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rebel alliance in leeds

serendipity | 28.12.2004 13:48

calling for a coming together of radical, NON political party, anti-hierarchical groups at Maelstrom squatted social centre, hyde park corner, leeds

we are calling for a coming together of anti-hierarchical/diy/anti-capitalist/anti-authority/ecological/confrontational groups and individuals on friday 14th january at 6pm at Maelstrom (squatted post office on hyde park corner, leeds)

this is to announce or chat about any of our plans for the new year as well as an opportunity to strengthen or forge alliances and get involved in any upcoming stuff!

please tell anyone you think might be interested. if you are coming as part of a group take the chance to discuss with the rest of your group first about what you want to say about your group.

anyone wanting to push a party line - eg socialist worker party members, will be dealt with.

and at 9pm on that nite we are having a "play your own records" session, so bring some music along.

see you there.x

- e-mail:


Hide the following 6 comments


28.12.2004 21:49

Sounds pretty draconian, top-down, we have decided the political agenda in advance stuff to me. Worthy of Marxism almost!

communist (definitely not SWP)

No Parties

29.12.2004 16:13

Can we deal with workers power, CPGB and any other random trot/stalinist monsters

Anti Party

Deal with them as in...?

31.12.2004 01:08

making them shut up so only your 'non-party' party line can be heard?



31.12.2004 06:58

party political types can attend as individuals, so no-one is excluded, only undemocratic institutions are.


wishful thinking

31.12.2004 13:07

That wasn't what it said.

I can entirely see why no-one wants a block vote SWP presence. But that is because I can't stand their social-democratic, put Galloway back in Parliament- politics. If they weanted to turn up at your event, you'd need to show that your politics were better than theirs, not just exclude them bureaucratically - like they would do to you.

What was actually said was 'anyone pushing a party line will be dealt with'. This is ridiculous. People join political groups for various reasons but the main one is that they AGREE with the main 'line' of that group. They will 'push' it because they think it is correct, just as members of a 'non-party' organisation or any other collective, society, sect etc will. They may have differing views on detail to their own comrades or to you, but you can't pretend to be inclusive and at the same time exclude people on the basis that they share their opinions with a larger group elsewhere and are organised around these opinions.

Well, actually you can do this, as it is your meeting, and you can choose who you have in to it. But just don't do it and then pretend you are 'all-inclusive'.



02.01.2005 14:52

As you said, they can invite who they want and ban who they want, as they are calling the meeting. I don't think they're claiming to be inclusive and anyway, being inclusive isn't necessarily a good thing, it depends what you are inclusive of. For example we would probably all agree that we should not be inclusive of those who push the party line of the British Ntional Party. Well, some of us would also want to reject all authoritarian parties of both left and right. When putting on an event it is entirely acceptable to decide the nature of that event, which is all they have done. If someone else wants to put on a different event then they/you are free to do so.
