Anti-war protester

Also, please don't drag Jesus into the christian religion...

29.12.2004 17:44

...the christian religion is just some sort of mind/reality con trick that traps people in a materialistic work based reality...until they die. It doesn't have to be that way!


King Amdo

Brilliant action

29.12.2004 18:47

A really imaginative, touching and poignant action. Well done. There have been a number of really good antiwar actions in the last few months - I hope this latest one and the previous ones will inspire others to do likewise.

Anti-war activist

Do us a favour, "King Amdo"...

30.12.2004 18:59

fuck off, will ya?


Ok, here's the analysis...

30.12.2004 23:55

Yes direct action is warrented against the beast. But how is 'the beast' made....

In other words you are pissing in the wind.

Jah Love.

King Amdo

Oh come off it...

04.01.2005 14:46

That link just refers to another of your mad ramblings. You don't fool me that easily. Oh, and please don't go tarring people with the same brush on the grounds of their faith.

Thank you.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no....

04.01.2005 20:05

...Inappropriate response to evidence of state ritual racist child abuse.


Something along the lines of...


King Amdo

Pointless really trying to argue with you...

05.01.2005 16:02

" ...Inappropriate response to evidence of state ritual racist child abuse."

No, that link is just some bullshit that you have cooked up, and expect us gullible IMC readers to swallow! References: Zero. Evidence (academic and legitimate bodies not conspiracy BS thank you very much): Zero. Bullshit: Plenty of it.

Now kindly go fuck off and stop disrupting valid and legitimate articles on the NEWSwire.


Amdo u need help!

09.01.2005 21:47

You mention in that peculier link, that you take lot's of cannabis and yet the suppliers of this disrespect you as a Tibetan royal! Well dude only one of thoose statements is true. You probably ingest a shedload of gear but I would wager that you're a sad muppet from North Wales and not in fact a relative of the Dalia Lama. Go and see a Doctor asap as you're suffering from paranoid delusions(a symptom associated with excessive cannabis use). There is hope for you though as you describe getting laid! Concentrate on that and leave us IMC's to get on with our debate. The protest at MOD was superb, my full support, God Bless Humanity. Paul.


Sense from Amdo

13.01.2005 18:26

"Also, please don't drag Jesus into the christian religion..." It is a ahame he discredits that sound and valid point by all the other nonsense he puts out.
