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Yes, Kerry Won.

observer | 26.12.2004 15:57 | Analysis | Social Struggles

If you haven't been following John Kerry closely, get ready to hear of surprising developments. The vote-defrauded, potential president-in-waiting has just indicated through his lawyer that the validity of George Bush's reelection is no longer a given.

See Here:
And Here:



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29.12.2004 15:48

When will people stop flogging a dead horse?

Forget stolen votes. If Kerry couldn't get 99% against George W Bush then he deserved to loose.

Why would people reward Kerry with an election victory when he offerd them nothing different to Bush?

People that supported the Kerry candidacy need to look reality in the face for the first time and think hard about why their strategy to remove Bush failed so badly.

Are you listening Michael Moore?


Hold on a minute...

29.12.2004 23:28

If Kerry won more votes than Bush in Ohio, then he won the election - that simple. 99% or not, the elction is supposed to go to the winner, not the cheat. Whatever you say about Bush, he clearly does appeal to an awful lot of people, and if you want to uphold democracy and fairness, the matter of each vote being counted is crucial. You can't just say "well Kerry was no different." Clearly he IS different. Not ideal, obviously. But if Kerry fairly won the election, he should be president. It's not flogging a dead horse, it's trying to make sure people's votes are counted, and that their voices are heard. Got any better ideas? Let's hear them.


Philip Hucknall

Please explain

31.12.2004 09:49

Hi Phil

I’d like to give you this opportunity to explain how Kerry is different to Bush. You left that out of your post :-)

I think the “anyone but Bush” strategy that you subscribe to is the negation of democracy. Because it accepts, completely, that the only choice is between identical candidates.

If the energy that was wasted by much of the American Left who broke ranks and backed Kerry was thrown behind candidates that challenged this farce it would do more to advance democracy than a hundred recounts or a thousand Democratic victories.


Please explain

31.12.2004 09:49

Hi Phil

I’d like to give you this opportunity to explain how Kerry is different to Bush. You left that out of your post :-)

I think the “anyone but Bush” strategy that you subscribe to is the negation of democracy. Because it accepts, completely, that the only choice is between identical candidates.

If the energy that was wasted by much of the American Left who broke ranks and backed Kerry was thrown behind candidates that challenged this farce it would do more to advance democracy than a hundred recounts or a thousand Democratic victories.
