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Call centers don't pay ..... | 23.12.2004 18:47 | Social Struggles

The callcenter Consatis GmbH in Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany (Tempelhofer Ufer 11, 10963) employs mainly English speaking foreign workers living in Berlin. The pay and conditions have steadily worsened and now employees must wait for up to 5 months for payment.

Consatis don’t pay!

The callcenter Consatis GmbH in Kreuzberg, Berlin (Tempelhofer Ufer 11, 10963) employs mainly English speaking foreign workers living in Berlin. The pay and conditions have steadily worsened and now employees must wait for up to 5 months for payment. Like in many call centers, we are only paid after we have written, called or repeatedly „asked“ for our money. This time we are asking you all for help!

Enough is enough: we, a group of ex- and current call center workers, are fed up of waiting for the money we have worked for. We call on you, to write or call the manager of the call center, demanding he pay us on time!

Support us in any way you can!

The manager’s address:

Consatis GmbH
Tempelhofer Ufer 11
10963 Berlin

fax ++ 49 (0)30 / 25930732
Tel: ++49 (0) 30 / 48493036

If possible, please send a copy of your mail to us:
- e-mail:


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I wrote this. It's a bit silly but, whatever...

24.12.2004 17:43

From: "Charles Dickens"
To: "Ebenezer Scrooge"

(you can put what you like in speech marks if you then put the address in )

Subject: You know what to do next, don't you...

OK, it's Christmas time, it's the season of good will and generosity and peace to our fellow human beings...



Go on, you KNOW it makes sense.

They work damn hard to make you rich. The least you could do is actually give them some fucking money.

I read about you in the news. All I can see is that I hope you have a change of heart and decide to pay your workers their wages. Maybe one day the law will catch up with you...

Have a Happy Christmas!

"Charles Dickens"

Consatis are rip off artists who take the piss

18.06.2007 21:33

Way, way back in November I worked for our dear Consatis. It is now, oh, June, and the bastards still have not paid the 680 euros they owe me. I have called them many times, I have emailed them too. I have even been promised a transfer of 100 euros which did not happen. I feel sick and angry that these people can get away with this. I am sick and angry that a lot of employers use people in this and other ways.
