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The "Only Democracy in the Middle East" conducts a political trial

nonzionist | 27.12.2004 06:44 | Repression | World

Tali Fahima: The political persecution continues

Tali Fahima: The political persecution continues

There is a direct connection between Gil Naamati who was shot by the IDF when demonstrating against the wall, the imprisonment of conscious objectors and the Shabac political persecution of Tali Fahima.
In "the only democracy in the Middle East", the Government, the security forces and the Justice system send a clear message that Israelis are allowed to demolish houses, shoot children, detain and abuse civilians at checkpoints, hold people in administrative detention, contribute to the cycle of blood shed of both people.
Israelis are not allowed to hold political views that are anti-war, anti destruction, anti human rights violations and anti oppression. Israelis are not allowed to demonstrate their solidarity with farmers whose lands are taken, to get to know people living in the refugee camps nor to extend a hand of peace to Palestinians and try to find a non violent solution to the conflict.
The Shabac is trying to silence Fahima, a brave young woman who decided to check by herself what are the conditions in the Jenin refugee camp that cause Palestinians to act against Israel. She met there ordinary people who want to live a life of freedom and dignity.
This political persecution which is a famous method in non democratic regimes is spreading – only this week a poet from Beer-Sheva who wrote a poem for Tali was investigated by the Shabac.
We call upon the court to take its role and expose the truth – that the Shabac is determined to convict Fahima because of her political views.
Please contact: Adi Dagan, spokeswoman, Coalition of Women for Peace, 052-3575526



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Confused about the concept

27.12.2004 18:21

Fuzzy thinking about "democracy"? Thinking that "democracy" means all sorts of things that it doesn't?

Democracy is any of a number of variants of a decision making process which may be used by groups or even whole societies. We call a group or a society "democratic" if it uses one of these variants INTERNALLY. Whether or not the group or society takes into account interests of those outside the group or society is irrelevant.

Democracy does not guarantee that the people of the group or society will make "good", "just", "fair", "wise", etc. etc. etc. decisions. All it guarantees is that the process is determined by what these people want and/or decide is good in THEIR eyes. Not by some absolute standard of truth and certainly not by what is good in YOUR eyes.

This is not to say that "democracy" is a bad system. Alternatives are not free of the faults of democracy and have additional warts besides. But it is really silly to imply a society is "not democratic" because the decisions it makes are not to your liking.

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